Librera Reader is an e-book reader for Android devices;



Librera Reader

Librera Reader is an e-book reader for Android devices; it supports the following formats: PDF, EPUB, EPUB3, MOBI, DjVu, FB2, TXT, RTF, AZW, AZW3, HTML, CBZ, CBR, DOC, DOCX, and OPDS Catalogs


FAQ: Read

Android Play Market Apps:


Librera PRO

Application Fonts ( download to internal sd card, to [Downloads] folder) link


Telegram Download Beta apk

Beta .apk (latest build)

Required build libs

mesa-common-dev libxcursor-dev libxrandr-dev libxinerama-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libxi-dev pkg-config

You also need the Android NDK in version 20+ Please ensure to download it using android studio and add the NDK to your PATH.

Create a keystore

Even if you do not plan to upload a version yourself you need a keystore with a certificate to build. The keystore needs to be in PKCS12 format. You can create a keystore in your actual directory using the following call (replace ALIAS by your alias, it is just a name):

keytool -genkey -v -storetype PKCS12 -keystore keystore.pkcs12 -alias ALIAS -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

Now edit or create the file ~/.gradle/ and set following values (replacing PASSWD by the password you typed while creating the keystore, ALIAS as before and using the path to your keystore):


Create Firebase Authentication file

To build with firebase support (all version but the ones for Fdroid) you need to get an authentication file for firebase services offered by google. Therefore please follow to create your own project. You need to register for the packages and com.foobnix.pdf.reader.a1. This way you will get a google-services.json file that you have to place in the app folder of the repository.

For this project only Analytics is used, so a spakling plan is all you need.

Librera Build on MuPdf 1.11 (Default)

cd Builder
./ (Change the paths to mupdf and jniLibs folders)
./gradlew assembleLibrera

Librera Build on MuPdf 1.16.1 (Optional, alpha, F-Droid)

cd Builder
./gradlew assembleAlpha

Building for F-Droid

If you wish to build for F-Droid (e.g. not using google services) you can run the build with

cd Builder
./gradlew assembleFdroid

F-Droid build does also not need a google-services.json

Librera depends on:

MuPDF - (AGPL License)

  • ebookdroid
  • djvulibre
  • hpx
  • junrar
  • glide
  • libmobi
  • commons-compress
  • eventbus
  • greendao
  • jsoup
  • juniversalchardet
  • commons-compress
  • okhttp3
  • okhttp-digest
  • okio
  • rtfparserkit
  • java-mammoth
  • zip4j

Librera is distributed under the GPL


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (GPL v.3).

  • Feature request: contrast

    Feature request: contrast

    Greetings, some documents (especially scanned documents) may not be fully contrasted, ranging as images from light grey to darker grey instead of white to black. It would be nice to have a contrast enhancer, to render the pages flattening colours towards the extremities of black and white. Example curves: contrast

    This is especially useful on EPD displays, where you really have "light grey to dark grey" in reality - some contrast is lost because of the current hard limits of the technology...

    opened by m-dp 29
  • is it supportable for andorid studio ? error coming with json file missing

    is it supportable for andorid studio ? error coming with json file missing

    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    • What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:processAlphaDebugGoogleServices'.

    File google-services.json is missing. The Google Services Plugin cannot function without it.

    please help me.

    opened by Ramkesh9 17
  • Cover, title and author identical

    Cover, title and author identical

    My library consists of about 10k titles but somehow Librera repeats the same author, title and cover over and over and over. Tried on Beta 8.1.157 (play store) and on the PRO version (fdroid) on Android 5.1.1.

    If I can give more info, logs or screenshots, let me know.

    opened by pordini 17
  • TTS is broken

    TTS is broken

    I'm on Android 12. TTS works perfectly on my older Android 6 device.

    Version: 8.5.45-fdroid

    Details: in the 'TTS Settings' tab, 'Voice' only shows the trashy TTS engine bundled with my system, even though I have already installed Google TTS and made it default. So I disabled the system TTS package with adb. But now 'Voice' only displays --- ---. When I tap the 'play' icon, I am asked to install the Google Speech Service app, which I've installed.

    opened by Crissium 16
  • Double page mode, landscape horizontal scrolling

    Double page mode, landscape horizontal scrolling

    Dear Ivan, I use and love your product since the dawn of Android, and I have been always recommending it as the foremost. I am currently using an Onyx Boox Max Carta, 13.3'' ElectroPhoretic display Android 4.0.4 - it is roughly an A4, but 4:3 instead of √2:1. Devices are starting to appear that have a screen real estate that make you wish to view PDF documents in landscape mode, horizontal scrolling. (I believe that at some point in time you implemented something similar, a "magazine mode"?) You start with page 1 on the left and you scroll towards the right up to the last page. I downloaded the Lirbi GIT repository to see if I can implement the feature. But of course it is more sensible if I first of all propose it as a feature request. Please let me know what you think; if I manage to obtain good code I will submit it.

    opened by m-dp 15
  • SVG image equations not being correctly displayed in Epubs

    SVG image equations not being correctly displayed in Epubs

    Hi. Thanks so much for creating this application. I have purchased the Librera pro as it is easily the best ebook reader I have found on Android (and I have tried many others such as moonreader etc.).

    I however am encountering an issue regarding certain equations (formatted as svg images in epub ebooks I am reading) being displayed incorrectly. I have attached the book in question I am having issues with, and also include the following screenshot highlighting the images which aren't being rendered correctly:

    image In the screenshot there are three images, which should contain three different equations. Below is how the equations should be displayed (using calibre on my computer):

    image I think this is actually an issue with the way svgs are being displayed by librera as I have found the corresponding svg image files for the equations in the pub archive file.

    Link to the epub (I could not attach it to this issue as github doesn't allow for epubs to be uploaded for some reason):

    If you would like to find the part of the ebook containing these which I am referencing, you can search for the following text: "Derivatives are not always linear, convex, or concave across all" which occurs just before the above equations.

    It would be so awesome if you could fix this issue as I have so many books I'd love to read using librera which contain such equations, and which I currently can not. Most equations in most books I read are displayed in a similarly problematic manner to the above. Would mean a lot.

    Thanks for looking into this :)


    opened by distbit0 11
  • Exclude junrar from fdroid flavor

    Exclude junrar from fdroid flavor

    Could you please exclude junrar from fdroid flavor? It's not licensed under an FOSS license. See Thanks!

    opened by linsui 10
  • Text to speech is playing dumb.

    Text to speech is playing dumb.

    When using text to speech feature, there are multiple issues:

    1. It does not start from the current displayed page/text/paragraph (except obviously when starting from the beginning of the book)
    2. While speaking, it repeats entire page of text (narration doesn't make any sense anymore, it can repeat something that's 10 page earlier, then some part that are "in the future")
    3. There is no feedback about where it is. Ideally, it should overlay, invert, put a dot, or some visual clues about what's being pronounced. This way, it's easy to figure out when it's "restarting" from, instead of trying to outpace while reading the text.

    I've tried to use both advanced mode and simple mode with the same result. I'm using the latest beta downloaded today.

    opened by X-Ryl669 8
  •  Better customization of the grid of books (consolidated proposal)

    Better customization of the grid of books (consolidated proposal)

    NOTE: heavily edited, last edits in the night between Sat 2 and Sun 3 Sep.

    Browsing the documents, one can currently use a grid view of the books; it is configured through parameters "Cover image size" and "Column count". The text (title, filename etc.) is placed below the book cover image.

    Problem: if the cover size is small, the strings below are too short, but if the cover is large, and the text is long, few documents per screen are visible.

    Proposal: to have a more compact grid view, which allows to see more books per screen:

    • another "view mode" named something like 'Compact' alongside with 'List', 'Grid' and 'Cover' is added to the relevant pop-up menu;
    • if the "compact mode" is on, then "Cover image size" is irrelevant: the book cover image is set to dimensions based on 80dip (80x120 ?);
    • "Column count" decides the number of columns;
    • The text - the filename only - is placed to the right of the book cover image;
    • At least the "starred" and "menu" icons are below the filename.

    Below is an example, using "Column count" = 4:


    opened by m-dp 8
  • Accept custom size from EPUB

    Accept custom size from EPUB

    The Manual of the Phonetic Symbol of Mandarin Chinese is published in EPUB, which has customized font size and image size. However Librera does not accept them. It would be nice to have an option to let the document load in its own font size and image size.

    This is available here:

    opened by KrasnayaPloshchad 7
  • No Network Tab

    No Network Tab

    I apologize if there is a simple answer to this.

    I'm trying to add an OPDS feed. I've seen that Librera implements this in the Network tab. However, no matter what version I install on my phone, the Network tab is not there. It isn't in the list of tabs in the preferences either.

    I've installed from F-Droid and Google Play (both regular and Pro) and the apk from the releases here. Nothing.

    Is there a setting I'm missing somewhere that enables it?

    Thanks for any help.

    opened by tonydero 7
  • Add the ability to rename files

    Add the ability to rename files

    In the current version of the application, only the following items are available in the context menu of files:

    Edit Open with Send file Delete Copy Remove from Library Add tags Add to playlist Reset progress File info

    That is, in order to change the file name of a document, you must switch to the file manager, find the file, rename it, return to Librera Reader, and update the library, making sure that the file is displayed with the changed name. It's a very long way.

    opened by Korb 0
  • Sort Tags alphabetically

    Sort Tags alphabetically

    There's no way Tag list can be sorted alphabetically.

    I tried to delete all the tags and tried to insert it in reverse order, but somehow the tags are messed up.

    Unable to delete the tags either when I'm importing my old settings. I can see the tags (even though I pressed on cross) but when I try to add tags to the individual books, then I don't see the tags. So much chaos lol.

    opened by alittlebitofit 0
  • headphones disconnect playback issue

    headphones disconnect playback issue

    When headphones are disconnected from the device the tts still continues on the app. Please have it pause when device disconnected to avoid awkward public noise.

    opened by momoe 0
  • background textures block text display

    background textures block text display

    Librera background textures are set over the text which is obscuring any displayed reading if the alpha is set to any high level.

    Please change the layer order so textures can be correctly applied

    opened by momoe 0
  • Blank pages after some time in PDFs

    Blank pages after some time in PDFs

    In many PDFs with graphical content (scanned docs) I get a blank screen after some pages. Usually about 5-10, seems to depend on the file. Then I have to close the file and reopen it.

    opened by hurzl 0
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