Item-Attribute Framework for Minecraft Server





  • 基础属性包




val damage = createAttribute("arathoth", "damage") {
    event( {
        val status = damager.status(this@createAttribute) ?: return@event
        damage += status.generateValue()
    config {
        set("patterns", listOf("[VALUE] damage"))




, val percent: Double ) : AttributeData { override fun append(data: AttributeData): AttributeData { data as NumberAttributeData return NumberAttributeData( range.mapIndexed { index, d -> d + data.range[index] }, percent + data.percent ) } fun generateValue(): Double { return random(range[0], range[1]) * (1 + percent / 100) } }">
// 这是一个属性没有指定值类型时的默认值类型 - 数值类型 供参考
val NUMBER = object : AttributeValueType<NumberAttributeData> {

    override fun parse(section: ConfigurationSection): NumberAttributeData {
        val content = section.getString("value")!!
        // 百分比不支持范围
        if (content.endsWith("%")) {
            return NumberAttributeData(
                listOf(0.0, 0.0),
        if (content.contains("~")) {
            val array = content.split("~")
                .map { NumberConversions.toDouble(it) }
            return NumberAttributeData(array, 0.0)
        val value = NumberConversions.toDouble(content)
        return NumberAttributeData(
            listOf(value, value),

// 数值属性Data
data class NumberAttributeData(
    val range: List<Double>,
    val percent: Double
) : AttributeData {
    override fun append(data: AttributeData): AttributeData {
        data as NumberAttributeData
        return NumberAttributeData(
            range.mapIndexed { index, d -> d + data.range[index] },
            percent + data.percent

    fun generateValue(): Double {
        return random(range[0], range[1]) * (1 + percent / 100)




[-+]?\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)(?:-?)((? [-+]?\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)?)" private val percentRegex = "(? [-+]?\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)%" override fun parse(key: AttributeKey , item: ItemStack): NumberAttributeData { if (!Arathoth.enableLore) return NumberAttributeData(listOf(0.0, 0.0), 0.0) val conf = key.config if (!regexMap.containsKey(key.node) || !percentRegexMap.containsKey(key.node)) { val regex = conf.getStringList("lore").map { it.replace("[VALUE]", regex).toRegex() } val percentRegex = conf.getStringList("lore").map { it.replace("[VALUE]", percentRegex).toRegex() } regexMap[key.node] = regex percentRegexMap[key.node] = percentRegex } val regex = regexMap[key.node]!! val percentRegex = percentRegexMap[key.node]!! val lore = item.lore var min = 0.0 var max = 0.0 var percent = 0.0 for (s in lore) { regex.forEach { it.findAll(s).forEach { r -> val groups = r.groups as MatchNamedGroupCollection val min1 = groups["min"]?.value?.toDouble() ?: 0.0 val max1 = groups["max"]?.value?.toDouble() ?: min1 min += min1 max += max1 } } percentRegex.forEach { it.findAll(s).forEach { r -> val groups = r.groups as MatchNamedGroupCollection val pct = groups["percent"]?.value?.toDouble() ?: 0.0 percent += pct } } } return NumberAttributeData(listOf(min, max).sorted(), percent) } } // NBT属性解析器 val PARSER_NBT = object : ExtraAttributeParser { override fun parse(key: AttributeKey , item: ItemStack): NumberAttributeData { val itemTag = item.getItemTag().getDeep("Arathoth.NBTExtra.$key")?.asCompound() if (itemTag != null) { val min = itemTag["min"]?.asDouble() ?: 0.0 val max = itemTag["max"]?.asDouble() ?: min val percent = itemTag["percent"]?.asDouble() ?: 0.0 return NumberAttributeData(listOf(min, max).sorted(), percent) } return NumberAttributeData(listOf(0.0, 0.0), 0.0) } }">
// Lore属性解析器
val PARSER_LORE = object : ExtraAttributeParser<NumberAttributeData> {

    private val regexMap = mutableMapOf<String, List<Regex>>()
    private val percentRegexMap = mutableMapOf<String, List<Regex>>()
    private val regex = "(?
    private val percentRegex = "(?

    override fun parse(key: AttributeKey<NumberAttributeData>, item: ItemStack): NumberAttributeData {
        if (!Arathoth.enableLore) return NumberAttributeData(listOf(0.0, 0.0), 0.0)
        val conf = key.config
        if (!regexMap.containsKey(key.node) || !percentRegexMap.containsKey(key.node)) {
            val regex = conf.getStringList("lore").map { it.replace("[VALUE]", regex).toRegex() }
            val percentRegex = conf.getStringList("lore").map { it.replace("[VALUE]", percentRegex).toRegex() }
            regexMap[key.node] = regex
            percentRegexMap[key.node] = percentRegex
        val regex = regexMap[key.node]!!
        val percentRegex = percentRegexMap[key.node]!!
        val lore = item.lore
        var min = 0.0
        var max = 0.0
        var percent = 0.0
        for (s in lore) {
            regex.forEach {
                it.findAll(s).forEach { r ->
                    val groups = r.groups as MatchNamedGroupCollection
                    val min1 = groups["min"]?.value?.toDouble() ?: 0.0
                    val max1 = groups["max"]?.value?.toDouble() ?: min1
                    min += min1
                    max += max1
            percentRegex.forEach {
                it.findAll(s).forEach { r ->
                    val groups = r.groups as MatchNamedGroupCollection
                    val pct = groups["percent"]?.value?.toDouble() ?: 0.0
                    percent += pct
        return NumberAttributeData(listOf(min, max).sorted(), percent)

// NBT属性解析器
val PARSER_NBT = object : ExtraAttributeParser<NumberAttributeData> {
    override fun parse(key: AttributeKey<NumberAttributeData>, item: ItemStack): NumberAttributeData {
        val itemTag = item.getItemTag().getDeep("Arathoth.NBTExtra.$key")?.asCompound()
        if (itemTag != null) {
            val min = itemTag["min"]?.asDouble() ?: 0.0
            val max = itemTag["max"]?.asDouble() ?: min
            val percent = itemTag["percent"]?.asDouble() ?: 0.0
            return NumberAttributeData(listOf(min, max).sorted(), percent)
        return NumberAttributeData(listOf(0.0, 0.0), 0.0)




# 游戏中手持物品/arathoth addattrtag 
# 条件列表,不满足其中任何一条则该属性节点无法生效
# 可用约束条件
# bind - 绑定是否视为加载该属性的条件之一,若视为,非该物品绑定的玩家将不会读取该物品的属性
# type - 该物品第一行是否含有这段字符串(去掉颜色之后)
# slot - 物品在玩家背包中的哪个槽位时物品属性生效(槽位id/main)
# perm - 权限节点约束
# level - 等级约束,可用符号 > < >= <= =
# kether - kether脚本条件,自由度极高,任你发挥 (返回值必须为boolean类型)
  - type(主武器)
  - bind
  - slot(36, main, off)
  - perm(arathoth.exampleItem)
  - level(>=233)
  - kether(check player food level >= 10)
  # value 写法由对应属性的开发者决定
  # 在名称重复的情况下 在前面加上(namespace)来特指某属性
      value: 10


=") -> player.level >= NumberConversions.toInt(content.substring(2)) content.startsWith("<=") -> player.level <= NumberConversions.toInt(content.substring(2)) content.startsWith(">") -> player.level > NumberConversions.toInt(content.substring(1)) content.startsWith("<") -> player.level < NumberConversions.toInt(content.substring(1)) content.startsWith("=") -> player.level == NumberConversions.toInt(content.substring(1)) else -> true } } }">
@RuleImpl(key = "level")
object RuleLevel : Rule {
    override fun judge(player: Player, slot: Int, item: ItemStack, content: String): Boolean {
        return when {
            content.startsWith(">=") -> player.level >= NumberConversions.toInt(content.substring(2))
            content.startsWith("<=") -> player.level <= NumberConversions.toInt(content.substring(2))
            content.startsWith(">") -> player.level > NumberConversions.toInt(content.substring(1))
            content.startsWith("<") -> player.level < NumberConversions.toInt(content.substring(1))
            content.startsWith("=") -> player.level == NumberConversions.toInt(content.substring(1))
            else -> true
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