⚡️A highly customizable, powerful and easy-to-use alerting library for Android.

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UI/UX Flashbar


A highly customizable, powerful and easy-to-use alerting library for Android.


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This library allows you to show messages or alerts in your app quickly and easily. It can be used as an alternative to Snackbar or Toast and offers a plethora of useful features and customization options for you to play with.

It has been written 100% in Kotlin. ❤️

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This library is available in jCenter which is the default Maven repository used in Android Studio. You can also import this library from source as a module.

dependencies {
    // other dependencies here
    implementation 'com.andrognito.flashbar:flashbar:{latest_version}'

Sample Project

We have an exhaustive sample project demonstrating almost every feature of the library in both languages - Java & Kotlin.

Checkout the Java samples here and the Kotlin samples here.


It is recommended to check the sample project to get a complete understanding of all the features offered by the library.

The library offers a huge amount of customization options and leverages the Builder pattern for ease of use. You will find details of each of these features described below.


Flashbar attaches a full-height, full-width view (FlashbarContainerView) to the decor view of the Activity and places a full width, dynamic height view(FlashbarView) inside it. These classes are internal classes and are not exposed for public use.

Here's an example of showing a basic flashbar,

        .message("This is a basic flashbar")

You can specify the duration (in millis) for which you want the flashbar to be displayed. The default duration is infinite, i.e. it won't dismiss automatically if you do not specify any duration. You can also use these constants, DURATION_SHORT or DURATION_LONG for convenience.

        .message("This is a flashbar with duration")


You can show the flashbar either at the top or at the bottom of the screen using the gravity property. By default, it is shown at the bottom.

        .message("Flashbar is shown at the top")


        .message("Flashbar is shown at the bottom")


You can show an optional title in the flashbar. You can also customize the color, size, typeface and appearance of it.

        .title("Hello World!")

You can change the color using titleColor(), size using titleSizeInSp(), titleSizeInPx(), typeface using titleTypeface() and appearance using titleAppearance(). Also, look out for other variants of this methods.

        .title("Hello World!")
        .titleTypeface(Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "ShineBright.ttf"))


You can show an optional message in the flashbar. You can also customize the color, size and appearance of it.

        .message("This is a short message. But your message can be of any length and the view will dynamically adjust itself.")

You can change the color using messageColor(), size using messageSizeInSp(), messageSizeInPx(), typeface using messageTypeface() and appearance using messageAppearance(). Also, look out for other variants of this methods.

        .message("This is a short message")
        .messageColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.white))
        .messageTypeface(Typeface.createFromAsset(assets, "BeautifulAndOpenHearted.ttf"))

Background & Overlay

You can change the background color of the flashbar and add a modal overlay as well.


        .title("Hello World!")
        .message("The background color can be changed to any color of your choice.")

You can also change the background using drawables, like the above, to have a cool gradient effect.

        .title("Hello World!")
        .message("You can have gradients by setting background drawable.")


The overlay creates a dim effect over the entire screen bringing more focus on the flashbar and its content. It is automatically added/removed along with the flashbar.

        .title("Hello World!")
        .message("You can show a modal overlay to give a dim effect in the entire screen.")

You can also customize the overlay color using overlayColor() and also make the overlay block any click/touch events using overlayBlockable().

        .title("Hello World!")
        .message("You can show a modal overlay to give a dim effect in the entire screen.")


There are three types of action buttons available - primary (placed at the right side), positive and negative (placed at the bottom).


You can customize the primary action button's text color, size, typeface, appearance and also listen to its tap events.

The quickest way to show an action button is to put some text into it.

        .title("Hello World!")
        .message("You can click on the primary action button.")
        .primaryActionText("TRY NOW")

You can also customize its appearance in a lot of ways,

        .title("Hello World!")
        .message("You can click on the primary action button.")

You can also listen to its tap/click events through the OnActionTapListener,

        .title("Hello World!")
        .message("You can click on the primary action button.")
        .primaryActionTapListener(object : Flashbar.OnActionTapListener {
            override fun onActionTapped(bar: Flashbar) {


You can customize the positive and negative buttons in the same way as the primary button. These buttons appear at the bottom part of the view. You can show the positive, or negative or both the buttons. You can also listen to the tap events in the same way as before.

        .title("Hello World!")
        .message("You can show either or both of the positive/negative buttons and customize them similar to the primary button.")
        .positiveActionTapListener(object : Flashbar.OnActionTapListener {
            override fun onActionTapped(bar: Flashbar) {
        .negativeActionTapListener(object : Flashbar.OnActionTapListener {
            override fun onActionTapped(bar: Flashbar) {

Icon & Progress

You can show icon (left) and progress bar (left or right) in the flashbar. You can also customize their look & feel in a lot of ways.


You can show an icon on the left side of the view using showIcon() which will show the default icon.

        .title("Hello World!")
        .message("You can show a default icon on the left side of the withView")

You can show any custom icon (drawable or bitmap) and apply color filters (change modes too) on it. You can also scale the icon up/down and specify scale type using the variants of showIcon(scale, scaleType).

        .title("Hello World!")
        .message("You can show a default icon on the left side of the withView")
        .showIcon(0.8f, ScaleType.CENTER_CROP)


You might also want to show indeterminate progress bars to indicate that you are fetching some data, downloading a file, etc. The progress bar can be shown at either the left or the right hand side of the view.

Caveat: If the progress bar is shown on the left side, then you cannot show the icon with it. If the progress bar is shown on the right side, then you cannot show the action button along with it.

        .title("Hello World!")
        .message("You can show the progress bar on either the left or right side of the view")

You can change the color of the progress bar to any color of your choice.

        .title("Hello World!")
        .message("You can show the progress bar on either the left or right side of the view")


You can customize the enter/exit animation of the flashbar. You can also add custom animations to the icon for drawing attention towards it. The library provides a fluent API-styled animation framework to customize these animations.


You can start animating the bar using FlashAnim.with(this).animateBar(). You can change the duration of the animation using duration(), apply custom interpolators using interpolator() or choose from a set of interpolators available, add alpha transition using alpha(), etc.

        .title("Hello World!")
        .message("You can change the enter/exit animation of the flashbar")

You can also make the flashbar enter/exit from the left/right side of the screen,

        .title("Hello World!")
        .message("You can change the enter/exit animation of the flashbar")

Note - You can configure the animations with your desired specifications in the builder and pass it on. You can not call build() on these animations as it is reserved to be used internally from inside the library only.


You can start animating the icon using FlashAnim.with(this).animateIcon(). You can change the duration of the animation using duration(), apply custom interpolators using interpolator() or choose from a set of interpolators available, add pulsating effect using pulse() and alpha transition using alpha(), etc.

        .title("Hello World!")
        .message("You can show a default icon on the left side of the with view.")

Event Listeners

You can listen to events like when the flashbar is showing, or dismissing. You can also listen to progress updates when the flashbar is being shown or dismissed to perform animations on other views if needed.

You can also listen to tap events inside or outside the bar.


You can listen to events on OnBarShowListener like onShowing, onShowProgress and onShown. The progress ranges from from 0.0 to 1.0. But in some special cases (like with bounce interpolator) it can go below 0.0 or above 1.0.

        .title("Hello World!")
        .message("You can listen to events when the flashbar is shown")
        .barShowListener(object : Flashbar.OnBarShowListener {
            override fun onShowing(bar: Flashbar) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Flashbar is showing")

            override fun onShowProgress(bar: Flashbar, progress: Float) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Flashbar is showing with progress: $progress")

            override fun onShown(bar: Flashbar) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Flashbar is shown")


You can listen to events on OnBarDismissListener like onDismissing, onDismissProgress and onDismissed. The progress ranges from from 0.0 to 1.0. But in some special cases (like with bounce interpolator) it can go below 0.0 or above 1.0.

You can also specifically get to know the reason behind the bar dismiss action - TIMEOUT, MANUAL, TAP_OUTSIDE and SWIPE.

        .title("Hello World!")
        .message("You can listen to events when the flashbar is dismissed")
        .barDismissListener(object : Flashbar.OnBarDismissListener {
            override fun onDismissing(bar: Flashbar, isSwiped: Boolean) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Flashbar is dismissing with $isSwiped")

            override fun onDismissProgress(bar: Flashbar, progress: Float) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Flashbar is dismissing with progress $progress")

            override fun onDismissed(bar: Flashbar, event: Flashbar.DismissEvent) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Flashbar is dismissed with event $event")


You can listen to tap events inside or outside of the bar.

        .title("Hello World!")
        .message("You can listen to tap events inside or outside te bar.")
        .listenBarTaps(object : Flashbar.OnTapListener {
            override fun onTap(flashbar: Flashbar) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Bar tapped")
        .listenOutsideTaps(object : Flashbar.OnTapListener {
            override fun onTap(flashbar: Flashbar) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Outside tapped")


A quick look at some of the miscellaneous features available in flashbar.


You can enable this feature to dismiss the flashbar by swiping it left/right. By default this feature is disabled. You can also know if the bar was dismissed by a swipe from the DismissEvent as SWIPE.

        .title("Hello World!")
        .message("You can swipe the flasbar to dismiss it.")


You can show a synthetically generated shadow on the flashbar irrespective of its position - top or bottom. By default the shadow is always shown.

        .title("Hello World!")
        .message("You can swipe the flashbar to dismiss it.")
        .castShadow(true, 4)


The flashbar can produce a short vibration to seek the attention of the user when it is shown, dismissed or both.

        .title("Hello World!")
        .message("You can swipe the flashbar to dismiss it.")
        .vibrateOn(Flashbar.Vibration.SHOW, Flashbar.Vibration.DISMISS)


These are some of the prioritized features in the pipeline awaiting to be implemented in the near future -

  • Add coordinator layout support
  • Add flashbar manager for queue management
  • Add custom layout inflation support
  • Improve shadow rendering


I highly encourage the community to step forward and improve this library further. You can fix any reported bug, propose or implement new features, write tests, etc.

Here is a quick list of things to remember -

  • Check the open issues before creating a new one,
  • Help me in reducing the number of open issues by fixing any existing bugs,
  • Check the roadmap to see if you can help in implementing any new feature,
  • You can contribute by writing unit and integration tests for this library,
  • If you have any new idea that aligns with the goal of this library, feel free to raise a feature request and discuss it.

About The Author

Aritra Roy

Design-focussed Engineer. Full-stack Developer. Hardcore Android Geek. UI/UX Designer. Part-time Blogger.


Copyright 2016 aritraroy

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  • Gravity TOP pulls content up

    Gravity TOP pulls content up

    If using a theme like Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar, the getStatusBarHeightInPx function returns a negative value which then pulls the content of the flashbar up.

    This could also be what's causing #3

    opened by elek90 10
  • Cannot immediately dismiss Flashbar instance

    Cannot immediately dismiss Flashbar instance

    Consider this code:

    class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
        var flashbar : Flashbar? = null
        override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        override fun onStart() {
        fun setupFlashbar() {
            flashbar = Flashbar.Builder(this)

    If you run it, you'll see that flashbar is still shown, regardless of flashbar?.dismiss() being called. I'm not sure if this is a bug, since method isShowing() is provided so case like that was considered. If so, please add something like onFlashbarShown interface so it's possible to make sure that flashbar is dismissed.

    Thanks for reading this. The library is great ♥

    opened by wrbl606 5
  • Using Flashbar in java-only projects requires kotlin-stdlib dependency

    Using Flashbar in java-only projects requires kotlin-stdlib dependency

    Not sure if this is by design, but using Flashbar in my non-kotlin enabled Android project resulted in an immediate crash on application run with a ClassNotFoundException. I had to add the kotlin-stdlib dependency to my app gradle in order to get it working.

    Would be nice if there was a way around that.

    opened by ardevd 5
  • Enhacement


    hi, how are you guys, thanks for this fantastic library.

    just want to know if there is a chance to add a feature so that the user will see the flashbar after some opportunities like after 3 launches of the app or 3 days, and once he clicked the positive button the FlashBar will never been shown again.

    otherwise. your app is greeeeeat

    opened by echopros 2
  • Feature Request: Allow the flashbar to show relative to other views such as Toolbar

    Feature Request: Allow the flashbar to show relative to other views such as Toolbar




    Allow the flashbar to show relative to other views such as toolbar, navigation bar or footers.


    Currently the flashbar only shows either at the top or bottom of the screen without leaving space for the other views.

    opened by aiavci 2
  • Flutter version of Flashbar

    Flutter version of Flashbar

    Hi @aritraroy. I passing by to let you know that I liked the idea so much that I'm developing a Flutter version of Flashbar: Flushbar. It is still in early stages though. I hope I can make something as good as Flashbar. If you want to check it out, Flushbar.


    opened by AndreHaueisen 1
  • Add buttons for samples in sample app

    Add buttons for samples in sample app

    It would be nice to have a list of all the various types of customisations available as a list of buttons for hiding/showing, similar to this

    Bonus: publish the sample to the play store so that we don't need to clone/build the project :)

    opened by amitav13 1
  • Update dependency versions

    Update dependency versions

    The project was not building, I updated the following dependency versions to build it properly. I did not check which one(s) of these upgrades fixed the build, but I think it is still a good idea to update them:

    • update kotlin version to 1.2.50
    • gradle plugin version to 3.1.4
    • maven plugin to 2.1
    opened by skadyrov 0
  • Bugfix navigationbar size

    Bugfix navigationbar size

    What’s the problem?

    • FlashBar running in Android SDK 29, The problem is that the height of the NavigationBar is calculated incorrectly. Screenshot_1621500438

    • FlashBar running in Android SDK 23, Setting the bottomMargin of FlashbarContainerView does not take effect. Screenshot_1621500444


    • When FlashBar gravity == bottom, add FlashbarContainerView to the contentView of Activity, so that we don’t need to set the bottomMargin value of FlashbarContainerView, avoid calculating the wrong navigationBar height value and setting the bottomMargin of FlashbarContainerView unsuccessfully.
    opened by zhiweideng 0
  • JCenter will no longer be available for non-Artifactory clients in Feb 2022

    JCenter will no longer be available for non-Artifactory clients in Feb 2022

    Hi, Jfrog was announced that they want to sunset jCenter and Bintray services https://jfrog.com/blog/into-the-sunset-bintray-jcenter-gocenter-and-chartcenter/

    Please consider publishing the artifact to jetpack or mavenCentral

    opened by jboxx 3
  •  You cannot download the library with its correction CommonUtils.kt

    You cannot download the library with its correction CommonUtils.kt

    internal fun Activity.getStatusBarHeightInPx(): Int { val rectangle = Rect()

    val statusBarHeight = rectangle.top
    val contentViewTop = window.findViewById<View>(Window.ID_ANDROID_CONTENT).top
    return if (contentViewTop == 0) { //Actionbar is not present
    } else {
        contentViewTop - statusBarHeight


    opened by LuiguiBalarezo 0
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