A collection of samples to discuss and showcase different architectural tools and patterns for Android apps.


Android Architecture Blueprints v2

Illustration by Virginia Poltrack

Android Architecture Blueprints is a project to showcase different architectural approaches to developing Android apps. In its different branches you'll find the same app (a TODO app) implemented with small differences.

In this branch you'll find:

  • Kotlin Coroutines for background operations.
  • A single-activity architecture, using the Navigation component to manage fragment operations.
  • A presentation layer that contains a fragment (View) and a ViewModel per screen (or feature).
  • Reactive UIs using LiveData observables and Data Binding.
  • A data layer with a repository and two data sources (local using Room and remote) that are queried with one-shot operations (no listeners or data streams).
  • Two product flavors, mock and prod, to ease development and testing (except in the Dagger branch).
  • A collection of unit, integration and e2e tests, including "shared" tests that can be run on emulator/device or Robolectric.


This project hosts each sample app in separate repository branches. For more information, see the README.md file in each branch.

Stable samples - Kotlin

Sample Description
master The base for the rest of the branches.
Uses Kotlin, Architecture Components, coroutines, Data Binding, etc. and uses Room as source of truth, with a reactive UI.
A simple Dagger setup that uses dagger-android and removes the two flavors.
Adds a new domain layer that uses UseCases for business logic.

Old samples - Kotlin and Java

Blueprints v1 had a collection of samples that are not maintained anymore, but can still be useful. See all project branches.

Why a to-do app?

A demo illustraating the UI of the app

The app in this project aims to be simple enough that you can understand it quickly, but complex enough to showcase difficult design decisions and testing scenarios. For more information, see the app's specification.

What is it not?

  • A UI/Material Design sample. The interface of the app is deliberately kept simple to focus on architecture. Check out Plaid instead.
  • A complete Jetpack sample covering all libraries. Check out Android Sunflower or the advanced Github Browser Sample instead.
  • A real production app with network access, user authentication, etc. Check out the Google I/O app, Santa Tracker or Tivi for that.

Who is it for?

  • Intermediate developers and beginners looking for a way to structure their app in a testable and maintainable way.
  • Advanced developers looking for quick reference.

Opening a sample in Android Studio

To open one of the samples in Android Studio, begin by checking out one of the sample branches, and then open the root directory in Android Studio. The following series of steps illustrate how to open the usecases sample.

Clone the repository:

git clone git@github.com:googlesamples/android-architecture.git

This step checks out the master branch. If you want to change to a different sample:

git checkout usecases

Note: To review a different sample, replace usecases with the name of sample you want to check out.

Finally open the android-architecture/ directory in Android Studio.


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  • New Sample: Model View Intent

    New Sample: Model View Intent

    New sample proposal

    I'd like to create a new sample to illustrate the Model View Intent pattern. Full Android examples for MVI are hard to find. It's a pattern that has seen wide adoption in the Javascript and .NET world. Target audience include, but not limited to:

    • Developers making the pivot from an imperative to declarative style of programming.
    • Developers looking for best-practices in functional or reactive programming on Android.

    Here are some articles/examples explaining the core principles of MVI and unidirectional flow:

    • http://hannesdorfmann.com/android/model-view-intent
    • https://cycle.js.org/model-view-intent.html
    • http://thenewstack.io/developers-need-know-mvi-model-view-intent/

    Proposed stack

    I'm hoping to use specific libraries to achieve this in the cleanest possible way. A requirement with the android-architecture samples is to use accepted industry standard. A few of these libraries are new as of this year, but I believe they still fulfill that requirement. I've taken the time to establish a small 'pedigree' for each.

    The following are battle-tested libraries. Battle tested here means that they have documented use, in production, at major companies with a large user base. Places such as Square, Groupon, Trello, Shopify, etc. One notable exception is RxJava2. RxJava 2 has major community backing, and will see a production release later this month.

    Also, the following all have well-know, senior maintainers with established track records. Below a detailed list with rationale/credentials:

    New sample 
    opened by kanawish 20
  • Migration to Dagger Android/Contributes Injector

    Migration to Dagger Android/Contributes Injector

    This pr updates the Dagger sample to now us modern best practices such as subclassing DaggerApplication as well as the new @ContributesInjector construct.

    opened by digitalbuddha 18
  • New Sample: Using Kotlin coroutines

    New Sample: Using Kotlin coroutines

    I'd like to create a sample that demonstrates the power and elegance of Kotlin coroutines. It will use MVVM, Data Binding and Architecture Components (ViewModel and possibly LiveData). I plan to branch it off dev-todo-mvvm-live-kotlin. The suggested new branch name is dev-todo-mvvm-live-kotlin-coroutines.

    The primary objective is to select and consistently apply a small subset of essential Kotlin coroutine idioms.

    New sample community request 
    opened by alex-chiviliov 12
  • Added strict Null-Ptr checks of context or activity in some fragments

    Added strict Null-Ptr checks of context or activity in some fragments

    Because new version has strict check for null-ptr of context or activity in fragments. It would be nice to have new and early experience with this new gradle feature.

    opened by XinyueZ 11
  • New sample: rxjava2

    New sample: rxjava2

    I was surprised to see the rxjava example still uses rxjava 1. Has there been any work related to an example using rxjava 2 or are there plans on doing this ?

    opened by jonasgeiregat 9
  • [all] adding CircleCI configuration file

    [all] adding CircleCI configuration file

    At the moment there is only TravisCI configuration file. Adding those for CircleCI would be fairly easy to do and Jose said it could be a nice addition to the project. I am willing to do it if welcomed. In the case I need to merge on all projects, do I need to create a PR for each or one would be enough for the merge-master to pass it on the others?

    opened by oldergod 9
  • Error:Entities and Pojos must have a usable public constructor. You can have an empty constructor or a constructor whose parameters match the fields (by name and type).

    Error:Entities and Pojos must have a usable public constructor. You can have an empty constructor or a constructor whose parameters match the fields (by name and type).

    Error:Entities and Pojos must have a usable public constructor. You can have an empty constructor or a constructor whose parameters match the fields (by name and type).

    opened by shakil807g 8
  • [todo-mvvm] Architecture Components sample

    [todo-mvvm] Architecture Components sample

    I want to integrate the latest architectural components (ViewModel, LiveData, LifeCycleOwner) into the todo-mvvm. Should there be a new branch with the name [todo-mvvm-{newandroidarch/somethingelse}] or should I start editing in this branch only?

    opened by gaurav414u 8
  • Sample using Conductor and a single Activity architecture

    Sample using Conductor and a single Activity architecture

    Hi everyone,

    I decided to try making a sample that only uses a single Activity architecture using the Conductor library.

    I've put the branch up here and I'd really appreciate any feedback!

    It turned out to not be too difficult, the Activities and Fragments became Controllers and everything else stayed the same. I had to do some interesting code around getting the DrawerLayout working and constantly changing the ActionBar to have new stuff in it.

    The main thing left to do is that it broke a few of the Espresso tests and also made most of them super flakey. The problem is that the test no longer knows that it needs to wait while the next Controller loads (I guess Espresso is usually aware of Activity transitions and I no longer have that crutch). I had a look at using IdlingResource to solve this, but I'm not experienced with Conductor or Espresso, I'll keep working on it. Also, the hermetic UI tests of individual Activities will probably never work hermetically since I don't think I can jump into a specific Controller like you can with Activities, you need to navigate there.

    New sample community request 
    opened by grepx 8
  • fix to take care of the order of method calls

    fix to take care of the order of method calls


    Could you please review this ?

    This patch makes the unit test method calls order sensitive.

    I guess the transition from 'true' to 'false' is important for the test. mTasksView).setLoadingIndicator(true); mTasksView).setLoadingIndicator(false);

    opened by sfuku7 8
  • Proposed extension of RxJava usage across all layers of the MVP

    Proposed extension of RxJava usage across all layers of the MVP

    I've built a small example of how we could use RxJava across the View/Presenter bridge. Benefits include the possibility of writing Presenter tests as observable chains, cleaner observable chain building in the presenter (allows for debouncing, more sophisticated UX behavior, etc.)

    Small note on the change to the Contract, I've moved the emitting Observable to the view side. I believe this still respects the MVP model, based on this model:



    • Changes to contract to reflect View's emitter/consumer nature when using Observables.
    • Example of using RxRelay to hide implementation details / lifecycle issues from presenter.
    • Example of using RxBindings on View side.
    • Added RetroLambda support.
    opened by kanawish 8
  • [main] User input for add/edit screen is lost across process death

    [main] User input for add/edit screen is lost across process death

    Similarly to older issues that have since been either closed or fixed such as https://github.com/android/architecture-samples/issues/370 and https://github.com/android/architecture-samples/issues/123 and https://github.com/android/architecture-samples/issues/731 and https://github.com/android/architecture-samples/issues/663

    This bug seems to have been long-standing, but with MutableStateFlow(UiState) it still persists - as on this screen, SavedStateHandle is used only for transferring screen arguments to the ViewModel, but is not actually used to preserve user inputs across process death.


    On the other hand, TasksViewModel correctly persists the current filter state using savedStateHandle.getStateFlow.


    Filtering state on the tasks screen was originally fixed by setting it on the SavedStateHandle in this commit: https://github.com/android/architecture-samples/commit/cfb5ac6ea6a5c888b171d88d7ea4287a33af5cb9#diff-631edb6efa01767b52856a0e498dc3987e8a2f0e8ba02837377dfbc5684af0cfR111

    Therefore, AddEdit screen should also correctly save/restore user inputs across process death.

    opened by Zhuinden 0
  • [ADR Jam Week] Update sample app dependencies and optimize build

    [ADR Jam Week] Update sample app dependencies and optimize build

    • Updated dependencies that don't require updating the compileSdkVersion
    • Moved repository info to settings.gradle file (changed in AGP 7.1)
    • Turn off Jetifier check to optimize build
    • Enable configuration cache to optimize build
    opened by amylgu 0
  • CollapsingToolBar not working on tab switch

    CollapsingToolBar not working on tab switch

    When my activity is opened the first time I can collapse by dragging on the image but after switching to other tabs I can't collapse the layout by pulling on the image view. Once the view pager is scrolled, I can Collapse the toolbar using the top image view.Please look at the GIF on the link below. I think this is because of the view pager nested scrolling. I don't know the cause. but Why can't I drag the top Image view once the tab is switched?https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74611210/collapsingtoolbar-not-working-on-tab-switch

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    opened by AsitDixit 0
  • [Question] Which layer for VPN client business logic

    [Question] Which layer for VPN client business logic

    Hello, suppose we are building a vpn client, in which layer should the business logic and service class be placed? In the ui layer corresponding to its feature, or the domain layer

    opened by ErfanSn 0
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