SVG to Android VectorDrawable XML resource file

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Tools svg2android

Android Arsenal svg2android

[Deprecated - use official Vector Asset Studio directly from Android Studio]

Convert SVG to Android VectorDrawable XML resource file.

Extracts all parameters of elements and groups that are supported in Android.

Supported: path, line, rect, circle, ellipse, polyline and polygon elements.

Not supported: text element (export manually to path), gradients and patterns, matrix transforms

Example of imported svg (random image from wikipedia):


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  • NumberFormatException: Invalid float for certain SVGs

    NumberFormatException: Invalid float for certain SVGs

    Some SVGs remove spaces between floating point numbers that start with a "." (eg "1.11.89" is two floats, 1.11 and .89). Android does not handle this. It can be fixed by adding spaces (eg "1.11 .89").



    opened by teslacoil 10
  • Bug:

    Bug: "null" instead of "@null" ?

    using this SVG as an input:

    <svg width="476" height="476" xmlns="">
     <!-- Created with SVG-edit - -->
      <title>Layer 1</title>
      <ellipse ry="198.5" rx="198.5" id="svg_3" cy="238" cx="238" stroke-linecap="null" stroke-linejoin="null" stroke-width="0" stroke="#000000" fill="#f3f3f3"/>

    will create this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <vector xmlns:android=""
            android:pathData="M 238 39.5 C 347.628522841 39.5 436.5 128.371477159 436.5 238 C 436.5 347.628522841 347.628522841 436.5 238 436.5 C 128.371477159 436.5 39.5 347.628522841 39.5 238 C 39.5 128.371477159 128.371477159 39.5 238 39.5 Z" />

    but Android studio can't handle the nulls.

    opened by AndroidDeveloperLB 9
  • Could not upload svg file

    Could not upload svg file

    I could not upload some kind fo svg-files and nothing is shown to detect the reason.

    Update: when I changed browser from Mozilla to Chromium the issue with upload is fixed. But then I've got an issue with colours, inappropriate colour transfers.

    Resource: yin-yang.svg

    <!--?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?-->
    <svg xmlns="" width="300.000000pt" height="300.000000pt" viewBox="0 0 300.000000 300.000000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
    <g transform="translate(0.000000,300.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)" fill="#040504" stroke="none">
    <path style="position: relative;" class="node" id="node1" d="M1325 2979 c-27 -5 -79 -14 -115 -20 -93 -16 -261 -73 -360 -121
    -453 -222 -754 -641 -824 -1148 -27 -192 -16 -372 35 -565 136 -517 547 -928
    1064 -1065 102 -26 278 -50 377 -50 100 0 268 25 388 57 456 122 803 433 998
    893 68 161 110 420 99 612 -27 488 -279 922 -682 1178 -39 25 -80 51 -90 58
    -11 6 -31 17 -45 23 -14 5 -38 17 -55 25 -49 25 -175 70 -245 87 -162 41 -423
    57 -545 36z m385 -51 c248 -64 440 -274 500 -546 24 -106 25 -187 5 -284 -42
    -201 -154 -367 -318 -471 -132 -83 -205 -106 -372 -117 -135 -8 -230 -27 -302
    -61 -24 -10 -46 -19 -49 -19 -22 0 -154 -103 -213 -167 -178 -190 -237 -427
    -172 -693 20 -81 102 -228 165 -297 60 -65 187 -163 213 -163 7 0 13 -4 13
    -10 0 -51 -379 111 -538 230 -181 136 -331 314 -429 510 -75 149 -78 156 -107
    259 -81 288 -76 585 15 855 31 90 113 264 152 321 251 365 562 577 952 650
    195 37 352 38 485 3z m-123 -2003 c37 -15 77 -74 87 -125 10 -54 -17 -132 -59
    -168 -45 -40 -126 -52 -179 -27 -75 36 -122 119 -106 189 28 125 138 181 257
    <path style="position: relative;" class="node" id="node2" d="M1430 2409 c-32 -13 -78 -56 -96 -91 -8 -15 -14 -50 -14 -78 0 -177
    200 -254 321 -123 36 38 53 94 44 149 -16 107 -152 184 -255 143z"></path>
    <g transform="translate(0.000000,300.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)" fill="#A2A2A2" stroke="none">
    <path style="position: relative;" class="node" id="node4" d="M1400 2950 c-478 -42 -840 -259 -1127 -675 -39 -57 -121 -231 -152
    -321 -91 -270 -96 -567 -15 -855 29 -103 32 -110 107 -259 98 -196 248 -374
    429 -510 159 -119 538 -281 538 -230 0 6 -6 10 -13 10 -8 0 -45 22 -84 49
    -214 151 -337 407 -318 660 14 177 75 316 196 444 59 64 191 167 213 167 3 0
    25 9 49 19 72 34 167 53 302 61 167 11 240 34 372 117 201 127 334 369 333
    606 -1 138 -63 325 -148 439 -154 209 -386 303 -682 278z m179 -549 c114 -59
    144 -196 62 -284 -121 -131 -321 -54 -321 123 0 28 6 63 14 78 18 35 64 78 96
    91 41 16 108 12 149 -8z"></path>
    <path style="position: relative;" class="node" id="node5" d="M1455 937 c-54 -21 -73 -36 -95 -72 -47 -76 -44 -147 11 -209 45 -51
    91 -69 156 -61 72 9 117 48 138 118 18 61 12 107 -22 160 -36 57 -128 88 -188


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <vector xmlns:android=""
                android:pathData="M1325 2979 c-27 -5 -79 -14 -115 -20 -93 -16 -261 -73 -360 -121 -453 -222 -754
    -641 -824 -1148 -27 -192 -16 -372 35 -565 136 -517 547 -928 1064 -1065 102 -26
    278 -50 377 -50 100 0 268 25 388 57 456 122 803 433 998 893 68 161 110 420 99
    612 -27 488 -279 922 -682 1178 -39 25 -80 51 -90 58 -11 6 -31 17 -45 23 -14 5
    -38 17 -55 25 -49 25 -175 70 -245 87 -162 41 -423 57 -545 36z m385 -51 c248 -64
    440 -274 500 -546 24 -106 25 -187 5 -284 -42 -201 -154 -367 -318 -471 -132 -83
    -205 -106 -372 -117 -135 -8 -230 -27 -302 -61 -24 -10 -46 -19 -49 -19 -22 0 -154
    -103 -213 -167 -178 -190 -237 -427 -172 -693 20 -81 102 -228 165 -297 60 -65 187
    -163 213 -163 7 0 13 -4 13 -10 0 -51 -379 111 -538 230 -181 136 -331 314 -429
    510 -75 149 -78 156 -107 259 -81 288 -76 585 15 855 31 90 113 264 152 321 251
    365 562 577 952 650 195 37 352 38 485 3z m-123 -2003 c37 -15 77 -74 87 -125 10
    -54 -17 -132 -59 -168 -45 -40 -126 -52 -179 -27 -75 36 -122 119 -106 189 28 125
    138 181 257 131z" />
                android:pathData="M1430 2409 c-32 -13 -78 -56 -96 -91 -8 -15 -14 -50 -14 -78 0 -177 200 -254 321
    -123 36 38 53 94 44 149 -16 107 -152 184 -255 143z" />
                android:pathData="M1400 2950 c-478 -42 -840 -259 -1127 -675 -39 -57 -121 -231 -152 -321 -91 -270
    -96 -567 -15 -855 29 -103 32 -110 107 -259 98 -196 248 -374 429 -510 159 -119
    538 -281 538 -230 0 6 -6 10 -13 10 -8 0 -45 22 -84 49 -214 151 -337 407 -318 660
    14 177 75 316 196 444 59 64 191 167 213 167 3 0 25 9 49 19 72 34 167 53 302 61
    167 11 240 34 372 117 201 127 334 369 333 606 -1 138 -63 325 -148 439 -154 209
    -386 303 -682 278z m179 -549 c114 -59 144 -196 62 -284 -121 -131 -321 -54 -321
    123 0 28 6 63 14 78 18 35 64 78 96 91 41 16 108 12 149 -8z" />
                android:pathData="M1455 937 c-54 -21 -73 -36 -95 -72 -47 -76 -44 -147 11 -209 45 -51 91 -69 156
    -61 72 9 117 48 138 118 18 61 12 107 -22 160 -36 57 -128 88 -188 64z" />
    opened by zezekalo 8
  • Bake transforms into path (experimental) messes icon position up

    Bake transforms into path (experimental) messes icon position up

    Input Icon

    <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
        <g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" transform="translate(-5 -4)">
            <path d="M5 4h24v24H5z"/>
            <circle cx="17" cy="16" r="5" fill="#FB4754"/>
            <g stroke="#FB4754" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-width="1.5">
                <path d="M6.629 15.765h2.828M24.543 15.765h2.828"/>
                    <path d="M17 26.371v-2.828M17 8.457V5.63"/>
                    <path d="M9.5 23.167l2-2M22.167 10.5l2-2"/>
                        <path d="M24.334 23.333l-2-2M11.667 10.666l-2-2"/>

    Works without Bake transforms into path

    When I convert it using those options:

    screen shot 2017-05-15 at 12 39 35

    The image will be transformed correctly.

    screen shot 2017-05-15 at 12 40 13

    Does not work with Bake transforms into path

    However when I activate Bake transforms into path:

    screen shot 2017-05-15 at 12 40 40

    The image will not be transformed correctly and is not centered:

    screen shot 2017-05-15 at 12 41 03

    opened by vanniktech 7
  • Byte order mark being prepended to xml

    Byte order mark being prepended to xml

    When inputting the below xml a "< feff >" is prepended to the output file, which then will not render in Android studio. U+FEFF is the code point for a byte order mark. This might be from a dodgey conversion between iso-8859 and utf8.

    screen shot 2015-09-22 at 10 42 32


    opened by Danm72 7
  • Handle CSS class based colors

    Handle CSS class based colors

    Sometimes Tools like Adobe Illustrator, when exporting to SVG, they use a CSS block at the beginning of the generated SVG file to define the colors ass CSS classes like:

    <style type="text/css">

    and later on just uses these to style the paths

    <path class="st2" d="M96.6,116.9l18.6-14.8h21.1l4.2,35c-7.3,8.3-10.1,9.7-20.5,15.1l-2.7-24.9l-20.8,16.7L76.4,129l-2.7,23.3
    <path class="st2" d="M96.6,143.9L76.4,129l-2.7,23.3c-10-4.9-13.6-7-21.1-15.3l4.3-35h21.2l18.5,14.8l0,0l0,0l18.6-14.8h21.1

    right now, the tool just adds a black fill color and ignores the css class colors

    opened by martyglaubitz 7
  • Deprecation Explanation?

    Deprecation Explanation?

    This tool has been immensely helpful in Android development and I use it every day! Is there a reason why this tool is being deprecated? The tool in Android Studio is not as convenient.

    opened by searchy2 6
  • 1. Non-correct converting color format (text or rgb to hex-format) 2. After manual color-issue  fix it couldn`t be displayed in imageview

    1. Non-correct converting color format (text or rgb to hex-format) 2. After manual color-issue fix it couldn`t be displayed in imageview

    SVG file:

    <!--?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?-->
    <svg xmlns="" width="300.000000pt" height="300.000000pt" viewBox="0 0 300.000000 300.000000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
    <g transform="translate(0.000000,300.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)" fill="#000000" stroke="none">
    <g transform="translate(0.000000,300.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)" fill="#CC59EC" stroke="none">
    <path style="position: relative; fill: red;" class="node" id="node2" d="M1430 2384 c-14 -2 -56 -9 -95 -15 -162 -27 -315 -108 -447 -237 -38
    -37 -68 -71 -68 -76 0 -5 44 -86 97 -180 53 -94 105 -187 115 -206 77 -143 98
    -167 98 -111 0 79 83 211 168 269 101 68 129 72 585 72 l409 0 -27 48 c-48 82
    -134 181 -213 244 -96 76 -254 154 -353 173 -81 15 -230 26 -269 19z"></path>
    <path fill="#5eec59" style="position: relative; fill: rgb(94, 236, 89);" class="node" id="node3" d="M723 1913 c-52 -100 -80 -195 -92 -310 -36 -348 123 -668 420 -848
    88 -53 255 -115 311 -115 l37 0 87 148 c48 81 113 191 146 244 32 54 58 102
    58 107 0 6 -19 3 -42 -6 -58 -22 -207 -22 -268 1 -65 24 -130 71 -171 125 -19
    25 -93 147 -164 271 -203 355 -265 460 -273 460 -5 0 -26 -35 -49 -77z"></path>
    <path fill="#597bec" style="position: relative; fill: rgb(89, 123, 236);" class="node" id="node4" d="M1402 1818 c-78 -29 -148 -88 -187 -159 -27 -49 -30 -62 -30 -149 0
    -115 21 -167 102 -247 64 -63 137 -93 227 -93 96 0 153 21 223 84 85 77 108
    132 108 256 0 87 -3 100 -29 148 -82 147 -260 216 -414 160z"></path>
    <path fill="#ffe414" style="position: relative; fill: rgb(255, 228, 20);" class="node" id="node5" d="M1782 1788 c109 -105 153 -261 111 -393 -11 -33 -77 -159 -148 -280
    -253 -436 -275 -474 -275 -481 0 -14 197 6 270 27 149 43 257 105 368 213 112
    107 190 232 235 371 51 156 49 371 -4 533 l-21 62 -295 0 -296 0 55 -52z"></path>

    Vector drawable:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <vector xmlns:android=""
                android:pathData="M1430 2384 c-14 -2 -56 -9 -95 -15 -162 -27 -315 -108 -447 -237 -38 -37 -68 -71
    -68 -76 0 -5 44 -86 97 -180 53 -94 105 -187 115 -206 77 -143 98 -167 98 -111 0
    79 83 211 168 269 101 68 129 72 585 72 l409 0 -27 48 c-48 82 -134 181 -213 244
    -96 76 -254 154 -353 173 -81 15 -230 26 -269 19z" />
                android:fillColor="rgb(94, 236, 89)"
                android:pathData="M723 1913 c-52 -100 -80 -195 -92 -310 -36 -348 123 -668 420 -848 88 -53 255 -115
    311 -115 l37 0 87 148 c48 81 113 191 146 244 32 54 58 102 58 107 0 6 -19 3 -42
    -6 -58 -22 -207 -22 -268 1 -65 24 -130 71 -171 125 -19 25 -93 147 -164 271 -203
    355 -265 460 -273 460 -5 0 -26 -35 -49 -77z" />
                android:fillColor="rgb(89, 123, 236)"
                android:pathData="M1402 1818 c-78 -29 -148 -88 -187 -159 -27 -49 -30 -62 -30 -149 0 -115 21 -167
    102 -247 64 -63 137 -93 227 -93 96 0 153 21 223 84 85 77 108 132 108 256 0 87 -3
    100 -29 148 -82 147 -260 216 -414 160z" />
                android:fillColor="rgb(255, 228, 20)"
                android:pathData="M1782 1788 c109 -105 153 -261 111 -393 -11 -33 -77 -159 -148 -280 -253 -436 -275
    -474 -275 -481 0 -14 197 6 270 27 149 43 257 105 368 213 112 107 190 232 235 371
    51 156 49 371 -4 533 l-21 62 -295 0 -296 0 55 -52z" />
    opened by zezekalo 6
  • "Problem during parsing svg (flatten failed)" all times

    I've been unable to use this tool for some days since Chrome 48 update, it always reports "Error: problem during parsing svg (flatten failed)." for each file i use, even those i've already used with this tool. With firefox I don't have this issue.

    opened by jrizzoli 5
  • Add batch (multi-svg) capabilities

    Add batch (multi-svg) capabilities

    I'm working with large amounts of SVGs and would love to be able to drag a set of files and download them all at once. I think it'd be optimal for this option to automatically download the resulting files and not display the output as it would normally.

    Let me add that I've found this tool to be invaluable to my work and I'm quite thankful that you've made this available. Cheers!

    opened by davekover 5
  • Not appropriate colours

    Not appropriate colours


    <!--?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?-->
    <svg xmlns="" width="300.000000pt" height="300.000000pt" viewBox="0 0 300.000000 300.000000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
    <g transform="translate(0.000000,300.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)" fill="#040504" stroke="none">
    <path style="position: relative;" class="node" id="node1" d="M1325 2979 c-27 -5 -79 -14 -115 -20 -93 -16 -261 -73 -360 -121
    -453 -222 -754 -641 -824 -1148 -27 -192 -16 -372 35 -565 136 -517 547 -928
    1064 -1065 102 -26 278 -50 377 -50 100 0 268 25 388 57 456 122 803 433 998
    893 68 161 110 420 99 612 -27 488 -279 922 -682 1178 -39 25 -80 51 -90 58
    -11 6 -31 17 -45 23 -14 5 -38 17 -55 25 -49 25 -175 70 -245 87 -162 41 -423
    57 -545 36z m385 -51 c248 -64 440 -274 500 -546 24 -106 25 -187 5 -284 -42
    -201 -154 -367 -318 -471 -132 -83 -205 -106 -372 -117 -135 -8 -230 -27 -302
    -61 -24 -10 -46 -19 -49 -19 -22 0 -154 -103 -213 -167 -178 -190 -237 -427
    -172 -693 20 -81 102 -228 165 -297 60 -65 187 -163 213 -163 7 0 13 -4 13
    -10 0 -51 -379 111 -538 230 -181 136 -331 314 -429 510 -75 149 -78 156 -107
    259 -81 288 -76 585 15 855 31 90 113 264 152 321 251 365 562 577 952 650
    195 37 352 38 485 3z m-123 -2003 c37 -15 77 -74 87 -125 10 -54 -17 -132 -59
    -168 -45 -40 -126 -52 -179 -27 -75 36 -122 119 -106 189 28 125 138 181 257
    <path style="position: relative;" class="node" id="node2" d="M1430 2409 c-32 -13 -78 -56 -96 -91 -8 -15 -14 -50 -14 -78 0 -177
    200 -254 321 -123 36 38 53 94 44 149 -16 107 -152 184 -255 143z"></path>
    <g transform="translate(0.000000,300.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)" fill="#A2A2A2" stroke="none">
    <path style="position: relative;" class="node" id="node4" d="M1400 2950 c-478 -42 -840 -259 -1127 -675 -39 -57 -121 -231 -152
    -321 -91 -270 -96 -567 -15 -855 29 -103 32 -110 107 -259 98 -196 248 -374
    429 -510 159 -119 538 -281 538 -230 0 6 -6 10 -13 10 -8 0 -45 22 -84 49
    -214 151 -337 407 -318 660 14 177 75 316 196 444 59 64 191 167 213 167 3 0
    25 9 49 19 72 34 167 53 302 61 167 11 240 34 372 117 201 127 334 369 333
    606 -1 138 -63 325 -148 439 -154 209 -386 303 -682 278z m179 -549 c114 -59
    144 -196 62 -284 -121 -131 -321 -54 -321 123 0 28 6 63 14 78 18 35 64 78 96
    91 41 16 108 12 149 -8z"></path>
    <path style="position: relative;" class="node" id="node5" d="M1455 937 c-54 -21 -73 -36 -95 -72 -47 -76 -44 -147 11 -209 45 -51
    91 -69 156 -61 72 9 117 48 138 118 18 61 12 107 -22 160 -36 57 -128 88 -188


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <vector xmlns:android=""
                android:pathData="M1325 2979 c-27 -5 -79 -14 -115 -20 -93 -16 -261 -73 -360 -121 -453 -222 -754
    -641 -824 -1148 -27 -192 -16 -372 35 -565 136 -517 547 -928 1064 -1065 102 -26
    278 -50 377 -50 100 0 268 25 388 57 456 122 803 433 998 893 68 161 110 420 99
    612 -27 488 -279 922 -682 1178 -39 25 -80 51 -90 58 -11 6 -31 17 -45 23 -14 5
    -38 17 -55 25 -49 25 -175 70 -245 87 -162 41 -423 57 -545 36z m385 -51 c248 -64
    440 -274 500 -546 24 -106 25 -187 5 -284 -42 -201 -154 -367 -318 -471 -132 -83
    -205 -106 -372 -117 -135 -8 -230 -27 -302 -61 -24 -10 -46 -19 -49 -19 -22 0 -154
    -103 -213 -167 -178 -190 -237 -427 -172 -693 20 -81 102 -228 165 -297 60 -65 187
    -163 213 -163 7 0 13 -4 13 -10 0 -51 -379 111 -538 230 -181 136 -331 314 -429
    510 -75 149 -78 156 -107 259 -81 288 -76 585 15 855 31 90 113 264 152 321 251
    365 562 577 952 650 195 37 352 38 485 3z m-123 -2003 c37 -15 77 -74 87 -125 10
    -54 -17 -132 -59 -168 -45 -40 -126 -52 -179 -27 -75 36 -122 119 -106 189 28 125
    138 181 257 131z" />
                android:pathData="M1430 2409 c-32 -13 -78 -56 -96 -91 -8 -15 -14 -50 -14 -78 0 -177 200 -254 321
    -123 36 38 53 94 44 149 -16 107 -152 184 -255 143z" />
                android:pathData="M1400 2950 c-478 -42 -840 -259 -1127 -675 -39 -57 -121 -231 -152 -321 -91 -270
    -96 -567 -15 -855 29 -103 32 -110 107 -259 98 -196 248 -374 429 -510 159 -119
    538 -281 538 -230 0 6 -6 10 -13 10 -8 0 -45 22 -84 49 -214 151 -337 407 -318 660
    14 177 75 316 196 444 59 64 191 167 213 167 3 0 25 9 49 19 72 34 167 53 302 61
    167 11 240 34 372 117 201 127 334 369 333 606 -1 138 -63 325 -148 439 -154 209
    -386 303 -682 278z m179 -549 c114 -59 144 -196 62 -284 -121 -131 -321 -54 -321
    123 0 28 6 63 14 78 18 35 64 78 96 91 41 16 108 12 149 -8z" />
                android:pathData="M1455 937 c-54 -21 -73 -36 -95 -72 -47 -76 -44 -147 11 -209 45 -51 91 -69 156
    -61 72 9 117 48 138 118 18 61 12 107 -22 160 -36 57 -128 88 -188 64z" />

    Colours are #000000 everywhere.

    opened by zezekalo 5
  • transform baking not working

    transform baking not working

            <path fill="#fff" id="a" d="M1007.195 733.064l-73.56-56.43-73.542 56.457 28.313-90.994-73.795-56.092 91.06.193 27.934-91.123 27.964 91.113 91.06-.226-73.777 56.119 28.343 90.983z"/>
            <use xlink:href="#a" transform="translate(577.189)"/>
            <use xlink:href="#a" transform="translate(288.889 -214.211)"/>
            <use xlink:href="#a" transform="translate(108 342.749)"/>
            <use xlink:href="#a" transform="translate(469.189 342.749)"/>


            android:pathData="M1007.2,733.064 L933.635,676.634 L860.093,733.091 L888.406,642.097 L814.611,586.005 L905.671,586.198 L933.605,495.075 L961.569,586.188 L1052.63,585.962 L978.853,642.081 L1007.2,733.064 Z" />
            android:pathData="M1007.2,733.064 L933.635,676.634 L860.093,733.091 L888.406,642.097 L814.611,586.005 L905.671,586.198 L933.605,495.075 L961.569,586.188 L1052.63,585.962 L978.853,642.081 L1007.2,733.064 Z" />
            android:pathData="M1007.2,733.064 L933.635,676.634 L860.093,733.091 L888.406,642.097 L814.611,586.005 L905.671,586.198 L933.605,495.075 L961.569,586.188 L1052.63,585.962 L978.853,642.081 L1007.2,733.064 Z" />
            android:pathData="M1007.2,733.064 L933.635,676.634 L860.093,733.091 L888.406,642.097 L814.611,586.005 L905.671,586.198 L933.605,495.075 L961.569,586.188 L1052.63,585.962 L978.853,642.081 L1007.2,733.064 Z" />
            android:pathData="M1007.2,733.064 L933.635,676.634 L860.093,733.091 L888.406,642.097 L814.611,586.005 L905.671,586.198 L933.605,495.075 L961.569,586.188 L1052.63,585.962 L978.853,642.081 L1007.2,733.064 Z" />

    Correct After:

            <path d="M1007.2,733.06l-73.56-56.43-73.54,56.46,28.31-91L814.61,586l91.06.19,27.93-91.12,28,91.11,91.06-.23-73.78,56.12Z" fill="#fff"/>
            <path d="M1584.38,733.06l-73.56-56.43-73.54,56.46,28.31-91L1391.8,586l91.06.19,27.93-91.12,28,91.11,91.06-.23L1556,642.08Z" fill="#fff"/>
            <path d="M1296.08,518.85l-73.56-56.43L1149,518.88l28.31-91-73.79-56.09,91.06.19,27.93-91.12,28,91.11,91.06-.23-73.78,56.12Z" fill="#fff"/>
            <path d="M1115.19,1075.81l-73.56-56.43-73.54,56.46,28.31-91-73.79-56.09,91.06.19,27.93-91.12,28,91.11,91.06-.23-73.78,56.12Z" fill="#fff"/>
            <path d="M1476.38,1075.81l-73.56-56.43-73.54,56.46,28.31-91-73.79-56.09,91.06.19,27.93-91.12,28,91.11,91.06-.23L1448,984.83Z" fill="#fff"/>

    what is wrong:

    • all pathData have absolutely the same doubles, transform/translate not applied on them
    opened by OleksandrKucherenko 4
  • Cant open an svg file at svg2android

    Cant open an svg file at svg2android

    I´m converting all country flags to android vectordrawables but this one refuse to open at This only thing I can notice is that it´s missing the "?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? " tag, adding that however doesn´t make any change still wont compute

    I convert all country flags from Christoph Bartneck blog at:

    Now I see this happens to Flag_of_Uzbekistan.svg also. 2 out of 196 something svg´s could not be computed.

    Thanks for svg2android it´s really useful. I will give this up now since the log show that around 100 flags could not be converted because of various errors like: (Any tip on where to get VectorDrawable of all world flags?)

    Warning #1: | stroke-width not found on path one or more times. Defaulting all instances to 1.
    -- | --
    Warning #2: | found fill(s) or stroke(s) which uses url() (gradients and patterns are not supported in Android)
    Warning #3: | group transform 'matrix' is not supported, use option Bake transforms into path

    Any ide?

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    <path d="m1019.8,721.47c-0.533,0.00037-0.9653-0.43159-0.9653-0.96458s0.4323-0.96496,0.9653-0.96459c0.533-0.00037,0.9652,0.4316,0.9652,0.96459s-0.4322,0.96495-0.9652,0.96458z" stroke="#00afca" stroke-dasharray="none" stroke-miterlimit="4" stroke-width="0.38127393" fill="#fec50c"/>
    <use xlink:href="#use4321" transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,0,1000)" height="1000" width="2000" y="0" x="0"/>
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    <use xlink:href="#use4303" transform="matrix(-1,0,0,-1,240,645.07996)" height="1000" width="2000" y="0" x="0"/>
    <use xlink:href="#use4303" transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,0,645.07996)" height="1000" width="2000" y="0" x="0"/>
    <use id="use4303" xlink:href="#orn" transform="matrix(-2.0220238,0,0,-2.0269562,120,322.53998)" height="500" width="1000" y="0" x="0" fill="#fec50c"/>
    <use xlink:href="#use4303" transform="translate(0,354.92004)" height="1000" width="2000" y="0" x="0"/>
    <use xlink:href="#use4303" transform="matrix(-1,0,0,1,240,354.92004)" height="1000" width="2000" y="0" x="0"/>
    <use xlink:href="#use4321" transform="matrix(-1,0,0,1,240,0)" height="1000" width="2000" y="0" x="0"/>
    <use id="use4321" xlink:href="#uorn" transform="matrix(-2.0220238,0,0,2.0269562,120,145.07997)" height="500" width="1000" y="0" x="0" fill="#fec50c"/>
    opened by erikswed 0
  • Implemented linear and radial gradients for fill and stroke colors.

    Implemented linear and radial gradients for fill and stroke colors.

    I have not tested this extensively. It was a quick hack of the code so I didn't have to manually import all of the SVGs with gradients into Android Studio. For the 41 SVGs I tested it with it worked properly. One outstanding issue is that I didn't bother with making sure indentation worked properly.

    opened by winsock 5
  • Just a couple of personal fixes

    Just a couple of personal fixes

    First commit is for the svg with the size like this: <svg ... width="94px" height="94px" version="1.1" ... viewBox="0 0 2814009 2814009"> Not sure though, might break something

    Second commit fixes the problem with vector preview in Android Studio 3.0, it wasn't always showing with the wrapped lines

    opened by loredan 0
  • Missing attributes x1/y1/x2/y2 of <line> tag are handled incorrectly

    Missing attributes x1/y1/x2/y2 of tag are handled incorrectly

    According to MDN (

    If the attribute is not specified, the effect is as if a value of 0 were specified

    But current output value of the missing attribute is "undefined"

    opened by sbogolepov 0
  • Link behind upload

    Link behind upload

    I am developing a wpf app that would upload a svg file to your webpage and capture result, and then later format it as per my user needs and display in a window. For that i need the link behind upload that my app would upload the file to and i have been unable to find that link so far. There is another similar project for which i found the link but the main reason i want to use yours is because of the options you give at the bottom, like "bake transform into paths" which is very useful. It would be great if you could provide that link. Thanks

    opened by saadx 2
Android Resource Manager application to manage and analysis your app resources with many features like image resize, Color, Dimens and code Analysis

Android Resource Manager application to manage and analysis your app resources with many features like image resize, Color, Dimens and code Analysis

Amr Hesham 26 Nov 16, 2022
TaggerString is very light library which allows to build dynamic string resource in much more readable way.

TaggerString TaggerString is very light library which allows to build dynamic string resource in much more readable way. I guess that every Android de

polok 241 Jun 3, 2022
Use a jar executable to create a Drawable class to display a SVG on Android.

SVG2Drawable Use a jar executable to create a Drawable class to display a SVG on Android. This is a standalone library, not a Runtime Android library.

Stan Kocken 202 Nov 28, 2022
Tool for create complex morphing animations using VectorDrawables (allows morphing between any pair of SVG images)

VectAlign VectAlign (a.k.a. VectorDrawableAlign) is a developer's tool which automagically aligns two VectorDrawable "pathData" strings (or SVG images

Stefano Bonetta 2k Dec 29, 2022
A tool to install components of the Android SDK into a Maven repository or repository manager to use with the Android Maven Plugin, Gradle and other tools.

Maven Android SDK Deployer Original author including numerous fixes and changes: Manfred Moser [email protected] at simpligility technologies i

simpligility 1.4k Dec 27, 2022
A simple utility to remove unused resources in your Android app to lower the size of the APK. It's based on the Android lint tool output.

android-resource-remover android-resource-remover is utility that removes unused resources reported by Android Lint from your project. The goal is to

Keepsafe 1.3k Dec 16, 2022
This is a Android Studio/ IntelliJ IDEA plugin to localize your Android app, translate your string resources automactically.

#Android Localizationer This is a Android Studio/ IntelliJ IDEA plugin to localize your Android app, translate your string resources automactically. T

Wesley Lin 822 Dec 8, 2022
A tool to install components of the Android SDK into a Maven repository or repository manager to use with the Android Maven Plugin, Gradle and other tools.

Maven Android SDK Deployer Original author including numerous fixes and changes: Manfred Moser [email protected] at simpligility technologies i

simpligility 1.4k Dec 27, 2022
Automated-build-android-app-with-github-action - CI/CD Automated Build Android App Bundle / APK / Signed With Github Action

Automated Build Android With Using Github Action Project Github Action Script Us

Faisal Amir 34 Dec 19, 2022
A super fast build tool for Android, an alternative to Instant Run

Freeline Freeline is a super fast build tool for Android and an alternative to Instant Run. Caching reusable class files and resource indices, it enab

Alibaba 5.5k Jan 2, 2023
Command-line tool to count per-package methods in Android .dex files

dex-method-counts Simple tool to output per-package method counts in an Android DEX executable grouped by package, to aid in getting under the 65,536

Mihai Parparita 2.6k Nov 25, 2022
View Inspection Toolbar for Android Development

View Inspector Plugin View inspection toolbar for android development. Features Boundary show outlines show margins show paddings Layer Scalpel featur

Fumihiro Xue (Peter Hsieh) 2.2k Nov 14, 2022
Make Android screenshots of scrollable screen content

scrollscreenshot Make Android screenshots of scrollable screen content - brought to you by PGS Software SA This tool makes a number of screenshots, sc

PGS Software 714 Dec 7, 2022
🍼Debug Bottle is an Android runtime debug / develop tools written using kotlin language.

???? 中文 / ???? 日本語 / ???? English ?? Debug Bottle An Android debug / develop tools written using Kotlin language. All the features in Debug bottle are

Yuriel Arlencloyn 846 Nov 14, 2022
[] Dissect layout traversals on Android

Probe Dissect layout traversals on Android. Features Intercept View methods. onMeasure(int, int) onLayout(boolean, int, int, int, int) draw(Canvas) an

Lucas Rocha 555 Nov 25, 2022
Android Library Finder

alfi Android Library Finder Search through thousands of android libraries that can help you scale your projects elegantly Usage Search for something a

César Ferreira 509 Dec 8, 2022
Annotation based simple API flavored with AOP to handle new Android runtime permission model

Let Annotation based simple API flavoured with AOP to handle new Android runtime permission model. If you check Google's Samples about the new permiss

Can Elmas 530 Nov 25, 2022