Library and example project on how to use the UITableView component


UITableView for Android

UITableView UITableView UITableView



Android Studio

  1. Paste or clone this library into the /libs folder, in the root directory of your project. Create a new folder: /libs if not already present. (This step is not required - only for keeping cleaner project structure)

  2. Edit settings.gradle by adding the library. You have also define a project directory for the library. Your settings.gradle should look like below:

    include ':app', ':UITableView'
    project(':UITableView').projectDir = new File('libs/UITableView')
  3. In app/build.gradle add the UITableView library as a dependency:

    dependencies {
        compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
        compile ''
        compile project(":UITableView")
  4. Sync project, clean and build. You can use the UITableView as part of your project now.


Before you can add a UITableView to your application, you must first add a library reference:

  1. Clone or download a copy of the library
  2. Import the library into Eclipse: File menu -> Import -> Existing Project into Workspace
  3. Open your application's project properties and add a library reference to "UITableView"

Using UITableView in your project

Defining your layout

    style="@style/UITableView" />

Working on your activity

public class Example1Activity extends Activity {    
	UITableView tableView;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        tableView = (UITableView) findViewById(;        
        Log.d("Example1Activity", "total items: " + tableView.getCount());        

    private void createList() {
    	CustomClickListener listener = new CustomClickListener();
    	tableView.addBasicItem("Example 1", "Summary text 1");
    	tableView.addBasicItem("Example 2", "Summary text 2");
    	tableView.addBasicItem("Example 3", "Summary text 3");
    	tableView.addBasicItem("Example 4", "Summary text 4");

    private class CustomClickListener implements ClickListener {
		public void onClick(int index) {
			Toast.makeText(Example1Activity.this, "item clicked: " + index, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


In order to use the default list you can extend the UITableViewActivity, a simple example can be found in the source code below:

public class ExampleActivity extends UITableViewActivity {	

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        CustomClickListener listener = new CustomClickListener();

    private class CustomClickListener implements ClickListener {	
		public void onClick(int index) {
			Toast.makeText(ExampleActivity.this, "item clicked: " + index, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

	protected void populateList() {
		getUITableView().addItem("Example 1", "Summary text 1");
		getUITableView().addItem("Example 2", "Summary text 2");
		getUITableView().addItem("Example 3", "Summary text 3");
		getUITableView().addItem("Example 4", "Summary text 4");
		getUITableView().addItem("Example 5", "Summary text 5");		

In this example you don't even need to care about the xml since the UITableViewActivity is using a default layout template the only displays the list in the screen. It is pretty mych the same list you are seeing in the screenshot provided at the beginning of this explanation.



			ui:title="some title one"/>

			ui:title="some title two"
			ui:subtitle="some subtitle two"
			android:padding="10dip" />	

			ui:title="some title three"
			ui:subtitle="with image"


UITableView is an Android Library Project and all its resources will be merged into the referring project. So, in order tu customize the colors of the UITableView and its elements, you need to create the same resources on your own project and this resources will be before the default values provided by the library project.

If you don't like the default colors that is defined in the colors.xml file simply override the default values in the main projects colors.xml file. These are the keys you need to work on to have your customized UITableView working.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- LIST BORDER COLOR -->
    <color name="rounded_container_border">#ffb7babb</color>

    <color name="base_start_color_default">#FFFFFF</color>
    <color name="base_end_color_default">#FFFFFF</color>

    <color name="base_start_color_pressed">#ff3590c4</color>
    <color name="base_end_color_pressed">#ff2570ba</color>

    <color name="text_color_default">#000000</color>
    <color name="text_color_pressed">#ffffff</color>			


UITableView UITableView

The theme above was created using the following set of colors:

	<color name="rounded_container_border">#50b7babb</color>
	<color name="base_start_color_default">#B0FFFFFF</color>
    <color name="base_end_color_default">#B0FFFFFF</color>
	<color name="base_start_color_pressed">#B03590c4</color>
    <color name="base_end_color_pressed">#B02570ba</color>
    <color name="text_color_default">#000000</color>
    <color name="text_color_pressed">#ffffff</color>   

Android applications using it


Functionallity improvements and performance enhancements are always welcome. Feel free to fork and apply your changes.

TODO list

  • Hability to let the user define the custom layout for the item
  • Hability to create Items that expand/collapse a set of items

Other Android Libraries

Use these libraries also to get a better UI for your android application


Copyright (c) 2011 [Thiago Locatelli] - "thiago:locatelli$gmail:com".replace(':','.').replace('$','@')

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

  • Cant click to custom item

    Cant click to custom item


    When i use this code:

    LayoutInflater mInflater = (LayoutInflater) getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); RelativeLayout view = (RelativeLayout) mInflater.inflate(R.layout.custom_view, null); ViewItem viewItem = new ViewItem(view); getUITableView().addViewItem(viewItem);

    when i click this button, i cant go to onClick(int index)

    But when i use getUITableView().addBasicItem , i can handle the click

    Help me please!


    opened by ZuzooVn 7
  • No resource identifier found

    No resource identifier found

    When I try to add a UIButton to my layout i get the fallowing error:

    no resource identifier found for attribute "title" in package

    Thats because i'm using your project as a library project. I'm having problem with the xml namaspace.

    See this:

    Edit: see the solution here

    opened by osrl 6
  • Length of Titles in the TableView

    Length of Titles in the TableView

    Hello. Ive got a Problem. I have very long names which I like to set in the TableView. But it seems that the height of each Tablerow is fixed. So if the Title is too long it adds 3 dots at the end(e.g. ABCDEFGHIJKLM...) But I want it to be shown completely. How can I archive this?


    opened by rashiq 4
  • .addBasicItem() doesn't support Drawable

    .addBasicItem() doesn't support Drawable

    Is there any chance you could add support for a direct Drawable in the .addBasicItem() function? since I'm downloading drawables during run-time and can't assign them to the resources though.

    thanks a lot

    opened by yuvalbar84 2
  • Eclipse Doesn't Recognise It As An Android Library!

    Eclipse Doesn't Recognise It As An Android Library!

    I couldn't include the project as a library in my project because Eclipse imported it as a general project. I tried to change the project nature to android but I ended up with a messy-structured library that has errors Eclipse couldn't identify!

    opened by iturki 2
  • Add method to retrieve any view from any row for the UITableView

    Add method to retrieve any view from any row for the UITableView

    I need to add a method that will allow the user to get any view from any row within the view. For example, if you want to get the imageview fro the row 10, you will be get by doing this: getView(10,, this wil return a view that needs to be casted with ImageVew.

    Since the user can define its own custom view as a tablw row, the best approach I could find was this one, so the user will be able to get any view.

    public View getView(int row, int viewId);

    opened by thiagolocatelli 2
  • Does this still work?

    Does this still work?

    This repository hasn't been updated since 2015 (from what I can see) and none of the example screenshots seem to be working anymore, however it is still the most starred repo for iOS style uitableviews in android.

    I'm curious if it still works properly with the latest version of android, before I start digging into it.

    opened by nathan-fiscaletti 1
  • multiple-selection at the same time is allowed with fingers!

    multiple-selection at the same time is allowed with fingers!

    if there is more than one row in the tableview, touches on each row can trigger its onClick event at the same time. Should it be triggered exclusively, only for the first touch?

    opened by johnny-cao 0
  • Update / insert table

    Update / insert table

    Is it possible to update uitableview dynamicly? I want to insert a row to it with a button but couldnt achieve it! I mean something like : tableview.insertview ("text", insert position) (or anything similar to it )

    opened by santral06 0
  • Problem with build with Android Studio

    Problem with build with Android Studio


    I imported whole project as module and added it on settings to my project. But when I try to build app im getting error:

    D:!AndroidStudioProjects\PharmaAppWL\app\build\intermediates\exploded-aar\\play-services\6.5.87\res\values\wallet_colors.xml Error:Attribute "title" has already been defined Error:Attribute "subtitle" has already been defined

    Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'. Failed to run command: D:\Android Studio SDK\build-tools\21.1.2\aapt.exe package -f --no-crunch -I D:\Android Studio SDK\platforms\android-21\android.jar -M D:!AndroidStudioProjects\PharmaAppWL\app\build\intermediates\manifests\full\debug\AndroidManifest.xml -S D:!AndroidStudioProjects\PharmaAppWL\app\build\intermediates\res\debug -A D:!AndroidStudioProjects\PharmaAppWL\app\build\intermediates\assets\debug -m -J D:!AndroidStudioProjects\PharmaAppWL\app\build\generated\source\r\debug -F D:!AndroidStudioProjects\PharmaAppWL\app\build\intermediates\res\resources-debug.ap_ --debug-mode --custom-package ie.return2sender.pharmaappwl -0 apk --output-text-symbols D:!AndroidStudioProjects\PharmaAppWL\app\build\intermediates\symbols\debug Error Code: 1 Output: D:!AndroidStudioProjects\PharmaAppWL\app\build\intermediates\res\debug\values\values.xml:171: error: Attribute "title" has already been defined D:!AndroidStudioProjects\PharmaAppWL\app\build\intermediates\res\debug\values\values.xml:171: error: Attribute "subtitle" has already been defined

    How I can fix this error?

    opened by R2SAndroid 0
  • Example project is not working.

    Example project is not working.

    I am new to android. Imported Example project in eclipse. Getting some errors about Styles. Specifically style/content_page_large_text missing in custom_view.xml and some more similar errors. I think you have to include style folder. Last commit was 3 years ago. So something may has deprecated. Waiting for your reply.

    opened by alok-rao 2
Thiago Locatelli
Software engineer. Skydiver. Soccer fan. Passionate about coding and learning new technologies.
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