A set of Android tools that facilitate apps development

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Tools enroscar


A set of Android tools that facilitate apps development

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Well, this repo contains pretty much code used internally at Stanfy to develop Android apps. Some parts lack documentation and are outdated, we are working on this problem. Currently we have 2 components that are definitely worth to check out now:

  • Goro - a generic tool for organizing asynchronous tasks in queues and Android service
  • Enroscar Async - a library that helps to put any asynchronous operation behind Android Loader and integrate it with RxJava.

Project Async2014 demonstrates how they can be used.


 Copyright 2011-2014 Stanfy Corp.

 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 You may obtain a copy of the License at


 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.
  • Cancel Async on Loader reset

    Cancel Async on Loader reset

    When resetting the Loader, we must free all the resources and wait for next startLoading call to start working again.

    Would fix https://github.com/stanfy/enroscar/issues/60

    bug async 
    opened by Vandalko 5
  • Update Gradle plugin and Robolectric tests

    Update Gradle plugin and Robolectric tests

    • Update Gradle plugin and Robolectric tests
      • Reflection-based tests didn't survive
      • ImageRequestTest.shouldCacheImages() does not pass for some strange reason
    • Remove strict ui-net dependency
    • Enable Docker-Travis integration http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/workers/container-based-infrastructure/
    opened by Vandalko 4
  • async library redesign

    async library redesign

    /cc @lampapos

    Take a look at AsyncUserActivity.


    class Operations { // may be even an activity or fragment
      @Load Async<List<OrderItem>> orderItems() {
        return implementation;
      @Send Async<OrderSubmissionResult> submitOrder() {
        return implementation;
    void onCreate() {
      // ...
      // generated class
      OperationsOperator operator = OperationsOperator.build()
          .operations(new Operations())
          .doOnResult((List<OrderItem> items) -> { /* Display them. */ })
          .doOnError((Throwable e) -> { /* whatever */ })
        .doOnResult({ /* Remove that annoying progress bar. */ });
      submitButton.setOnClickListener({ operator.submitOrder(); });
    opened by roman-mazur 3
  • Move 'images' dependency from 'ui' module to 'assist'

    Move 'images' dependency from 'ui' module to 'assist'

    CrucialGUIOperationManager has no direct reference to the ImagesManager now - ImagesManagerCrucialGUIOperationListener located in assist module, just registers itself as regular listener and implements the behavior removed from ui module

    opened by Vandalko 1
  • Extracted DefaultBeansManager configuration to a separate method

    Extracted DefaultBeansManager configuration to a separate method

    By using DefaultBeansManager you always have to pray Lord that nobody had called BeansManager.get(ctx) before you.

    Whole configuration thing is fully static and not depends on context so let's allow users to call BeansManager manually.

    opened by Vandalko 1
  • Enable multi-variant publishing

    Enable multi-variant publishing

    Javadoc, sources and plain Jar is packaged from default variant. AFAIK, Android Studio can't resolve sources for AAR dependencies, but can decompile classes.

    opened by Vandalko 0
  • Verbose image loading error logs

    Verbose image loading error logs

    ImageManager simply eats all helpful error messages so you have no clue why your image hadn't load.

    Real life example which gives you nothing:

    enroscar.ImagesManagerProcess url content://com.example/brandpack/restaurant_logo/snoac_st
    enroscar.ImagesManagerNot in mem content://com.example/brandpack/restaurant_logo/snoac_st
    enroscar.ImagesManagerSet loading for content://com.example/brandpack/restaurant_logo/snoac_st!160x160
    enroscar.ImagesManagerKey content://com.example/brandpack/restaurant_logo/snoac_st!160x160
    enroscar.ImagesManagerCurrent loaders count: 1
    opened by Vandalko 0
  • Improve GRADLE build Performance

    Improve GRADLE build Performance

    Parallel builds. This project contains multiple modules. Parallel builds can improve the build speed by executing tasks in parallel. We can enable this feature by setting org.gradle.parallel=true.

    Configuration on demand. Configuration on demand tells Gradle to configure modules that only are relevant to the requested tasks instead of configuring all of them. We can enable this feature by setting org.gradle.configureondemand=true.

    gradle caching. Shared caches can reduce the number of tasks you need to execute by reusing outputs already generated elsewhere. This can significantly decrease build times. We can enable this feature by setting org.gradle.caching=true.

    Gradle daemon. The Daemon is a long-lived process that help to avoid the cost of JVM startup for every build. Since Gradle 3.0, Gradle daemon is enabled by default. For an older version, you should enable it by setting org.gradle.daemon=true.

    ===================== If there are any inappropriate modifications in this PR, please give me a reply and I will change them.

    opened by hongdongni 0
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