Manifold This project is stable and being incubated for long-term support. Manifold is a model-agnostic visual debugging tool for machine learning. Un
android-PullRefreshLayout This component like SwipeRefreshLayout, it is more beautiful than SwipeRefreshLayout. Demo Usage Add dependency. dependencie
InstaMaterial Updated Current source code contains UI elements from Design Support Library. If you still want to see how custom implementations of e.g
Bubble Navigation 🎉 A light-weight library to easily make beautiful Navigation Bars with a ton of 🎨 customization options. Demos FloatingTopBarActiv
Sweet Alert Dialog SweetAlert for Android, a beautiful and clever alert dialog 中文版 Inspired by JavaScript SweetAlert Demo Download ScreenShot Setup Th
CircularImageView Custom view for circular images in Android while maintaining the best draw performance Usage To make a circular ImageView, add this
AppUpdater Android Library Android Library that checks for updates on Google Play, GitHub, Amazon, F-Droid or your own server. This library notifies y
🏃 BGARefreshLayout-Android 🏃 开发者使用 BGARefreshLayout-Android 可以对各种控件实现多种下拉刷新效果、上拉加载更多以及配置自定义头部广告位 测试 BGARefreshLayout 与 Activity、Fragment、ViewPager 的
KOtlin DEpendency INjection Kodein-DI is a very simple and yet very useful dependency retrieval container. it is very easy to use and configure. Kodei
CalendarView A highly customizable calendar library for Android, powered by RecyclerView. With this library, your calendar will look however you want
svg2android [Deprecated - use official Vector Asset Studio directly from Android Studio] Convert SVG to Android VectorDrawable XML resource file. Extr
ANR-WatchDog A simple watchdog that detects Android ANRs (Application Not Responding). Table of contents ANR-WatchDog Table of contents Why it exists
QKSMS QKSMS is an open source replacement to the stock messaging app on Android. It is currently available on the Google Play Store and on F-Droid Rep
LandscapeVideoCamera Highly flexible Android Camera which offers granular control over the video quality and filesize, while restricting recordings to
What is it? Dexposed is a powerful yet non-invasive runtime AOP (Aspect-oriented Programming) framework for Android app development, based on the work
Enjoy programming while playing a game.
Sugar ORM Insanely easy way to work with Android databases. Official documentation can be found here - Check some examples below. The example applicat
This is a set of minimal scripts to run the emulator in a container for various systems such as Docker, for external consumption. The scripts are compatible with both Python version 2 and 3.
Skija: Java bindings for Skia Skia is an open source 2D graphics library which provides common APIs that work across a variety of hardware and softwar
Wire “A man got to have a code!” - Omar Little See the project website for documentation and APIs. As our teams and programs grow, the variety and vol
Cross-platform Game Development Framework libGDX is a cross-platform Java game development framework based on OpenGL (ES) that works on Windows, Linux
SwipeRevealLayout A layout that you can swipe/slide to show another layout. Demo Overview Drag mode Drag mode normal: Drag mode same_level: Features F
AndroidGodEye English 中文 Android developer lack of monitoring of performance data,especially in production environment. so we n
MaterialRangeBar MaterialRangeBar is a fork from that adds some basic material styling, as well as start and end v
SlidingMenu (Play Store Demo) SlidingMenu is an Open Source Android library that allows developers to easily create applications with sliding menus li
DEPRECATED TinyDancer is deprecated. No more development will be taking place. Check out the Google Android developer documentation for UI performance
MaterialDrawer ... the flexible, easy to use, all in one drawer library for your Android project. What's included 🚀 • Setup 🛠️ • Migration Guide 🧬
SuperToasts Library The SuperToasts library enhances and builds upon the Android Toast class. This library includes support for context sensitive Supe
Acceso a Datos - 03 Bases de Datos Relacionales Tema 03 Bases de Datos Relacionales. 2DAM. Curso 2022/2023. Contenidos Bases de datos Relacionales El
IosSwipeSearchCompose Add Ios Swipe Search TextField Component in Android Jetpack Compose. How it looks Usage val text = remember { mutableStateOf("")
Architecture Checker This just checks what architecture an installed application is using for its libraries. About Recently, I've seen that many peopl
# R2-D2 y las Lunas de Endor - Acceso a Datos Nuestro amigo R2-D2 ha sido enviado junto a Luke Skywalker debido a una serie de problemas relacionados
Tridenta An Android app for public transport in the italian region "Trentino". You can view information about stops, lines and most importantly trips,
curve25519-kotlin A pure Kotlin/Multiplatform implementation of group operations on Curve25519. Gradle Kotlin DSL: dependencies { implementation("
Compose material3 Date1 and Time pickers Highly customizable Jetpack Compose components with material3 support for date & time picking. Contents Lates
ExpandableHorizontalPagerCompose Add Expandable Horizontal Pager in Android Jetpack Compose. How it looks Usage BoxWithConstraints( modifier = Mod
nekos-kt Simple api wrapper for Installation Maven: repositories repository url
❗️ Moved to tomadoro organization. 🍅 Pomodoro The platform for time-management by pomodoro technique between team with lot of customization. Pomodoro
AMCalendar - Android Date (Range) Picker AMCalendar is a fully customisable widget for picking dates and ranges based on the native Calendar. It's an
Kicking Off Hacktoberfest with ACM-VIT! AlarmIT AlarmIT is a simple alarm app. The alarms can be turned off via three methods - normal turnoff, by sha
RCZEncryptationKT RCZ Encrypt uses maps to encrypt your string this use ALPHABYTE to to view the bytearray of encoded strings This use random chars by
OpWear-Cam Communicating between Wear OS and Android device using the OpWear module and a sample of displaying real-time camera on the watch and sendi
Pokémon Jetpack Compose Ejemplo de App Android con Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, Retrofit y consumo de la API REST de Pokémon Jetpack Compose Retrofit Poké
Ceres 🪐 Modern Android development with Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, JetPack(ViewModel) based on MVVM architecture. Download Gradle Add the dependency bel
kproject - Liberate your Kotlin projects YAML-based source-based kotlin module descriptors that runs on top of gradle. Define your kotlin multiplatfor
AnKunv2 AnKunv2 is an app a bit similar to YouTube but to stream anime. Updated from AnKun using Jetpack Compose. Tech Stack Kotlin AndroidX UI - Jetp
Candroid App Store Candroid does things different. The Candroid app store is a library of APK client wrappers (F-Droid, APKPure, etc.) For the main Ca
Mirai OpenAI GPT-3 ChatBot Plugin This is a Mirai ChatBot plugin based on OpenAI GPT-3 API. Installation Download the JAR file from
jtx Board Get the most out of journals, notes & tasks Elevate the power of the iCalendar standard to the next level, use the potential of the combinat
Food Recipes Android application that consuming ( "Recipes api". It has been built with clean architecture principles
PinLayout ⚬⚬⚬⚬ Android PinLayout for auth screens. Installation Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file allprojects { repositories {
WAntiChatPro An outdated or modern anti-cheat plugin for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition servers (NukkitX). Following description is excerpt from previous
Calculator 🧮 Android App 🔗 Download the App 🤔 What is this App ✍️ This will basically provide simple and advanced mathematical functions in a beaut
Programación - 04 Programación Orientada a Objetos Tema 04 Programación Orientada a Objetos. 1DAM. Curso 2022/2023. Programación - 04 Programación Ori
ComposeOverscroll Overscroll any scrollable items! Preview compare with iOS demo Preview.for.overscroll.and.nested.invoke.mp4 How to use for column :
MVVM Project Hilt Introducción Este proyecto es mi visión particular, ni mejor ni peor (sólo una más) que cualquier otra aproximación a lo que yo enti
Ruff PyCharm Plugin A JetBrains PyCharm plugin for ruff. Help See documentation for more details. Sponsors ScreenShots Features Run ruff --fix as an a
PoC-Choreography-Saga-Pattern-Kotlin PoC 및 사내 발표 자료 - Choreography Saga Pattern (with SQS, SNS) 아쉽게도 Multi-Module은 아니고.. 그냥 나눠져 있던 프로젝트들을 한 폴더로 합치기만 했
Fancy Progressbar Android library providing a beautiful progressbar with colorful shadow, gradient and animation for Jetpack Compose. Download Add in
ReadMoreView 유튜브 앱과 같이 '더보기' 기능이 포함된 TextView 입니다. 기존 TextView 와 같이 TextSize, color, font 등의 속성 적용이 가능합니다. dependency 최상위 수준 build.gradle allprojects
Compose ChatApp(Bego Chat) Bego Chat is Compose chat application in Kotlin and Firebase with the following features: sending all file types and abilit
Calculator AllWinnerA50 This is a repository stored some reverse engineering for an Android calculator using AllWinner A50. Install Force-stop the ori
Elektronika Elektronika - it's a sample project that shows how to create watch face for Android WearOS. Elektronika based on Google WatchFace Sample,
aoc-2022 Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project created by zodiia using the Advent of Code Kotlin Template delivered by JetBrains. In this repo
🎨 Snackie is a custom snackbar library for jetpack compose built without using the built in snackbar component 📚 Implementation repositories { ma
advent-of-code-kotlin-2022 Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project created by jlengrand using the Advent of Code Kotlin Template delivered by Je
Newscast Explorer Technologies used Introduction In this project are going to explore a known EIP known as Saga. A saga is in its essence, a way to de
tiltakspenger Innhenter informasjon om uføretrygd for en søker av tiltakspenger. En del av satsningen "Flere i arbeid – P4" Komme i gang Forutsetninge
A CLI tool to convert multi-module Jetpack Compose compiler metrics into beautiful HTML reports 1. What are Jetpack Compose compiler metrics? The Comp
Candroid Browser Candroid Browser is a replacement web browser for Candroid. It is designed to replace the AOSP browser, but not Google Chrome. It wil
Flag Quiz App - DOWNLOAD APP Enhance your knowledge by taking part in this Quiz - 100 Questions in 30 minutes It is based on the Kotlin language. You
🎇 View Navigator View Navigator is a tool that allows you to inspect and validate all the views of a screen individually, highlighting the margins an
Bloody Silence This is a shooter unlike any you have ever played. There is no sound whatsoever, so you will need to use your eyesight to find indicato