A specific format represent file directory in Json



A specific format represent file directory in Json

Provide a function for convert to map or json string in Kotlin


Download zip file in Release, unzip it, put into ~/.m2/repository/

In your build.gradle.kts

repositories {

dependencies {


fromStringToMap(jsonString: String):        MutableMap<String, String>
fromStringToJsonString(jsonString: String): String



    "file1": "value1",
    "file2": "value2",
    "dir1": {
        "file3": "value3",
        "file4": "value4"
    "dir2": ["dir2-key", {
        "file5": "value5",
        "file6": "value6",
        "dir3" : {
            "file7": "value7",
            "file8": "value8"

Convert by fromStringToMap:

    "file1" to "value1",
    "file2" to "value2",
    "dir1/file3" to "value3",
    "dir1/file4" to "value4",
    "dir2/" to "dir2-key",
    "dir2/file5" to "value5",
    "dir2/file6" to "value6",
    "dir2/dir3/file7" to "value7",
    "dir2/dir3/file8" to "value8"

Convert by fromStringToJsonString:



() val layers = mutableListOf () fun dfs(jsonElement: JsonElement) { when (jsonElement) { is JsonObject -> { jsonElement.forEach { (key, value) -> layers.add(key) dfs(value) layers.removeLast() } } is JsonPrimitive -> { result[layers.joinToString("/")] = jsonElement.content } is JsonArray -> { if (jsonElement.size != 2) { throw IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected JsonArray format") } val (directoryKey, jsonObject) = jsonElement result[layers.joinToString("/") + "/"] = directoryKey.jsonPrimitive.content dfs(jsonObject) } } } dfs(json.jsonObject) return result } fun fromStringToJsonString(jsonString: String): String { return Json.encodeToString(fromStringToMap(jsonString)) }">
fun fromStringToMap(jsonString: String): MutableMap<String, String> {
    if (jsonString.isEmpty()) throw IllegalArgumentException("jsonString is empty")
    if (jsonString == "{}") return mutableMapOf()

    val json = Json.parseToJsonElement(jsonString)
    if (json !is JsonObject) throw IllegalArgumentException("jsonString is not a JsonObject")

    val result = mutableMapOf<String, String>()
    val layers = mutableListOf<String>()

    fun dfs(jsonElement: JsonElement) {
        when (jsonElement) {
            is JsonObject -> {
                jsonElement.forEach { (key, value) ->
            is JsonPrimitive -> {
                result[layers.joinToString("/")] = jsonElement.content
            is JsonArray -> {
                if (jsonElement.size != 2) {
                    throw IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected JsonArray format")
                val (directoryKey, jsonObject) = jsonElement
                result[layers.joinToString("/") + "/"] = directoryKey.jsonPrimitive.content

    return result

fun fromStringToJsonString(jsonString: String): String {
    return Json.encodeToString(fromStringToMap(jsonString))

Project environment

Open folder CascadeJsonKt/ by IntelliJ IDEA



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