Glue QA Tech Challenge with kotlin


Glue QA Tech Challenge


For this challenge, we have prepared an app that tells you whether you are legally allowed to drink in the UK based on your age.

For your convenience, we have made the app available in both iOS and Android (functionally they are identical). Please choose either iOS or Android to submit your work.



We would like you to write tests to exercise both the API, the App by itself, and the App integrated with the API. Please feel free to use any languages/tools you prefer. Extra points for writing your Mobile tests using native Mobile tools: Kotlin/Espresso for Android, or Swift/XCTest for iOS, since these are the tools we use at Glue.

Please implement the following:

  1. Write tests to cover the service
  2. Write tests to cover the mobile app only (e.g. mocked backend)
  3. Write tests to cover the end-to-end functionality
  4. BONUS Write non-functional tests (e.g Load tests for the API, etc.)

If there are potential improvements you could do to your tests that you didn't have the time to implement, please add a note with your recommendations as part of your submission.


We are looking to see your testing pyramid knowledge, test coverage, clean/readable/easily maintainable code, test reliability, etc.

Submitting your work

You can zip/upload your code into any cloud repository (e.g. Google drive) and send it to your recruiter. You can also push it to your own repository in Github, but if you do so, please keep it private.


Please email with any questions you have, I will try to get back to you as soon as possible. If you don't hear back from me in 24 hours, please nudge your Recruiter so that they can nudge me :)

Happy testing!

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