Android icons with looooong material shadows!


Android Material Shadow Generator

Android icons with that loooong material shadow for everyone!

Android icon example Bug icon example Heart icon example Idea icon example



Invalid custom SVG file

Here are some common causes which cause problems.

Paths are not closed

Make sure that your SVG file contains closed paths instead of open ones. For example

Open vs close paths example

The icon on the left contains a single path (made up of two sub paths) that is open at the ends (first node does not connect to the last node). The icon on the right has closed paths, where the shape of the paths are that of the stroke width of the original icon.

For Inkscape users there is a nice tool that does the above conversion: "Path" -> "Stroke to Path".

Paths do not have a fill color

Only paths which have a fill color are imported. Any other paths are considered "invisble".


First, download / setup the dependencies:

npm install

Next get a hold of brunch, the build tool used for this project. To install globally:

npm install -g brunch

Then to start compiling + watching files run

npm start

which will start a local server at http://localhost:3333.

Updating the Google Material Icons

To update the local Google Material Icons collection run ./bin/ which will place all icons under app/assets/img/material-icons and create a file with all icon names under app/templates/input-material-icons-data.static.jade.


Tests require PhantomJS (v2.1.1), CasperJS (v1.1.0-beta5) and the site running at http://localhost:3333 (e.g. npm start). Run tests via npm test.

Travis Status

Nice to know

To directly open an specific icon in the editor, pass the url to the icon as a icon query parameter to the website, for example



Please see LICENSE for licensing details.

Support or contact

For commercial use, please submit a request or send us an email to

  • Add option to apply 'Score' effect

    Add option to apply 'Score' effect

    Quote from guide:

    Scored material elements have the illusion of depth without losing their geometric form. Scores should be centered on symmetrical shapes.


    feature request 
    opened by ok3141 5
  • Error loading SVG file

    Error loading SVG file


    I'm trying to load my SVG file, but I got js error in the Developer Console.

    index.js:9 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '_intersection' of null (Google Chrome 52.0.2743.116 m (64-bit))

    In Microsoft Edge: The following popup appears:

    Invalid SVG file Please use a real SVG file instead.

    My SVG file It is a minified, simplified version of the svg made in Inkscape. (None of the option worked by default during export from Inkscape) Simplified by:

    I tried the example svg-s from this repo, and tried to edit the path, but it gives the same error. There is a problem with the svg or with the generator?

    opened by T-bond 5
  • File does not have a extension

    File does not have a extension

    I do not know what the file's extension is - which means I cannot open it. I have tried .png, .ico, .svg, and even .jpg for crying out loud.

    Which means I can't even use it.

    opened by ericswpark 5
  • Error while importing custom SVG

    Error while importing custom SVG

    I encountered an error while importing a SVG file from my hard drive. Here some technical details :

    Imported svg data: Group @1
    Uncaught Error: TypeError: Cannot read property '_visited' of null
        at o (vendor.js:7)
        at XMLHttpRequest.a (vendor.js:7)
        at XMLHttpRequest.e.onload (vendor.js:7)
    • Error in console (Firefox)
    Type Error: a is null
    • On the site infinite loading
    opened by tuarrep 4
  • Licensing Contradiction

    Licensing Contradiction

    The non-commercial exception to the AGPL is effectively without effect as the program can be acquired under the terms of the AGPL which permits to remove such "further restrictions". (see Section 7 and 10)

    This is specifically stated in the official FSF FAQ:

    opened by frhun 3
  • Removing box shadow and having a larger icon

    Removing box shadow and having a larger icon

    Is there currently a way to remove the box shadow from the icon itself (not the svg that you uploaded). The icon exported with the shadow looks smaller in comparison to other icons Android app icons, so wanted to export it without the shadow so that the icon can be slightly larger is size.

    opened by asaadmahmood 1
  • Hi, this is awesome but seems to show problems in chrome 55

    Hi, this is awesome but seems to show problems in chrome 55

    Uncaught TypeError: t.setRampPoint is not a function at offset (index.js:10) at Object. (index.js:10) at Object.o (index.js:5) at Function.i [as each] (index.js:5) at v (index.js:10) at o (index.js:10) at k (index.js:10) at index.js:10 at e (index.js:10) at k (index.js:10)

    It seems to be the new version of chrome dose not work with the paperjs

    opened by loooog 1
  • Page not wrking

    Page not wrking

    Hi, today i wanted to enter the website at and google said this site cant be reached. It will be really help full if you can fix it

    opened by negrifelipe 1
  • Gradient in input SVG causes error

    Gradient in input SVG causes error


    I'm trying to upload an SVG file to the website, then it just keeps loading forever.

    It does load side menu with tools and even download option, but the main side just displays a loading indicator forever.

    I've attached the SVG I'm trying to upload in case you guys want to test

    I'm using Chrome Version 61.0.3163.100 (Official Build) (64-bit) on Windows 10


    opened by chimura 1
  • Add box shadow [feature request]

    Add box shadow [feature request]

    On the example images (, there's a shadow, but if I use the generator there isn't one.

    opened by Allen-B1 2
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