GreenDroid is a development library for the Android platform. It makes UI developments easier and consistent through your applications.

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UI/UX GreenDroid


Foreword : This project, initially initiated by me, Cyril Mottier, is not maintained anymore and can be considered as deprecated. As a consequence, it will not receive any new features nor fixes. Please keep that in mind and use it at your own risks.

GreenDroid is a development library for the Android platform. It is intended to make UI developments easier and consistent through your applications. A complete description is given on my personal blog. You can also take a tour to the GreenDroid website at!

Keep in mind this is still a work in progress. There are thousands of things to do and I hope I'll have enough time to develop all of the features I have in mind :)

A sample application can be downloaded on the Android Market


Feel free to contact me for any question related to GreenDroid: bug report, questions about the library, etc. I don't have time to provide personal support but I'll try to look at bug reports and important talks about the GreenDroid philosophy.

##Using GreenDroid in your projects

Note : The previous method has been removed from the library. Indeed, this Python script was perfectly functional but wasn't user-friendly (especially for Windows users). Creating libraries for Android is now handled by the ADT plugin.

In order to use GreenDroid you have to do the following steps:

  1. Download the GreenDroid library on your computer with a simple: git clone As usual, Git will clone the GreenDroid repository and create a folder GreenDroid that contains a 3 folders:

    • GreenDroid: the core library. This is the code that will be mostly linked to your code
    • GreenDroid-GoogleAPIs: GreenDroid's extension including Google APIs related features (GDMapActivity for instance)
    • GDCatalog: the demonstration application. This project contains a lot of snippet of code showing you how to use GreenDroid.
  2. Since May 2010, the ADT plugin added an amazing new feature: the ability to work with library projects. Using GreenDroid consists on applying the GreenDroid project as a library to your application. A complete description on how to use library projects is given on the Android documentation website. Make sure your development environment uses the latest tools and platforms, since older releases of the tools and platforms do not support building with library project.

    • In case you want to use some Google APIs features, make sure you are using the GreenDroid-GoogleAPIs library. GreenDroid-GoogleAPIs is based on GreenDroid. As a result, you don't need to link GreenDroid as an Android library to your project.
  3. By default, the GreenDroid theme inherits from @android:style/Theme. If your project inherits from a different theme, you'll have to modify the GreenDroid library on your own (and do that everytime you are updating GreenDroid as updating deletes all of your changes - still working on a way to overcome that problem). Open the res/values/gd_themes.xml and replace the parent theme @android:style/Theme with your own theme.

  4. A lot of GreenDroid's feature (GDActivity, GDListActivity or GDTabActivity for instance) requires your application to be a GDApplication so make sure your application is a GDApplication class. In order to do that, simply add android:name=" (where may be replaced by your own class that inherits from GDApplication) in the application tag of your AndroidManifest.xml.

  5. You finally need to make your project use the GreenDroid base theme. In your AndroidManifest.xml, go to the application tag and add android:theme="@style/Theme.GreenDroid" as a new attribute.

##Using the GDCatalog application

The GreenDroid project includes a demo projet called GDCatalog. This project shows some of the GreenDroid's features. I strongly encourage you to look at it as it's a great way to apprehend the library and understand how to use it in a correct manner.

GDCatalog obviously uses the GreenDroid library. As a result, it won't build until GreenDroid has been applied to it. If your IDE is up-to-date you'll have nothing particular to do. Simply press the "Play" button!


GreenDroid documentation is available online at

##Software Requirements

GreenDroid has been designed for Android 1.6 and greater. It may work on Android 1.5 but I don't want to provide support for this platform as it's way too old ... It has been developed using the following software:

  • Eclipse IDE 3.6
  • Android SDK 4 (android-4)
  • Android Development Tools (ADT) 8.0.1

Go the Android Developers website for complete installation instructions.


Copyright © Cyril Mottier

  • Pull request

    Pull request

    Hi Cyril,

    First of all thanks for GreenDroid, it helped my android development a lot. :)

    I made two changes which I think might interest you so I'm sending a pull request. What I did:

    • Added a new activity which inherits the MapActivity.
    • Added support for configurable number of max action bar items (I needed 5 in my application).

    Best, Alexandru Badiu

    opened by voidberg 4
  • Settings type

    Settings type

    addActionBarItem(Type.Settings); doesn't work because there is no break in the switch case inside createWithType. This cause to end up in the default case which returns null.

    I have added break; to other items but I didn't provide a descriptionId.

    opened by Macarse 1
  • Have `ActionBar.addAction(Type)` Return Instance

    Have `ActionBar.addAction(Type)` Return Instance

    This will allow for the storing of handles to action bar items from the onCreate method. This does not change the helper method in GDActivity (since that is specified by an interface), only the direct addItem method in ActionBar.

    E.g., I create a Type.Refresh item and want to instantly trigger the refreshing state while the activity content loads.

    LoaderActionBarItem refresh = (LoaderActionBarItem)this.getActionBar().addItem(Type.Refresh);
    opened by JakeWharton 1
  • Allow more flexibility in ThumbnailItemView's styling

    Allow more flexibility in ThumbnailItemView's styling

    By moving the specification of layout_height and scaleType from the XML layout to the style definitions, it's possible for developers to override the defaults without modifying the base GreenDroid library. One may simply override the styles in the application.

    If I'm missing some compelling reason to leave these two attributes in the XML layout, please enlighten.

    opened by pdeffendol 0
  • Light themes & Turkish Translation

    Light themes & Turkish Translation

    Instead of using standard dark theme, added two alternative theme derived from Light theme. These can be used calling Theme.GreenDroid.Light & Theme.GreenDroid.NoTitleBar.Light

    We use it in our app "itü sözlük":

    Also, I made a Turkish translation

    opened by cagataygurturk 0
  • Adding GDPreferenceActivity and a color strip

    Adding GDPreferenceActivity and a color strip

    An equivalent to a PreferenceActivity that manages fancy preferences and an ActionBar. A color strip configurable frame that separates the ActionBar and the content of the activity.

    Workaround : Quick Action Bar Transparent on press We delay the dismiss of the QuickActionBar widget to give time to the clicked view to refresh its state

    opened by jdupouy 0
  • Eclipse project configuration

    Eclipse project configuration

    I added project-specific settings so that Eclipse enforces Java 1.6 as the target. Without this, if the user's workspace is set to target a different version of Java by default (eg, 1.5) some compile errors can result.

    opened by erizzo 0
  • Fixed bug : was crashing when removing an item from a list and adding another one of a different type

    Fixed bug : was crashing when removing an item from a list and adding another one of a different type

    When removing then adding an Item, if the item added was of a different type than the previous one (for exemple replacing a TextItem with a ProgressItem), ItemAdapter.getView() would crash when trying to reuse the convertView

    opened by clement-sciascia 0
  • Created AsyncImageSwitcher

    Created AsyncImageSwitcher

    I created a simple extension of the ImageSwitcher class which changes the underlying View to AsyncImageView. I had a need for this while writing my own app, and thought it would be a good addition to GreenDroid.

    opened by elevine 0
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