Home / Android Tools
82 Repositories
AndResGuard Read this in other languages: English, 简体中文. AndResGuard is a tooling for reducing your apk size, it works like the ProGuard for Java sour
Uber Apk Signer A tool that helps signing, zip aligning and verifying multiple Android application packages (APKs) with either debug or provided relea
WIFI ADB There are two projects in the repository. The first one is an android project,and the second is an intellij plugin project. You can see more
AdaptiveTableLayout Welcome the new CSV Library AdaptiveTableLayout for Android by Cleveroad Pay your attention to our new library that makes it possi
Scalpel DEPRECATED! Android Studio 4.0's layout inspector now includes a live-updating 3D view. Use it! A surgical debugging tool to uncover the layer
AndroidHttpCapture网络诊断工具 是一款针对于移动流量劫持而开发的手机抓包软件,可以当作是Android版的‘Fiddler’ 主要功能包括:手机端抓包、PING/DNS/TraceRoute诊断、抓包HAR数据上传分享 使用前请确保手机HTTP代理的关闭 Demo APK下载 点击
Freeline Freeline is a super fast build tool for Android and an alternative to Instant Run. Caching reusable class files and resource indices, it enab
Taskbar puts a start menu and recent apps tray on top of your screen that's accessible at any time, increasing your productivity and turning your Andr
usb-serial-for-android This is a driver library for communication with Arduinos and other USB serial hardware on Android, using the Android USB Host M
VectAlign VectAlign (a.k.a. VectorDrawableAlign) is a developer's tool which automagically aligns two VectorDrawable "pathData" strings (or SVG images
metriql metriql lets you define your business metrics and share them across different data tools. It uses dbt for the transformation layer and integra
svg2android [Deprecated - use official Vector Asset Studio directly from Android Studio] Convert SVG to Android VectorDrawable XML resource file. Extr
ProMosaic Make mosaic for image on android. Features Select Mode Follow finger Select rectangle Effect Mode Grid color based on original image Blur Im
RocketXPlugin 本插件自动识别未改动 module 并在编译流程中替换为 aar ,只编译改动模块,加速 Android 项目的编译速度。让你体验到所有模块都是 aar 的速度,又能保留所有的 module 便于修改,完美! English Document 编译速度对比 AGP 版本兼
GitHub OSChina 中文 English Genius-Android Genius-Android: by Material Design style and some commonly used packages. Starting in 2015, The divided into
Maven Android SDK Deployer Original author including numerous fixes and changes: Manfred Moser manfred@simpligility.com at simpligility technologies i
最强Android 打包插件,支持fir,蒲公英上传, 360加固 ,自动生成二维码
OSMTracker for Android™ official source code repository is https://github.com/labexp/osmtracker-android. For more information about the project, docum
Countly Android SDK We're hiring: Countly is looking for Android SDK developers, full stack devs, devops and growth hackers (remote work). Click this
Density Image Converter Tool for Android, iOS, Windows and CSS This is a powerful little tool that helps converting single or batches of images to And
SimpleWalker 知乎 Android 团队使用的 Java 库静态代码检查工具,支持目录、.zip、.aar 格式,可通过配置文件添加检查策略。 主要用于检查 Android 应用的三方依赖是否有调用隐私接口。 使用方法 项目工程中 release/ 目录下是最新版本的可执行文件,help
Automated Build Android With Using Github Action Project Github Action Script Us
android-resource-remover android-resource-remover is utility that removes unused resources reported by Android Lint from your project. The goal is to
Latest Version March 25, 2021 - v5.8.8 Table of Contents Quick Start Guide Installation Integration I want to know more! Want to Contribute? Changelog
release-android-library 🚨 Deprecated 🚨 This script is deprecated in favour of: novoda/bintray-release Remote script to create a maven compatible rel
PDFCreatorAndroid Simple library to generate and view PDF in Android A simple library to create and view PDF with zero dependency Or native code. Add
A set of tools geared towards making Dynamic Delivery universally available, regardless of underlying App Store / distribution platform, while also providing a single unified Android client API and a streamlined developer experience.
Android渠道打包工具Gradle插件 渠道包数量很多(如100个以上),对打包速度有要求的建议使用新版极速打包工具 Packer-Ng,100个渠道包只需10秒。 最新版本 2014.12.20 发布1.0.0版,支持渠道打包和版本号自增等功能 2014.12.24 发布1.0.1版,完善ma
alfi Android Library Finder Search through thousands of android libraries that can help you scale your projects elegantly Usage Search for something a
Android Material Shadow Generator Android icons with that loooong material shadow for everyone! FAQ Invalid custom SVG file Here are some common cause
#Android Localizationer This is a Android Studio/ IntelliJ IDEA plugin to localize your Android app, translate your string resources automactically. T
DevTools for Android Chrome — works on any website, on any Chromium browser.
super-adb 用busybox加持的功能更加强大的adb shell;不需要root。 使用方法 准备工作 安装 python,注意选择安装python 2.x 安装pexpect这个python库: pip install pexpect 下载super_adb,把它放到系统路径 cp su
scrollscreenshot Make Android screenshots of scrollable screen content - brought to you by PGS Software SA This tool makes a number of screenshots, sc
Index Features Example Introduce Architecture Installation Configure Using Screen Mapper Initialization Implementation Delegate Parameters ATEventPara
A set of Android tools that facilitate apps development Well, this repo contains pretty much code used internally at Stanfy to develop Android apps. S
A tool to activate FinalShell
CleverTap Android SDKs 👋 Introduction (Back to top) The CleverTap Android SDK for Mobile Customer Engagement and Analytics solutions CleverTap brings
SVG2Drawable Use a jar executable to create a Drawable class to display a SVG on Android. This is a standalone library, not a Runtime Android library.
gifcap A shell script to record GIFs from your Android devices A picture is worth 1,000 words - and, when prototyping animations, recording visual gli
Let Annotation based simple API flavoured with AOP to handle new Android runtime permission model. If you check Google's Samples about the new permiss
Probe Dissect layout traversals on Android. Features Intercept View methods. onMeasure(int, int) onLayout(boolean, int, int, int, int) draw(Canvas) an
Android - Rapid Test Driven Development Combine tools to generate most of the boilerplate code. Examples how to test different aspects of an android a
Using Java 7 & 8 Features on Android Feeling like you're stuck in 2006 while developing apps and libraries for Android? Don't worry, you're not alone.
dex-method-counts Simple tool to output per-package method counts in an Android DEX executable grouped by package, to aid in getting under the 65,536
Uber Adb Tools for Android A simple tool that makes it more convenient to install, uninstall and creating bug reports and more for multiple apps on mu
Simos Tools Makes use of the Macchina-A0 BLEISOTP bridge firmware originally developed by bri3d to log Simo ECUs: https://github.com/Switchleg1/esp32-
Layout-to-Image Android Layout Xml File Containing any Parent Layout (Relative Layout, Linear Layout etc) to Image Screenshot of Sample Application Qu
Fakeit This library is a port of the Ruby gem Faker. It generates realistic fake data — like names, emails, dates, countries — for a variety of scenar
LeoCardz Link Preview for Android It makes a preview from an url, grabbing all the information such as title, relevant texts and images. Visual Exampl
USB Device Info Android 3.1 introduced USB host mode which allows the user to plug USB devices to your Android tablet in the same way as a Desktop PC