


Easy Android Animations is an animation library that aims to make android animations easier, with 50+ builtin animations, it allows you to introduce many complex animation effects in your application with one or two lines of code.


Demo Video


Download Demo APK


Including In Your Project

You can include the library directly in your Gradle project:

  • Add the following to your build.gradle:
repositories {
       maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }

dependencies {
       compile 'com.github.2359media:EasyAndroidAnimations:0.8'

You can download this jar file and include it in your project, otherwise you can download the source code and customize it according to your need.

Code Samples

See Animation_demo/ folder for a working implementation of this library.

  1. For example, if you wanted a view to mimic the bounce animation with the default parameters,
  new BounceAnimation(yourView).animate();
  1. If you wanted to use your own parameters instead of the default ones,
  new BounceAnimation(yourView)
  1. Here's another example of mimicking the explode animation with your own parameters as well as the addition of an animation listener.
  new ExplodeAnimation(yourView)
    .setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator())
    .setListener(new AnimationListener() {
      public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) {
        *perform your own functions here when animation ends*
  1. It is also possible to play several animations in parallel using the ParallelAnimator class. The following example scales in a view and flips it horizontally at the same time.
  new ParallelAnimator()
    .add(new ScaleInAnimation(yourView))
    .add(new FlipHorizontalAnimation(yourView))

Coding Robos

Umair Vatao, Nee Si Yao, Phu Tang

  • Android Manifest build error

    Android Manifest build error

    When i follow the guide to include the project, it builds with error:

    Error:(33, 9) Attribute application@theme value=(@style/Theme.MyAppTheme) from AndroidManifest.xml:33:9 Error:(33, 9) Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugManifest'.

    Manifest merger failed : Attribute application@theme value=(@style/Theme.MyAppTheme) from AndroidManifest.xml:33:9 is also present at com.github.2359media:EasyAndroidAnimations:0.8:15:9 value=(@style/AppTheme) Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:theme"' to element at AndroidManifest.xml:28:5 to override

    adding 'tools:replace="android:theme" would not work

    opened by ngheungyu 4
  • License?


    There is no license associated to this library, so it can not be used in practice. Can you add an Apache 2.0 or MIT license plus a copyright line to allow usage and referencing? Thanks!

    opened by jrgonzalezg 3
  • Added gradle build file

    Added gradle build file

    So that the library can be built from command line and on JitPack.io. For example, this is how it looks once built: https://jitpack.io/#jitpack-io/EasyAndroidAnimations/1.0

    The great thing is that once its on JitPack it can easily be included in other gradle builds.

    opened by jitpack-io 2
  • Animate view below another view

    Animate view below another view

    Hi, I using this library to animate an exit of a horizontal progress bar. The current structure of the layout is a toolbar at the top of the screen, below it, I have a fragment container. When playing the exit animation, the view animated exits on top of the toolbar. My goal is to animate the exit of progress bar below the toolbar/not taking into consideration the space of screen that the toolbar takes. Any suggestions?

    opened by royhenengel 1
  • Restart Animation By Clicking

    Restart Animation By Clicking

    Hello, I added code to the demo that would allow users to reset animations that couldn't be replayed by tapping on the screen. This way small device users wont have to go back in order to replay an animation.

    This was done by refactoring some of the onCreate code into a new "setUpById" method. This method is called in order to reset the original positions of the images that were animated. The FrameLayout containing all the Imageviews was given an Onclick method to call this setUpById method when the users want to replay an animation. An "isFinished" boolean determines whether or not the animation that can't be reset is completed or not.

    Unfortunately, only transferAnimation does not replay when tapped

    opened by tiensi 1
  • Removed redundant resources and app config

    Removed redundant resources and app config

    Allow backup configuration in library manifest conflicts with configuration in app, in which it's used. And theme config, setting default application theme, overrides app-specific style in some cases. Also that resources were not used in any way by library.

    opened by m-radzikowski 0
  • Problem with Andorid API 7.0

    Problem with Andorid API 7.0

    I have a problem while animate simple panel from right to left it animate correctly but just one time only, after try to do it again and again nothing happen. this is just with android API 7.0. before this every thing work perfectly.

    opened by AhmadHegazy 2
  • How to set `RepeatMode` and `RepeatCount`

    How to set `RepeatMode` and `RepeatCount`

    How can I repeat an animation Infinite times or set the repeat mode to Inverse. Like we do

    Animation anim = new AlphaAnimation(0.0f, 1.0f);
    opened by ahmadalibaloch 0
  • How get translation float

    How get translation float

    I'm using SlideOutUnderneathAnimation but I want to know how get translation for reduce height of its container and when show, expand height too. Thanks.

    opened by juanlabrador 0
  • FlipToHorizontal Animation

    FlipToHorizontal Animation

    When i am using FlipToHorizontal Animation inside Scroll view it overlaps header and all view which i added inside Scroll view are goes out of its parent. Is there any limitation of this animation that we cant use it inside scroll view . Or may be a solution ..

    opened by ashub7 2
  • 0.8(Apr 23, 2015)

2359 Media
2359 Media