368 Repositories
RealtimeBlurView It's just a realtime blurring overlay like iOS UIVisualEffectView. Just put the view in the layout xml, no Java code is required. //
中文说明在这里 TEmptyView Just a Wheel—— A easier way to setEmptyView. Without having to write xml file every time. It supports AdapterView(ListView,GridView
StatusBarUtil A util for setting status bar style on Android App. It can work above API 19(KitKat 4.4). 中文版点我 Sample Download StatusBarUtil-Demo Chang
DragSortListView NOTICE: No longer maintained. I do not have much time to devote to this project so I am dropping support for the time being. Sorry ev
😔 Due to the nature of my job and growing popularity of Jetpack Compose, I lack the motivation to keep this project alive. Recyclerview is one of the
Android-PickerView English Document 注意事项、详请使用方式、更新日志等,请查看 Wiki文档 Wiki文档,Wiki文档,Wiki文档 !~ 重要的事情说三遍 对于使用上有任何疑问或优化建议等,欢迎加入QQ群讨论交流技术问题。 交流群1: 387051294(推荐
Beautiful Dialog 🗨️ Beautiful Dialog is a Simple and Beautiful custom dialog. Screenshots Including in your project Gradle Add below codes to your ro
Overview ![Size](https://img.shields.io/badge/Size-17 KB-e91e63.svg) Contact Preview Demo WheelPicke.APK Include Compile compile 'cn.aigestudio.wheelp
BrokenView Glass-break effect for views. Demo Download APK Usage Android Studio dependencies { compile 'com.zys:brokenview:1.0.3' } Eclipse Just pu
aFileChooser - Android File Chooser aFileChooser is an Android Library Project that simplifies the process of presenting a file chooser on Android 2.1
Xamarin.Android Xamarin.Android provides open-source bindings of the Android SDK for use with .NET managed languages such as C#. Build Status Platform
#效果图先行# #地址:# github 直达 ###gradle /build.gradle repositories { maven { url "https://jitpack.io" } } /app/build.gradle dependencies {
TourGuide TourGuide is an Android library. It lets you add pointer, overlay and tooltip easily, guiding users on how to use your app. Refer to the exa
Audiogram Super lightweight audiowave progressbar written in Kotlin Getting started Add to your root build.gradle: allprojects { repositories {
Balloon 🎈 A lightweight popup like tooltips, fully customizable with arrow and animations. Including in your project Gradle Add below codes to your r
Material Tap Target Prompt A Tap Target implementation in Android based on Material Design Onboarding guidelines. For more information on tap targets
A simple implementation of swipe card like StreetView!! DONATIONS This project needs you! If you would like to support this project's further developm
MIUI 原生通知图标 Fix the native notification bar icon function abandoned by the MIUI
Emoji A library to add Emoji support to your Android app. Emojis can be picked in a PopupWindow. In order to edit and display text with Emojis this li
MultiSnapRecyclerView Gradle dependencies { implementation 'com.github.takusemba:multisnaprecyclerview:x.x.x' } Features This is an Android Libra
💗 BGABadgeView-Android 💗 English Document react-native-bga-badge-view demo中演示了: 微博底部tab显示最新微博条数 微博列表用户头像显示显示右下角vip徽章 微信消息界面用户新消息 微信消息界面订阅号新消息 使用v4包中
rn-scratch-card React Native Scratch Card which temporarily hides content from a
Litho Litho is a declarative framework for building efficient UIs on Android. Declarative: Litho uses a declarative API to define UI components. You s
#GreenDroid Foreword : This project, initially initiated by me, Cyril Mottier, is not maintained anymore and can be considered as deprecated. As a con
SpeedView Dynamic Speedometer, Gauge for Android. amazing, powerful, and multi shape ⚡ , you can change (colors, bar width, shape, text, font ...every
Multi roots TreeView :palm_tree: implementation for Android Platform with a lot of options and customization
Looking for maintainers I'm no longer active on this project but I'll still focus on fixing crashing issues and review any code changes etc. WheelView
A custom tree view for Android, designed for easy drawing some tree nodes (e.g. thind mind and tree nodes). Includes smoothly zoom, move, limit and center fix animation support, and allows easy extension so you can add your own child node's customs view and touch event detection.
ENViews ENViews, A cool dynamic view library.All designed by Nick Buturishvili ENViews, 一个华丽丽的动效控件库,所有控件原型取自Nick Buturishvili的设计作品 Preview Original de
Android-Bootstrap Android Bootstrap is an Android library which provides custom views styled according to the Twitter Bootstrap Specification. This al
AppIntro AppIntro is an Android Library that helps you build a cool carousel intro for your App. AppIntro has support for requesting permissions and h
WheelView 最后打个广告哈,阿里巴巴,杭州招技术,支持电话视频面试,有兴趣的同学戳这里:https://github.com/wangjiegulu/jobs How to use layout: com.wangjie.wheelview.WheelView androi
Konfetti 🎊 🥳 Celebrate more with this lightweight confetti particle system. Create realistic confetti by implementing this easy to use library. Demo
Bubbles for Android Bubbles for Android is an Android library to provide chat heads capabilities on your apps. With a fast way to integrate with your
AndroidTreeView Recent changes 2D scrolling mode added, keep in mind this comes with few limitations: you won't be able not place views on right side
Android View Hover In my opinion, jumping to a new activity to show your menu is a kind of wasting time and life. So, I think, we need a hover view, t
Stepper-Touch For more updates on this and other open-source projects, follow me on twitter 👉 here Stepper Touch for Android based on a Material Up s
Compose UI Templates This repository contains set of Android compose ui templats which helps you to learn compose in Android. 💻 Requirements To try o
PlaceHolderView An advance view for lists and stacks Some Implementations Documentation You can find the PlaceHolderView documentation here which has
Android-ActionItemBadge ActionItemBadge is a library which offers a simple and easy to use method to add a badge to your action item! Screenshots Incl
Skija: Java bindings for Skia Skia is an open source 2D graphics library which provides common APIs that work across a variety of hardware and softwar
SegmentedVerticalSeekBar It is an Android Vertical Seekbar with segments develop
Component Box · Component Box is a multiplatform server-driven UI framework. Learn how to use Component Box in your project. Installation implementati
Spotlight Gradle dependencies { implementation 'com.github.takusemba:spotlight:x.x.x' } Usage val spotlight = Spotlight.Builder(this) .setTarg
Note: we are not actively responding to issues right now. If you find a bug, please submit a PR. Android Sliding Up Panel This library provides a simp
Fog View Android Library Min SDK 8 (Android 2.2–2.2.3 Froyo) Screnshots How to use If you want use this library, you can download project and import i
kotlin-libui Kotlin/Native bindings to the libui C library. libui is a C lightweight multi-platform UI library using native widgets on Linux (Gtk3), m
Carbon Material Design implementation for Android 4.0 and newer. This is not the exact copy of the Lollipop's API and features. It's a custom implemen
SwipeStack A simple, customizable and easy to use swipeable view stack for Android. QuickStart Include the Gradle dependency dependencies { compil
SwipeSelector Undergoing for some API changes for a 2.0 major version, see example usage in the sample module! What and why? Bored of dull looking rad
TapTargetView An implementation of tap targets from Google's Material Design guidelines on feature discovery. Min SDK: 14 JavaDoc Installation TapTar
A Jetpack Compose library with blur, pixelate, and other effects to keep your designer happy. Inspired by iOS UIVisualEffectView.
RippleView View that imitates Ripple Effect on click which was introduced in Android L. Usage For a working implementation, Have a look at the Sample