The metrics layer for your data

  • Connect via DBeaver when SSL

    Connect via DBeaver when SSL


    I've exposed MetriQL behind an ssl proxy and I can connect via the python library, but via DBeaver I get an exception when trying to connect.

    Error starting query at returned an invalid response: JsonResponse{statusCode=500, statusMessage=, headers={access-control-allow-credentials=[true], access-control-allow-headers=[content-type,token], access-control-allow-origin=[*], content-length=[129], date=[Sun, 28 Nov 2021 06:46:36 GMT], samesite=[None; Secure], server=[openresty/], strict-transport-security=[max-age=63072000]}, hasValue=false} [Error: {"errors":[{"id":null,"links":null,"status":null,"code":null,"title":"An error occurred","detail":null,"meta":null}],"meta":null}]

    The server side says.

    FROM system.jdbc.tables
    opened by AndreasTA-AW 18
  • tutorial does not work

    tutorial does not work

    I followed the instructions provided here, I also executed a "dbt compile" before running metriql in order to generate the manifest.json file. I'm running metriql thru docker, so my command is:

    docker run -v c:\dbt:/mnt/dbt -v c:\users\frigod.dbt:/mnt/dbt_profile buremba/metriql:latest run --project-dir /mnt/dbt/metriql_test2 --profiles-dir /mnt/dbt_profile --manifest-json file:/mnt/dbt/metriql_test/target/manifest.json

    I then tried connecting to the Trino engine using dbeaver. I can connect, but I cannot see any table (and opening the table list invalidates the connection).

    I the tried running metriql generate to understand the issue:

    docker run -v c:\dbt:/mnt/dbt -v c:\users\frigod.dbt:/mnt/dbt_profile buremba/metriql:latest generate --project-dir /mnt/dbt/metriql_test2 --profiles-dir /mnt/dbt_profile

    and the result is:

    Done creating 0 aggregate dbt models.

    opened by danielefrigo 11
  • Ability to define metrics in dbt models

    Ability to define metrics in dbt models

    In order to use metriql in a dbt project, you need to be using YML files in dbt but not all the users are familiar with it. We should find a dbt-native way for SQL-heavy users to define them inside the SQL. One solution would be parsing column names such as metric__[MEASURE_NAME]__[OPTIONAL_AGGREGATION_TYPE] and creating measures automatically for these columns.

    We need to create a macro so that the users can define them as follows:

    select c_nationkey, 
        count(*) as {{measure('total_users', aggregation='sum')}}, 
        min(c_acctbal) as {{measure('min_balance', aggregation='min')}}
    from {{source('tpch', 'customer')}} 

    The model above will be compiled as:

    select c_nationkey, 
      count(*) as metric__total_users__count, 
      min(c_acctbal) as metric__min_balance__min
    from snowflake_sample_data.tpch_sf1.customer group by 1

    If there is no YML file that documents the model, we will get the table schema, create dimensions for each column, look for the columns that start with metric__, and create a measure for each of them. The dataset will look something like this:

    target: source('tpch', "customer")
            column: c_nationkey
            column: total_users
            column: min_balance
         aggregation: sum
         column: total_users
         aggregation: min
         column: min_balance
    opened by buremba 11
  • Support OAuth credentials for BigQuery target

    Support OAuth credentials for BigQuery target

    I'm trying to run metriql on a macbook. My dbt project compiles and runs just fine. I reinstalled docker and pulled the latest metriql image.

    My dbt setup is customised a little:

    • profiles.yml is in the project root. This is configured as an env_variable
    • I'm building to ${workspaceFolder}/.dbt/artifacts/. This is configured in dbt_project. Both work fine except for metriql.
    (.venv) daniel@dbrtly-MBP dbt_shop % pwd
    (.venv) daniel@dbrtly-MBP dbt_shop % export DBT_PROJECT_DIR=${PWD}
    export DBT_PROFILES_DIR=${PWD}
    export METRIQL_PORT=5656
    docker run -it -p "${METRIQL_PORT}:5656" -v "${DBT_PROJECT_DIR}:/root/app" -v "${DBT_PROFILES_DIR}:/root/.dbt" -e METRIQL_RUN_HOST= -e DBT_PROJECT_DIR=/root/app buremba/metriql \
    Aug 02, 2021 7:25:13 AM <clinit>
    INFO: Driver registered
    Exception in thread "main" Unknown warehouse: bigquery

    Also FWIW I'd really prefer to use docker-compose rather than docker cli.

    opened by dbrtly 8
  • Error running `serve`

    Error running `serve`

    I installed the Metriql CLI through docker: docker pull buremba/metriql:latest

    Then, while in my dbt directory, ran the instructions on the installation page:

    export DBT_PROJECT_DIR=${PWD}
    export DBT_PROFILES_DIR=${HOME}/.dbt
    export METRIQL_PORT=5656
    docker run -it -p "${METRIQL_PORT}:5656" -v "${DBT_PROJECT_DIR}:/root/app" -v "${DBT_PROFILES_DIR}:/root/.dbt" -e METRIQL_RUN_HOST= -e DBT_PROJECT_DIR=/root/app buremba/metriql \

    I then get the following error:

    Nov 03, 2021 11:36:01 AM <clinit>
    INFO: Driver registered
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class com.metriql.Commands$Serve tried to access private method 'java.lang.String com.metriql.Commands.getProfilesContent()' (com.metriql.Commands$Serve and com.metriql.Commands are in unnamed module of loader 'app')
    	at com.metriql.Commands$Serve.access$getProfilesContent$s-537891160(Commands.kt:180)
    	at com.metriql.Commands$
    	at com.github.ajalt.clikt.parsers.Parser.parse(Parser.kt:198)
    	at com.github.ajalt.clikt.parsers.Parser.parse(Parser.kt:211)
    	at com.github.ajalt.clikt.parsers.Parser.parse(Parser.kt:18)
    	at com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.CliktCommand.parse(CliktCommand.kt:395)
    	at com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.CliktCommand.parse$default(CliktCommand.kt:392)
    	at com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.CliktCommand.main(CliktCommand.kt:410)
    	at com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.CliktCommand.main(CliktCommand.kt:435)
    	at com.metriql.ServiceStarterKt.main(ServiceStarter.kt:25)

    Any idea on how to resolve this?

    opened by NicWagenaar 7
  • Tableau Integration

    Tableau Integration

    We need to develop a Connector Plugin using the SDK:

    It should support basic auth and OAuth.

    opened by emresemercioglu 7
  • Cannot run program

    Cannot run program "gcloud"


    I'm running with a profile that is using bigquery and a service account. But when I start the docker container it says "Cannot run program "gcloud"". Is gcloud necessary even if I use a service account?


    opened by AndreasTA-AW 6
  • support metric format from dbt

    support metric format from dbt

    dbt is preparing a new feature called "metrics" for the upcoming 1.0 release:

    Are you planning to support this metric definition format in metriql?

    opened by danielefrigo 6
  • Cannot generate aggregates

    Cannot generate aggregates

    I am trying to add aggregates to an existing dbt model (using the jaffle_shop dataset from dbt tutorial since it is simple and easy to set up). However, the generate command is throwing me an exception even for simple aggregation and dimension properties in my model. My model code I modified in /models to add in these meta properties is:


    - name: stg_customers
      description: Staged customer data from our jaffle shop app.
              aggregation: count
              sql: CONCAT({TABLE}.first_name, {TABLE}.last_name)
              type: string
        - name: customer_id
          description: The primary key for customers.
            - unique
            - not_null
        - name: first_name
          description: First name of customer.
        - name: last_name
          description: Last name of customer.
              type: string

    and the message I get when trying to generate (in debug mode) is:

    Exception in thread "main" com.hubspot.jinjava.interpret.FatalTemplateErrorsException: Could not resolve function 'get_where_subquery' at com.hubspot.jinjava.Jinjava.render( at com.metriql.dbt.DbtJinjaRenderer.renderReference(DbtJinjaRenderer.kt:63) at com.metriql.dbt.DbtManifest$Node$TestMetadata$DbtModelColumnTest$Relationships.getSourceModelName(DbtManifest.kt:79) at com.metriql.dbt.DbtManifest$Node$TestMetadata.applyTestToModel(DbtManifest.kt:123) at com.metriql.dbt.DbtManifest$Node.toModel(DbtManifest.kt:193) at com.metriql.dbt.DbtManifestParser.parse(DbtManifestParser.kt:45) at com.metriql.Commands.parseRecipe(Commands.kt:181) at com.metriql.Commands.parseRecipe$default(Commands.kt:122) at com.metriql.Commands$ at com.github.ajalt.clikt.parsers.Parser.parse(Parser.kt:180) at com.github.ajalt.clikt.parsers.Parser.parse(Parser.kt:189) at com.github.ajalt.clikt.parsers.Parser.parse(Parser.kt:17) at com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.CliktCommand.parse(CliktCommand.kt:396) at com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.CliktCommand.parse$default(CliktCommand.kt:393) at com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.CliktCommand.main(CliktCommand.kt:411) at com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.CliktCommand.main(CliktCommand.kt:436) at com.metriql.ServiceStarterKt.main(ServiceStarter.kt:25)

    I am under the impression that I need to generate the dbt models using metriql first so that the models/metriql directory is created and then run the serve command based off of the documentation.

    opened by c-l-nguyen 6
  • Looker Integration

    Looker Integration

    We will create LookML files via CLI.

    :+1: Upvote if you plan to use this integration. :writing_hand: If you have any ideas, questions or use cases you'd like to share about this issue, feel free to use comments.

    opened by emresemercioglu 6
  • Pass credentials to datasource

    Pass credentials to datasource

    We're running Metriql within a docker container using this command: sudo docker run -it -p "5656:5656" -v "${DBT_PROJECT_DIR}:/root/app" -v "${DBT_PROFILES_DIR}:/root/.dbt" -e METRIQL_RUN_HOST= -e DBT_PROJECT_DIR=/root/app buremba/metriql serve --pass-credentials-to-datasource Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at com.metriql.deployment.SingleTenantDeployment.getDataSource(SingleTenantDeployment.kt:75) at com.metriql.deployment.SingleTenantDeployment$modelService$1.invoke(SingleTenantDeployment.kt:47) at com.metriql.deployment.SingleTenantDeployment$modelService$1.invoke(SingleTenantDeployment.kt:46) at com.metriql.service.model.UpdatableModelService.(UpdatableModelService.kt:8) at com.metriql.deployment.SingleTenantDeployment.(SingleTenantDeployment.kt:46) at com.metriql.Commands$ at com.github.ajalt.clikt.parsers.Parser.parse(Parser.kt:198) at com.github.ajalt.clikt.parsers.Parser.parse(Parser.kt:211) at com.github.ajalt.clikt.parsers.Parser.parse(Parser.kt:18) at com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.CliktCommand.parse(CliktCommand.kt:395) at com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.CliktCommand.parse$default(CliktCommand.kt:392) at com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.CliktCommand.main(CliktCommand.kt:410) at com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.CliktCommand.main(CliktCommand.kt:435) at com.metriql.ServiceStarterKt.main(ServiceStarter.kt:10) Note that it's getting a NullPointerException. How can we pass credentials to the datasource? Thanks!

    opened by lmabraidofandino 5
  • Superset Connection

    Superset Connection

    Hi. In testing the base docker image with Superset (local docker install) it fails with a "The resource does not exist or you don't have the permission" on the top right and shows a 404 code. I am able to connect to the SS image fine outside of MetriQL. It would be great to leverage MetriQL as a Tool agnostic metrics layer.

    To provide some more info. I tested a DBeaver connection (via Trino) and it can connect but when trying to view tables (which is the basic Jaffle Shop schema in Postgres) I also get this error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument "content" is null

    I am unsure if my configuration is incorrect or if the SS connector is still in early stages. Thank you.

    opened by ahsanshah 0
  • how to use pivots propertie?

    how to use pivots propertie?

    Hi teams

    have some example about pivots?

    I use pivot like below

                aggregation: count
                column: sex
                pivot: true
                column: email
                pivot: true

    but it can't work,when request rest api

    curl --location --request POST '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
        "type": "segmentation",
        "report": {
            "dataset": "model_db_user",
            "dimensions": [
                    "name": "email"
                    "name": "sex"
            "measures": [
            "limit": 10,
            "reportOptions": {}
    opened by lialzm 0
  • Neo4j support

    Neo4j support

    Hi, we would like to use metriql with neo4j through dbt. We are not aware of any community work on dbt/neo4j/metriql, maybe there is one? We have been exploring options and have found a sql driver framework that we could probably get to work with our neo4j queries. Does anyone have any information that could help us utilize our neo4j data in metriql?

    opened by Tolli 0
  • Repeated Alias

    Repeated Alias

    I have been following the example here

    When I run

    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"type": "segmentation", "report": { "dataset": "source_metriql_tpch_customer", "dimensions": ["c_name"], "measures": ["total_rows"]}}'  http://localhost:5656/api/v0/query

    I get the following response

        "id": "4665b41c-b3c9-4887-bbbe-ffc69bee8e81",
        "startedAt": "2022-08-18T13:46:08.404927Z",
        "duration": 2.968608000,
        "user": "(unknown user)",
        "source": null,
        "status": "failed",
        "update": {
            "state": "FINISHED",
            "info": {
                "reportType": "segmentation",
                "query": {
                    "modelName": "source_metriql_tpch_customer",
                    "dimensions": [
                            "name": "c_name",
                            "modelName": "source_metriql_tpch_customer",
                            "relationName": null,
                            "postOperation": null,
                            "pivot": null
                    "measures": [
                            "modelName": "source_metriql_tpch_customer",
                            "name": "total_rows",
                            "relationName": null
                    "filters": null,
                    "reportOptions": null,
                    "defaultDateRange": null,
                    "limit": null,
                    "orders": null
                "compiledQuery": "SELECT \n    t1.c_name AS c_name,\n    count(1) AS total_rows\nFROM snowflake_sample_data.tpch_sf1.customer AS t1 AS t1\n\n    GROUP BY\n    1 \n"
            "nodes": 1,
            "percentage": null,
            "elapsedTimeMillis": null,
            "totalBytes": null,
            "processedBytes": null
        "result": {
            "metadata": null,
            "result": null,
            "error": {
                "message": "SQL compilation error:\nsyntax error line 4 at position 51 unexpected 'AS'.",
                "sqlState": "42000",
                "errorCode": 1003,
                "errorLine": null,
                "charPositionInLine": null
            "properties": {
                "limit": 1000,
                "query": "SELECT \n    t1.c_name AS c_name,\n    count(1) AS total_rows\nFROM snowflake_sample_data.tpch_sf1.customer AS t1 AS t1\n\n    GROUP BY\n    1 \n"
            "responseHeaders": null

    which has two AS t1, hence it show a compliation error.

    My schema.yml looks like this

    version: 2
      - name: tpch
        database: snowflake_sample_data
        schema: tpch_sf1
          - name: customer
                    aggregation: count
              - name: c_name
                    type: string
    opened by edlouth 1
  • Read timed out | socket_timeout does not work

    Read timed out | socket_timeout does not work

    We have problems with Read timed. We use Metriql to bundle dbt, ClickHouse, Metriql, Google Data Studio technologies.

    We have set our configurations after the update ( в

    'connection_parameters': {
                            'connect_timeout': 40 * 1000,
                            'socket_timeout': 5 * 60 * 1000,

    However, it didn't help. We use a simple query for testing:

    select sleepEachRow(3) from numbers(25)

    Which returns the following query from the database (used by DBeaver with increased socket_timeout settings): image

    However, attempting to evaluate this query using metriql returns an error:

    curl --location --request POST 'https://metriql.****.io/api/v0/query' \
    --header 'Authorization: Basic ***REPLASE***=' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
        "type": "sql",
        "report": {
            "query": "select sleepEachRow(3) from numbers(25)"

    We get the following response:

        "id": "****",
        "startedAt": "2022-06-20T08:27:19.707825Z",
        "duration": 30.036700000,
        "user": "****",
        "source": null,
        "status": "failed",
        "update": {
            "state": "FINISHED",
            "info": {
                "reportType": "sql",
                "query": {
                    "query": "select sleepEachRow(3) from numbers(25)",
                    "queryOptions": null,
                    "variables": null,
                    "reportOptions": null
                "compiledQuery": "select sleepEachRow(3) from numbers(25)"
            "nodes": 1,
            "percentage": null,
            "elapsedTimeMillis": null,
            "totalBytes": null,
            "processedBytes": null
        "result": {
            "metadata": null,
            "result": null,
            "error": {
                "message": "Read timed out, server ClickHouseNode(addr=***:8123, db=****)@846585128, Cause: Read timed out",
                "sqlState": "07000",
                "errorCode": 159,
                "errorLine": null,
                "charPositionInLine": null
            "properties": {
                "limit": 1000,
                "query": "select sleepEachRow(3) from numbers(25)"
            "responseHeaders": null
    opened by KrisAnTis-Group 0
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