A tool to install components of the Android SDK into a Maven repository or repository manager to use with the Android Maven Plugin, Gradle and other tools.


Maven Android SDK Deployer

Build Status

Original author including numerous fixes and changes:

Manfred Moser manfred@simpligility.com at simpligility technologies inc

Project maintainers:

Contributors (historical order..):

The Maven Android SDK Deployer is a helper maven project that can be used to install the libraries necessary to build Android applications with Maven and the Android Maven Plugin directly from your local Android SDK installation.

The dependencies can also be used from other build tools such as Gradle, Ant/Ivy or SBT.

ATTENTION! Currently some android.jar artifacts are available in Maven central and unless you use maps or usb related dependencies, android 3.0+, the compatibility library jar files or insist on using the original jar files from the local SDK install, you might not need this tool anymore.

You will however need this tool to access the latest Android 4.2 release or to work around bugs like missing JSON libraries in some older artifacts deployed to Maven central. If you use this tool make sure your dependencies are as documented here.

The android.jar artifacts in Maven central are available with the groupId com.google.android, whereas this tool uses groupId android to avoid overlap.

How to Use

Download the latest Android SDK from http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html following the instructions there.

Apache Maven 3.1.1 or higher is required!

  • For the default usage of the deployer install all platforms and add-on apis, ensure that all folder in the platforms folder have names like android-3, android-4 and so on.

  • If you find names using the platform version (e.g. 15) in the folder name reinstall that platform from the android tool.

  • In a similar manner the folder names in add-ons have to use the pattern addon-google_apis-google-3 up to addon-google_apis-google-15.

  • If the folder names are different reinstall the add-ons as well

Set up the environment variable ANDROID_HOME to contain the absolute folder you just installed the SDK to (e.g. under bash: export ANDROID_HOME=/opt/android_sdk_linux) and ensure that the folder for ANDROID_HOME and all files within are readable by the current user

Run the command

mvn install

in the root folder of this project (same as README you are just reading) to install all platforms and add-on apis

To install only a certain sdk level use

mvn install -P 2.1
mvn install -P 2.2
mvn install -P 2.3.3
mvn install -P 3.0
mvn install -P 3.1
mvn install -P 3.2
mvn install -P 4.0
mvn install -P 4.0.3
mvn install -P 4.1
mvn install -P 4.2
mvn install -P 4.3
mvn install -P 4.4
mvn install -P 4.4W
mvn install -P 5.0
mvn install -P 5.1
mvn install -P 6.0
mvn install -P 7.0
mvn install -P 7.1
mvn install -P 8.0
mvn install -P 8.1
mvn install -P 9.0
mvn install -P MNC

As a result you should find the android.jar and maps.jar and a number of other libraries in your users local repository (~/.m2/repository/) and you can therefore use the following dependencies in your project

For the core platforms providing the Android API use


with versions of


For the maps add ons use a dependency


with versions of 7_r1, 8_r2, 11_r1, 12_r1, 13_r1, 14_r2, 15_r2, 16_r3, 17_r3, 18_r3, 19_r10, 21_r1

For the usb add on


with versions of 10_r2, 12_r1, 13_r1, 14_r2, 15_r2, 16_r3, 17_r3, 18_r3, 19_r4, 21_r1

Android SDK Maven Repositories

The Maven repositories from the Android SDK for Google and Android are copied to the local repository or uploaded to a remote repository manager just like they are in the SDK and contain all components from these repositories. Currently they are in the package space com.android.support and com.google.android and present the preferred components for usage. Specifically the various compatibility and support libraries as Android Archives:


with versions 18.0.0, 19.0.0, 19.0.1, 19.1.0, 20.0.0, 21.0.0, 21.0.2, 21.0.3


with versions 21.0.0, 21.0.2, 21.0.3


with versions 13.0.0, 18.0.0, 19.0.0, 19.0.1, 19.1.0, 20.0.0, 21.0.0, 21.0.2, 21.0.3


with versions 21.0.0, 21.0.2, 21.0.3


with versions 18.0.0, 19.0.0, 19.0.1, 19.1.0, 20.0.0, 21.0.0, 21.0.2, 21.0.3


with versions 21.0.0, 21.0.2, 21.0.3


with versions 21.0.0, 21.0.2, 21.0.3


with versions 13.0.0, 18.0.0, 19.0.0, 19.0.1, 19.1.0, 20.0.0, 21.0.0, 21.0.2, 21.0.3


with versions 13.0.0, 18.0.0, 19.0.0, 19.0.1, 19.1.0, 20.0.0, 21.0.0, 21.0.2, 21.0.3

Besides the artifacts provided for the compatibility libraries from the Android SDK Maven Repositories the following are also provided. For the compatibility extra (ATTENTION! Do NOT use provided scope!!)



If you find that the above <dependency> fails due to conflicts, your project and it's dependencies may both depend on the compatibility extra. The first option is to add an <exclude> clause to each dependency that uses the library, as described here. This works with command line builds but it may not work with your IDE.

If you have problems with <exclude>, another option is to override the <groupid>, <artifactid>, and <version> properties used by the deployer to match Google's published library.

Then override support-v4 or support-v13 during installation:

mvn install -Dextras.compatibility.v4.groupid=com.google.android \
            -Dextras.compatibility.v4.artifactid=support-v4 \

mvn install -Dextras.compatibility.v13.groupid=com.google.android \
            -Dextras.compatibility.v13.artifactid=support-v13 \

In order to use v7 extra, both dependencies (apklib & jar) are needed



For the v7 appcompat library additional dependencies (apklib & jar) are required (Deprecated)



The v7 appcompat library an Android Archive dependency (aar) as provided by the Android SDK Google repository


with versions 18.

For the v7 gridlayout library additional dependencies (apklib & jar) are required (Deprecated)



For the v7 gridlayout library an additional dependency (aar) is required


For the v7 mediarouter library additional dependencies (apklib & jar) are required (Deprecated)



For the uiautomator jar


with versions 4.1.2_r4, 4.2.2_r2, 4.3_r2, 4.4.2_r3

For the Google Play Services extra (ATTENTION! Do NOT use provided scope!!) (Deprecated)


For the Google Play Services extra (ATTENTION! Do NOT use provided scope!!)


For the Google Play APK Expansion extra (ATTENTION! Do NOT use provided scope!!)


For the Google Play Licensing extra (ATTENTION! Do NOT use provided scope!!)


To install only a specific module use

mvn clean install -N

in any parent folder of the desired package and then the usual 1 mvn clean install

For example to install only the compatibility v4 extra you can do the following

mvn clean install -N
cd extras
mvn clean install -N
cd compatibility-v4
mvn clean install

Similar for only API level 12 add on use

mvn clean install -N
cd add-ons
mvn clean install -N
cd google-apis-12
mvn clean install

The same could be done with deploy

How To Use for Deploying Onto Remote Server

The above deployment works fine for one machine, but what if you need to supply a whole team of developers and a cluster of build machines with the artifacts? Then it is best to deploy to a repository manager like Sonatype Nexus.

As a condition you need to have a repository server used by all those machines and the following process will deploy to this server, which will in turn provide the artifacts to all the machines.

Edit the repo.url property in the pom.xml to point to the repository you want to publish to. The recommended practice is to have a separate repository for the Android components and expose it via a repository group. The repository needs to be in Maven 2 format and use a release policy (not snapshots). For repeated runs of the deployer, you need to ensure to allow redeployment into the specific repository. By default this is not the case for release repositories!

Then add a server with the credentials to your settings.xml.

      <username>your username</username>
      <password>your password</password>

Run the command

mvn deploy

in the root folder of this project (same as README you are just reading), you can also use the same profile options for the different api level. As a result you should find the artifact in the repository of your remote server

For more information about this stuff look at the documentation for the maven-deploy-plugin.


It is possible to create javadoc artifacts for the platforms where available in the sdk. To call it use

mvn clean install -Pall,with-javadoc

and the respective javadoc jars will be created and also installed. This also works for deployment to a repository server

mvn clean deploy -Pall,with-javadoc

Mailinglist - Questions

Please direct any questions to the community at the Maven Android Developers mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/maven-android-developers

Known problems

  • Platforms and Add on folder names changes in SDK

When updating an existing android sdk install the add-ons subfolder can sometimes be reused and their contents be updates so you could end up with e.g. the google maps-4r2 in a folder named google_apis-4_r01. To work around this just uninstall the affected add-on and reinstall it with the android sdk tool.

Similarly the platform specific folder used to be e.g. android-1.5 and is now android-3 using the api level as the numeric identifier. If your SDK install uses the old folder names for any platform simply reinstall that platform with the android tool.

In a similar manner the folder for the support libraries in the the sdk used to be compatibility and is now support

The Add ons used different folder names as well. The Maven Android SDK Deployer' is adapted to the lastet naming scheme. To do that yourself remove all "Google APIs by Google Inc" in the android SDK manager and install them again.

Similar problem occurs with the extras version identifier. If the folders naming is 100% allright and you receive the messages about not finding some artifacts - remove extras and reinstall them back. That's because Google changed the version identifier naming policy. For example for support extras it was 19, now it's 19.0.1


If you find any problems or would like to suggest a feature, please feel free to file an issue on github at http://github.com/mosabua/maven-android-sdk-deployer/issues

Potential todo items

  • add custom pom files for install/deploy that eg. define dependency from maps to android jar

  • maybe some sort of reporting of errors, failures and success as well

  • Fails to deploy

    Fails to deploy

    I've setup a Jenkins job to do the deployment using: -e -X -Dandroid.sdk.path=/usr/local/android -Drepo.id=playhaven-thirdparty -Drepo.url=https://nexus.betahaven.com/nexus/content/repositories/thirdparty clean deploy -Pall,with-javadoc

    It doesn't give any [ERROR]s or stack traces - it just fails...

    (clipped) [DEBUG] Using connector WagonRepositoryConnector with priority 0 for https://nexus.betahaven.com/nexus/content/repositories/thirdparty as deployment Uploading: https://nexus.betahaven.com/nexus/content/repositories/thirdparty/android/android/1.5_r4/android-1.5_r4.jar mojoStarted org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7(a) [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy-file (a) @ android-3 --- Uploading: https://nexus.betahaven.com/nexus/content/repositories/thirdparty/android/android/1.5_r4/android-1.5_r4.pom Uploaded: https://nexus.betahaven.com/nexus/content/repositories/thirdparty/android/android/1.5_r4/android-1.5_r4.pom (388 B at 0.8 KB/sec) mojoFailed org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7(a) projectFailed com.simpligility.android.sdk-deployer:android-3:2.1.0 sessionEnded [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Summary: [INFO] [INFO] Maven Android SDK Deployer ........................ SUCCESS [20.639s] [INFO] Android Platforms ................................. SUCCESS [12.916s] [INFO] Android Platform 1.5 API 3 ........................ FAILURE [18.882s] [INFO] Android Platform 1.6 API 4 ........................ SKIPPED (clipped)

    I know the credentials are OK because it puts a couple files in Nexus (the android-1.5_r4.pom for example). It does not upload any jars.

    Any thoughts?

    opened by malachid 27
  • Mediarouter 21.0.0-rc1 Failure to find com.android.support:appcompat-v7:jar:21.0.0-rc1

    Mediarouter 21.0.0-rc1 Failure to find com.android.support:appcompat-v7:jar:21.0.0-rc1

    I try add mediarouter dependency as (aar)


    And it fails because media router depends on appcompat without type=aar

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <project xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd" xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"

    so maven says Failure to find com.android.support:appcompat-v7:jar:21.0.0-rc1 because only aar deployed

    opened by zayass 21
  • Android 4.3 install broken

    Android 4.3 install broken

    mvn package -P 4.3

    Failed to execute goal on project compatibility-v7-mediarouter: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.simpligility.android.sdk-deployer:compatibility-v7-mediarouter:apklib:2.3.0: The following artifacts could not be resolved: android.support:compatibility-v7-appcompat:apklib:18, android.support:compatibility-v7-appcompat:jar:18: Failure to find android.support:compatibility-v7-appcompat:apklib:18 in http://repo1.maven.org/maven2 was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]

    I deleted the android sdk and downloaded everything again with android-sdk-macosx/tools/android update sdk --no-ui --obsolete --force

    Installing 4.3 always fails.

    opened by bootstraponline 21
  • Error installing 4.4

    Error installing 4.4

    I have correctly set my ANDROID_HOME variable:

    echo $ANDROID_HOME /home/ark/Android/sdk

    But, when I try to install 4.4 (mvn install -P 4.4) I get the following error:

    [INFO] Android Platform 4.4 API 19 ....................... FAILURE [ 0.170 s] ... [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:properties-maven-plugin:1.0-alpha-2:read-project-properties (default) on project android-19: Properties file not found: /home/ark/mobico/tools/maven-android-sdk-deployer/platforms/android-19/${env.ANDROID_HOME}/platforms/android-19/source.properties -> [Help 1]

    I have installed the API 19 with android sdk. Not sure why it fails, as it asks for a path that is not the SDK path.

    opened by jsandovalc 18
  • Properties file not found: /home/tom/opt/maven-android-sdk-deployer/platforms/android-12/${env.ANDROID_HOME}/platforms/android-12/source.properties

    Properties file not found: /home/tom/opt/maven-android-sdk-deployer/platforms/android-12/${env.ANDROID_HOME}/platforms/android-12/source.properties

    Running this: mvn install -P 3.1 and I get the above error.

    Current system: Ubuntu 11.04 32 bit.

    Things I've done / double checked:

    1. I've updated my android sdk: android update sdk -f -u -o
    2. I've also ensured that all my platforms directory are named android-3,android-4, etc.
    3. ANDROID_HOME is /home/tom/opt/android-sdk-linux

    Any tips/pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    Error in more detail: [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Build Order: [INFO] [INFO] Maven Android SDK Deployer [INFO] Android Platforms [INFO] Android Platform 3.1 API 12 [INFO] Android Add-Ons [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 3.1 API 12 [INFO] Android Extras [INFO] Android Compatibility Extra V4 [INFO] Android Compatibility Extra V13 [INFO]
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building Maven Android SDK Deployer 0.3.4 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install (default-install) @ maven-android-sdk-deployer --- [INFO] Installing /home/tom/opt/maven-android-sdk-deployer/pom.xml to /home/tom/.m2/repository/com/simpligility/android/sdk-deployer/maven-android-sdk-deployer/0.3.4/maven-android-sdk-deployer-0.3.4.pom [INFO]
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building Android Platforms 0.3.4 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install (default-install) @ android-platforms --- [INFO] Installing /home/tom/opt/maven-android-sdk-deployer/platforms/pom.xml to /home/tom/.m2/repository/com/simpligility/android/sdk-deployer/android-platforms/0.3.4/android-platforms-0.3.4.pom [INFO]
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building Android Platform 3.1 API 12 0.3.4 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] [INFO] --- properties-maven-plugin:1.0-alpha-2:read-project-properties (default) @ android-12 --- [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Summary: [INFO] [INFO] Maven Android SDK Deployer ........................ SUCCESS [0.640s] [INFO] Android Platforms ................................. SUCCESS [0.004s] [INFO] Android Platform 3.1 API 12 ....................... FAILURE [0.064s] [INFO] Android Add-Ons ................................... SKIPPED [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 3.1 API 12 ......... SKIPPED [INFO] Android Extras .................................... SKIPPED [INFO] Android Compatibility Extra V4 .................... SKIPPED [INFO] Android Compatibility Extra V13 ................... SKIPPED [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD FAILURE [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 0.939s [INFO] Finished at: Sun Aug 28 14:33:56 MDT 2011 [INFO] Final Memory: 3M/54M [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:properties-maven-plugin:1.0-alpha-2:read-project-properties (default) on project android-12: Properties file not found: /home/tom/opt/maven-android-sdk-deployer/platforms/android-12/${env.ANDROID_HOME}/platforms/android-12/source.properties -> [Help 1] [ERROR] [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch. [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging. [ERROR] [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles: [ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MojoExecutionException [ERROR] [ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command [ERROR] mvn -rf :android-12

    opened by topgenorth 17
  • compatibility-v7-gridlayout


    Hi, The compatibility-v7-gridlayout extra is not working for me. I've added the dependencies in my pom.xml as mentioned in the README, but when I run it on a android2.2 (api 8) device it crashes because it can't find GridLayout class.

    I was already wondering about the naming. When I mvn install the appcompat extra, this results in jar/apklib with "appcompat" in the name:

    [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install-file (jar-file) @ compatibility-v7-appcompat ---
    [INFO] Installing /home/erik/android-sdks/extras/android/support/v7/appcompat/libs/android-support-v7-appcompat.jar to /home/erik/.m2/repository/android/support/compatibility-v7-appcompat/18/compatibility-v7-appcompat-18.jar
    [INFO] Installing /home/erik/workspace/maven-android-sdk-deployer/extras/compatibility-v7-appcompat/target/support-appcompat-sources.jar to /home/erik/.m2/repository/android/support/compatibility-v7-appcompat/18/compatibility-v7-appcompat-18-sources.jar
    [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install-file (apklib-file) @ compatibility-v7-appcompat ---
    [INFO] Installing /home/erik/workspace/maven-android-sdk-deployer/extras/compatibility-v7-appcompat/target/compatibility-v7-appcompat-2.3.0.apklib to /home/erik/.m2/repository/android/support/compatibility-v7-appcompat/18/compatibility-v7-appcompat-18.apklib

    However when I do the same for the gridlayout extra, the resulting jar/apklib files do not include the phrase "gridlayout":

    [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install-file (jar-file) @ compatibility-v7-gridlayout ---
    [INFO] Installing /home/erik/android-sdks/extras/android/support/v7/gridlayout/libs/android-support-v7-gridlayout.jar to /home/erik/.m2/repository/android/support/compatibility-v7/18/compatibility-v7-18.jar
    [INFO] Installing /home/erik/workspace/maven-android-sdk-deployer/extras/compatibility-v7-gridlayout/target/support-sources.jar to /home/erik/.m2/repository/android/support/compatibility-v7/18/compatibility-v7-18-sources.jar
    [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install-file (apklib-file) @ compatibility-v7-gridlayout ---
    [INFO] Installing /home/erik/workspace/maven-android-sdk-deployer/extras/compatibility-v7-gridlayout/target/compatibility-v7-gridlayout-2.3.0.apklib to /home/erik/.m2/repository/android/support/compatibility-v7/18/compatibility-v7-18.apklib

    This is consistent with the dependencies listed in the README, so I doubt if this is related to my problem of not getting gridlayout to work though. Still, it seems a little quirky to me?

    Either way, it seems gridlayout extra is not currently working. Does anyone have any idea what I might be doing wrong? Thanks in advance, and also for making this stuff available!!

    To be complete I include the relevant section of my pom.xml below, note that my ${android.version} is currently 18:

    opened by tracts-root 16
  • Fail to deploy in mac

    Fail to deploy in mac

    [INFO] Maven Android SDK Deployer ........................ SUCCESS [0.164s] [INFO] Android Platforms ................................. SUCCESS [0.005s] [INFO] Android Platform 1.5 API 3 ........................ SUCCESS [0.084s] [INFO] Android Platform 1.6 API 4 ........................ SUCCESS [0.011s] [INFO] Android Platform 2.1 API 7 ........................ SUCCESS [0.012s] [INFO] Android Platform 2.2 API 8 ........................ SUCCESS [0.012s] [INFO] Android Platform 2.3.3 API 10 ..................... SUCCESS [0.012s] [INFO] Android Platform 3.0 API 11 ....................... SUCCESS [0.018s] [INFO] Android Platform 3.1 API 12 ....................... SUCCESS [0.012s] [INFO] Android Platform 3.2 API 13 ....................... SUCCESS [0.011s] [INFO] Android Platform 4.0 API 14 ....................... SUCCESS [0.014s] [INFO] Android Platform 4.0.3 API 15 ..................... SUCCESS [0.011s] [INFO] Android Platform 4.1 API 16 ....................... SUCCESS [0.016s] [INFO] Android Platform 4.2 API 17 ....................... SUCCESS [3.718s] [INFO] Android Platform 4.3 API 18 ....................... SUCCESS [2.465s] [INFO] Android Platform 4.4 API 19 ....................... SUCCESS [2.298s] [INFO] Android Add-Ons ................................... SUCCESS [0.004s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 1.5 API 3 (Maps) ... SUCCESS [0.010s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 1.6 API 4 (Maps) ... SUCCESS [0.013s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 2.1 API 7 (Maps) ... SUCCESS [0.007s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 2.2 API 8 (Maps) ... SUCCESS [0.007s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 2.3.3 API 10 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [0.010s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 3.0 API 11 (Maps) .. SUCCESS [0.007s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 3.1 API 12 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [0.011s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 3.2 API 13 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [0.010s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 4.0 API 14 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [0.010s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 4.0.3 API 15 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [0.010s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 4.1 API 16 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [0.014s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 4.2 API 17 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [0.011s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 4.3 API 18 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [0.010s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 4.4 API 19 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [0.035s] [INFO] Android Extras .................................... SUCCESS [0.004s] [INFO] Android Compatibility Extra V4 .................... SUCCESS [0.241s] [INFO] Android Compatibility Extra V7 Gridlayout Library . SUCCESS [2.486s] [INFO] Android Compatibility Extra V7 AppCompat Library .. SUCCESS [1.647s] [INFO] Android Compatibility Extra V7 Mediarouter Library SUCCESS [1.986s] [INFO] Android Compatibility Extra V13 ................... SUCCESS [0.082s] [INFO] Android Google Analytics Extra .................... SUCCESS [0.006s] [INFO] Android Google AdMob Ads Extra .................... SUCCESS [0.017s] [INFO] Android Google Cloud Messaging Library Extra Parent SUCCESS [0.004s] [INFO] Android Google Cloud Messaging Client Library Extra SUCCESS [0.006s] [INFO] Android Google Cloud Messaging Server Library Extra SUCCESS [0.006s] [INFO] Android Google Play Services Extra ................ SUCCESS [2.991s] [INFO] Android Google Play Licensing Extra ............... SUCCESS [1.137s] [INFO] Android Extras - Apk Expansion .................... SUCCESS [0.004s] [INFO] Android Google Play APK Expansion Extra - ZIP ..... SUCCESS [2.336s] [INFO] Android Google Play APK Expansion Extra - Downloader FAILURE [0.009s] [INFO] Android Tools ..................................... SKIPPED [INFO] Android Annotations ............................... SKIPPED [INFO] Repositories ...................................... SKIPPED [INFO] Google M2Repository ............................... SKIPPED [INFO] Android M2Repository .............................. SKIPPED [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD FAILURE [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 24.474s [INFO] Finished at: Wed Nov 06 10:00:27 IST 2013 [INFO] Final Memory: 30M/81M [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project play-apk-expansion-downloader: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.simpligility.android.sdk-deployer:play-apk-expansion-downloader:apklib:2.3.1: Failure to find com.google.android.licensing:play-licensing:apklib:2.0.0 in http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2 was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]

    opened by shanuka 15
  • ```deploy``` only works once (to Nexus at least)

    ```deploy``` only works once (to Nexus at least)

    mvn deploy first deploys the maven-android-sdk-deployer and then deploys the artifacts. If you try and run it again, eg because a new version of Android has come out, or you are attempting to deploy several distinct Android versions then all attempts after the first will fail because the maven-android-sdk-deployer already exists in the remote repo.

    Essentially the sdk-deployer (and its associated artifacts) shouldn't be deployed, only the Android artifacts. And ideally if an artifact already exists then it should skip it instead of failing the build.

    opened by william-ferguson-au 14
  • GCM SDK removed

    GCM SDK removed

    Google has removed the GCM SDK. Message from the Google Addon Repo: https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/addon.xml

    GCM library has been moved to Google Play Services (com.google.android.gms.gcm) and this standalone version is no longer supported


    opened by sjoe 11
  • fix wrong analytics sdk path

    fix wrong analytics sdk path

    I just downloaded both all the sdk extras and the deployer. When running mvn install it always failed at the analytics sdk. For me the path was analytics_sdk_v2 and not analytics_sdk.

    opened by gabrielittner 11
  • Changed packaging from pom/jar to apklib on google-play-services

    Changed packaging from pom/jar to apklib on google-play-services

    In revision 3 of the google-play-services the packaging was changed from jar to apklib to support the new Google Maps functionality. This commit updates the packaging.

    opened by nicstrong 11
  • anything happen to com.google.android.gms:google-play-services lately

    anything happen to com.google.android.gms:google-play-services lately

    I went to build today and found that the following artifact can no longer be resolved...


    after updating with the SDK manager and redeploying with this tool, i find that the artifact doesn't appear to exist anymore. Not sure what the replacement is or if my rig is broken

    opened by spyhunter99 10
  • I need com.android.support:design:23.0.1

    I need com.android.support:design:23.0.1

    I use the maven android sdk deployer with travis ci to get my maven android support libraries.

    The design support lib is missing in the projects list. Can it be incuded ?

    Thank you for you help, libe.

    opened by libetl 5
  • Mediarouter V7 aapt failure

    Mediarouter V7 aapt failure

    I am getting a failure from aapt on the mediaroute at the moment.

    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building Android Compatibility Extra V7 Mediarouter Library 2.7.0 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.3.1:enforce (enforce-maven) @ compatibility-v7-mediarouter --- [INFO] [INFO] --- properties-maven-plugin:1.0-alpha-2:read-project-properties (default) @ compatibility-v7-mediarouter --- [INFO] [INFO] --- android-maven-plugin:4.0.0:generate-sources (default-generate-sources) @ compatibility-v7-mediarouter --- [INFO] Extracting libs [INFO] Extracting apklib compatibility-v7-appcompat... [INFO] Generating R file for com.simpligility.android.sdk-deployer:compatibility-v7-mediarouter:apklib:2.7.0 [INFO] /Volumes/lin-data/tools/android-sdk-mac_86/extras/android/support/v7/mediarouter/res/layout/mr_media_route_controller_material_dialog_b.xml:36: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '?attr/selectableItemBackgroundBorderless'). [INFO] [INFO] /Volumes/lin-data/tools/android-sdk-mac_86/extras/android/support/v7/mediarouter/res/layout/mr_media_route_controller_material_dialog_b.xml:51: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '?attr/colorPrimary'). [INFO] [INFO] /Volumes/lin-data/tools/android-sdk-mac_86/extras/android/support/v7/mediarouter/res/layout/mr_media_route_controller_material_dialog_b.xml:61: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '?attr/selectableItemBackgroundBorderless'). [INFO] [INFO] /Volumes/lin-data/tools/android-sdk-mac_86/extras/android/support/v7/mediarouter/res/layout/mr_media_route_controller_material_dialog_b.xml:103: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '?attr/selectableItemBackgroundBorderless'). [INFO] [INFO] /Volumes/lin-data/tools/android-sdk-mac_86/extras/android/support/v7/mediarouter/res/layout/mr_media_route_controller_material_dialog_b.xml:111: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'textColor' with value '?attr/colorAccent'). [INFO] [INFO] /Volumes/lin-data/tools/android-sdk-mac_86/extras/android/support/v7/mediarouter/res/layout/mr_media_route_controller_material_dialog_b.xml:111: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '?attr/selectableItemBackgroundBorderless'). [INFO] [ERROR] Error when generating sources. org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: at com.jayway.maven.plugins.android.phase01generatesources.GenerateSourcesMojo.generateR(GenerateSourcesMojo.java:894) at com.jayway.maven.plugins.android.phase01generatesources.GenerateSourcesMojo.execute(GenerateSourcesMojo.java:323) at org.apache.maven.plugin.DefaultBuildPluginManager.executeMojo(DefaultBuildPluginManager.java:132) at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(MojoExecutor.java:208) at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(MojoExecutor.java:153) at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(MojoExecutor.java:145) at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.LifecycleModuleBuilder.buildProject(LifecycleModuleBuilder.java:116) at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.LifecycleModuleBuilder.buildProject(LifecycleModuleBuilder.java:80) at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.builder.singlethreaded.SingleThreadedBuilder.build(SingleThreadedBuilder.java:51) at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.LifecycleStarter.execute(LifecycleStarter.java:120) at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.doExecute(DefaultMaven.java:355) at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(DefaultMaven.java:155) at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.execute(MavenCli.java:584) at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.doMain(MavenCli.java:216) at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.main(MavenCli.java:160) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:606) at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.launchEnhanced(Launcher.java:289) at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.launch(Launcher.java:229) at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.mainWithExitCode(Launcher.java:415) at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:356) Caused by: com.jayway.maven.plugins.android.ExecutionException: ANDROID-040-001: Could not execute: Command = /bin/sh -c cd /Volumes/mac-data/dev/github/simpligility/maven-android-sdk-deployer/extras/compatibility-v7-mediarouter && /Volumes/lin-data/tools/android-sdk-mac_86/build-tools/22.0.0/aapt package -m -J /Volumes/mac-data/dev/github/simpligility/maven-android-sdk-deployer/extras/compatibility-v7-mediarouter/target/generated-sources/r -f --no-crunch -M /Volumes/lin-data/tools/android-sdk-mac_86/extras/android/support/v7/mediarouter/AndroidManifest.xml -S /Volumes/lin-data/tools/android-sdk-mac_86/extras/android/support/v7/mediarouter/res -S /Volumes/mac-data/dev/github/simpligility/maven-android-sdk-deployer/extras/compatibility-v7-mediarouter/target/unpacked-libs/as_compatibility-v7-appcompat/res --auto-add-overlay -I /Volumes/lin-data/tools/android-sdk-mac_86/platforms/android-21/android.jar --output-text-symbols /Volumes/mac-data/dev/github/simpligility/maven-android-sdk-deployer/extras/compatibility-v7-mediarouter/target, Result = 1 at com.jayway.maven.plugins.android.CommandExecutor$Factory$DefaultCommandExecutor.executeCommand(CommandExecutor.java:248) at com.jayway.maven.plugins.android.phase01generatesources.GenerateSourcesMojo.generateR(GenerateSourcesMojo.java:890) ... 22 more [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Summary: [INFO] [INFO] Maven Android SDK Deployer ......................... SUCCESS [ 1.167 s] [INFO] Android Platforms .................................. SUCCESS [ 0.021 s] [INFO] Android Platform 1.5 API 3 ......................... SUCCESS [ 0.435 s] [INFO] Android Platform 1.6 API 4 ......................... SUCCESS [ 0.570 s] [INFO] Android Platform 2.1 API 7 ......................... SUCCESS [ 0.161 s] [INFO] Android Platform 2.2 API 8 ......................... SUCCESS [ 0.107 s] [INFO] Android Platform 2.3.3 API 10 ...................... SUCCESS [ 0.124 s] [INFO] Android Platform 3.0 API 11 ........................ SUCCESS [ 0.131 s] [INFO] Android Platform 3.1 API 12 ........................ SUCCESS [ 0.153 s] [INFO] Android Platform 3.2 API 13 ........................ SUCCESS [ 0.082 s] [INFO] Android Platform 4.0 API 14 ........................ SUCCESS [ 0.190 s] [INFO] Android Platform 4.0.3 API 15 ...................... SUCCESS [ 0.117 s] [INFO] Android Platform 4.1 API 16 ........................ SUCCESS [ 0.095 s] [INFO] Android Platform 4.2 API 17 ........................ SUCCESS [ 4.452 s] [INFO] Android Platform 4.3 API 18 ........................ SUCCESS [ 3.416 s] [INFO] Android Platform 4.4 API 19 ........................ SUCCESS [ 2.754 s] [INFO] Android Platform 4.4W API 20 ....................... SUCCESS [ 0.234 s] [INFO] Android Platform 5.0 API 21 ........................ SUCCESS [ 0.198 s] [INFO] Android Platform 5.1 API 22 ........................ SUCCESS [ 0.243 s] [INFO] Android Add-Ons .................................... SUCCESS [ 0.009 s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 1.5 API 3 (Maps) .... SUCCESS [ 0.149 s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 1.6 API 4 (Maps) .... SUCCESS [ 0.106 s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 2.1 API 7 (Maps) .... SUCCESS [ 0.077 s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 2.2 API 8 (Maps) .... SUCCESS [ 0.027 s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 2.3.3 API 10 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [ 0.131 s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 3.0 API 11 (Maps) ... SUCCESS [ 0.032 s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 3.1 API 12 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [ 0.039 s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 3.2 API 13 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [ 0.039 s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 4.0 API 14 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [ 0.075 s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 4.0.3 API 15 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [ 0.040 s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 4.1 API 16 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [ 0.054 s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 4.2 API 17 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [ 0.072 s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 4.3 API 18 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [ 0.051 s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 4.4 API 19 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [ 0.055 s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 5.0 API 21 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [ 0.041 s] [INFO] Android Add-On Google Platform 5.1 API 22 (Maps and USB) SUCCESS [ 0.070 s] [INFO] Google Glass Development Kit (GDK) API 19 .......... SUCCESS [ 0.100 s] [INFO] Android Extras ..................................... SUCCESS [ 0.061 s] [INFO] Android Compatibility Extra V4 ..................... SUCCESS [ 0.134 s] [INFO] Android Compatibility Extra V7 Gridlayout Library .. SUCCESS [ 8.851 s] [INFO] Android Compatibility Extra V7 AppCompat Library ... SUCCESS [ 3.486 s] [INFO] Android Compatibility Extra V7 Mediarouter Library . FAILURE [ 1.406 s] [INFO] Android Compatibility Extra V13 .................... SKIPPED [INFO] Android Google Play Services Extra ................. SKIPPED [INFO] Android Google Play Services Extra for Froyo ....... SKIPPED [INFO] Android Google Play Licensing Extra ................ SKIPPED [INFO] Android Extras - Apk Expansion ..................... SKIPPED [INFO] Android Google Play APK Expansion Extra - ZIP ...... SKIPPED [INFO] Android Google Play APK Expansion Extra - Downloader SKIPPED [INFO] Android MultiDex ................................... SKIPPED [INFO] Repositories ....................................... SKIPPED [INFO] Google M2Repository ................................ SKIPPED [INFO] Android M2Repository ............................... SKIPPED [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD FAILURE [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 36.397 s [INFO] Finished at: 2015-03-11T11:09:46-07:00 [INFO] Final Memory: 39M/373M [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.simpligility.maven.plugins:android-maven-plugin:4.0.0:generate-sources (default-generate-sources) on project compatibility-v7-mediarouter: MojoExecutionException: ANDROID-040-001: Could not execute: Command = /bin/sh -c cd /Volumes/mac-data/dev/github/simpligility/maven-android-sdk-deployer/extras/compatibility-v7-mediarouter && /Volumes/lin-data/tools/android-sdk-mac_86/build-tools/22.0.0/aapt package -m -J /Volumes/mac-data/dev/github/simpligility/maven-android-sdk-deployer/extras/compatibility-v7-mediarouter/target/generated-sources/r -f --no-crunch -M /Volumes/lin-data/tools/android-sdk-mac_86/extras/android/support/v7/mediarouter/AndroidManifest.xml -S /Volumes/lin-data/tools/android-sdk-mac_86/extras/android/support/v7/mediarouter/res -S /Volumes/mac-data/dev/github/simpligility/maven-android-sdk-deployer/extras/compatibility-v7-mediarouter/target/unpacked-libs/as_compatibility-v7-appcompat/res --auto-add-overlay -I /Volumes/lin-data/tools/android-sdk-mac_86/platforms/android-21/android.jar --output-text-symbols /Volumes/mac-data/dev/github/simpligility/maven-android-sdk-deployer/extras/compatibility-v7-mediarouter/target, Result = 1 -> [Help 1] [ERROR] [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch. [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging. [ERROR] [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles: [ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MojoExecutionException [ERROR] [ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command

    opened by mosabua 2
  • Can't get dependency for android-support-v7-appcompat.jar

    Can't get dependency for android-support-v7-appcompat.jar

    I've gone over the docs several times and I can't seem to figure out the correct groupId/artifactId to get this dependency to install/resolve: extras/android/support/v7/appcompat/libs/android-support-v7-appcompat.jar

    Here are the relevant dependencies I've got so far

    opened by mhelmstetter 10
  • appcompat res styles and other files missing

    appcompat res styles and other files missing

    Anyone noticed the styles/themes files from the values folder are missing from the appcompat aar (from the repository present in the android sdk) ?

    if you compare the 2 folders: "android-sdk\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat\res\values" and the aar res folder you will see big differences..... compare

    is this another bad formatted aar from gradle?

    opened by Shusshu 7
  • missing artifact com.android.support:support-v4:jar:21.0.0-rc1

    missing artifact com.android.support:support-v4:jar:21.0.0-rc1

    Hi I am new to Maven. I am trying to convert existing Eclipse Android project to Maven Central. Its an open source project. support-v7-appcompat, support-v7-mediarouter and appcompat_v7 are dependencies in the project. So I used sdk deployer to add to local repo. But it gives me an error missing artifact com.android.support:support-v4:jar:21.0.0-rc1 in Eclipse and when I am trying to mvn clean install. Here is my POM file. Please help.

    4.0.0 com.connectsdk Connect-SDK-Android 1.3.1 pom Connect SDK Connect SDK is an open source framework that connects your mobile apps with multiple TV platforms.

            <name>Apache License, Version 2.0</name>
    opened by simongladkoskok 9
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