An Android TabLayout Lib



Android Arsenal


An Android TabLayout Lib has 3 kinds of TabLayout at present.

  • SlidingTabLayout: deeply modified from PagerSlidingTabStrip.

    • new added attribute
    • new added kinds of indicators
    • new added unread msg tip
    • new added method for convenience
        /** no need to set titles in adapter */
        public void setViewPager(ViewPager vp, String[] titles)
        /** no need to initialize even adapter */
        public void setViewPager(ViewPager vp, String[] titles, FragmentActivity fa, ArrayList<Fragment> fragments) 
  • CommonTabLayout:unlike SlidingTabLayout's dependence on ViewPager,it is a tabLayout without dependence on ViewPager and can be used freely with other widgets together.

    • support kinds of indicators and indicator animation
    • support unread msg tip
    • support icon and icon gravity.
    • new added method for convenience
        /** support switch fragments itself */
        public void setTabData(ArrayList<CustomTabEntity> tabEntitys, FragmentManager fm, int containerViewId, ArrayList<Fragment> fragments)
  • SegmentTabLayout


Change Log


  • remove the dependence of FlycoRoundView
  • new added method getIconView and getTitleView


  • remove the dependence of NineOldAnimation(only support 3.0+)


    compile ''
    compile 'com.nineoldandroids:library:2.4.0'
    compile 'com.flyco.roundview:FlycoRoundView_Lib:1.1.2@aar'
    compile 'com.flyco.tablayout:FlycoTabLayout_Lib:1.5.0@aar'

After v2.0.0
    compile ''
    compile 'com.nineoldandroids:library:2.4.0'
    compile 'com.flyco.tablayout:FlycoTabLayout_Lib:2.0.0@aar'

After v2.0.2(support 3.0+)
    compile ''
    compile 'com.flyco.tablayout:FlycoTabLayout_Lib:2.1.2@aar'


name format description
tl_indicator_color color set indicator color
tl_indicator_height dimension set indicator height
tl_indicator_width dimension set indicator width
tl_indicator_margin_left dimension set indicator margin,invalid when indicator width is greater than 0.
tl_indicator_margin_top dimension set indicator margin,invalid when indicator width is greater than 0.
tl_indicator_margin_right dimension set indicator margin,invalid when indicator width is greater than 0.
tl_indicator_margin_bottom dimension set indicator margin,invalid when indicator width is greater than 0.
tl_indicator_corner_radius dimension set indicator corner radius
tl_indicator_gravity enum set indicator gravity TOP or BOTTOM.
tl_indicator_style enum set indicator style NORMAL or TRIANGLE or BLOCK
tl_underline_color color set underline color
tl_underline_height dimension set underline height
tl_underline_gravity enum set underline gravity TOP or BOTTOM
tl_divider_color color set divider color
tl_divider_width dimension set divider width
tl_divider_padding dimension set divider paddingTop and paddingBottom
tl_tab_padding dimension set tab paddingLeft and paddingRight
tl_tab_space_equal boolean set tab space equal
tl_tab_width dimension set tab width
tl_textsize dimension set text size
tl_textSelectColor color set text select color
tl_textUnselectColor color set text unselect color
tl_textBold boolean set text is bold
tl_iconWidth dimension set icon width(only for CommonTabLayout)
tl_iconHeight dimension set icon height(only for CommonTabLayout)
tl_iconVisible boolean set icon is visible(only for CommonTabLayout)
tl_iconGravity enum set icon gravity LEFT or TOP or RIGHT or BOTTOM(only for CommonTabLayout)
tl_iconMargin dimension set icon margin with text(only for CommonTabLayout)
tl_indicator_anim_enable boolean set indicator support animation(only for CommonTabLayout)
tl_indicator_anim_duration integer set indicator animation duration(only for CommonTabLayout)
tl_indicator_bounce_enable boolean set indicator aniamtion with bounce effect(only for CommonTabLayout)
tl_indicator_width_equal_title boolean set indicator width same as text(only for SlidingTabLayout)



  • SlidingTabLayout之动态添加删除tab



    Process: com.flyco.tablayoutsamples, PID: 5173
     java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int android.view.View.getWidth()' on a null object reference
    at com.flyco.tablayout.SlidingTabLayout.scrollToCurrentTab(
    at com.flyco.tablayout.SlidingTabLayout.onPageScrolled(
    opened by guominfang 11
  • 设置了tablayout.setCurrentTab(currentIndex, false);但是不生效

    设置了tablayout.setCurrentTab(currentIndex, false);但是不生效

        searchViewpaer.setAdapter(new SearchPagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager()));
        tablayout.setViewPager(searchViewpaer, mTabs);
        tablayout.setCurrentTab(currentIndex, false);

    版本:2.0.8; 设置了tablayout.setCurrentTab(currentIndex, false);但还是会划过中间界面,是我用的不对么?

    opened by weinierfei 7
  • 不支持ButterKnife吗?例子能不能简单点啊


    不支持ButterKnife吗?必须用(compile '')这个库?例子能不能简单一点啊,插一堆很难理清楚头绪。有点注释就更好了。 还有就是,你这用起来设置属性很复杂,能否拆成几种模式,或者是单独的空间,或自定义布局来使用?

    opened by songj056 7
  • Problem with Indicator

    Problem with Indicator

    hi. I have a confusing problem when I use block indicator somthing like this:


    tl:tl_indicator_corner_radius="0dp" tl:tl_indicator_margin_bottom="0dp" tl:tl_indicator_margin_left="0dp" tl:tl_indicator_margin_right="0dp" tl:tl_indicator_margin_top="0dp"


    when I use this code in most android devices the indicator do not show. (in emulator works perfectly)

    plz help me!

    thank you so much...

    opened by hamidraasti 6
  • SlidingTabLayout滑动必须依赖于ViewPager的滑动吗?可否只滑动Tab中的Indicator?


    大神好! 需求背景:有很多个Tab要展示,超出屏幕展示范围,发现只有SlidingTabLayout支持这种,所以选择SlidingTabLayout。 问题: SlidingTabLayout依赖于ViewPager,但我们的需求是切换时不展示动画,所以ViewPager切换时调viewPager.setCurrentItem(item, false)函数(第2个参数为false),发现这样调用之后,Indicator也没有了滑动效果,SlidingTabLayout滑动效果必须依赖于ViewPager的滑动吗?这种情况下,如何让Indicator具备滑动效果?

    opened by dinglin87 5
  • 指示器不显示



    image of myTest


    opened by bocq 5
  • 使用SlidingTabLayout,新打开Activity然后关闭,刷新当前页面,title不会切回


    出现异常流程: 在当前ActivityA中使用SlidingTabLayout——>切换到TAB2——>在当前ActivityA打开新的ActivityB——>关闭ActivityB——>刷新ActivityA——>这时TAB指示器和显示的都是是第一个,但是title确还是停留在第二个上面 表达能力不行,大概就是上面这样子

    opened by ghost 5
  • How to use in styles.xml?

    How to use in styles.xml?

        <style name="MyTab">
            <item name="android:background">@color/white</item>
            <item name="com.flyco.tablayout:tl_indicator_color">@color/primary</item>


    <resources xmlns:tl="">
        <style name="MyTab">
            <item name="android:background">@color/white</item>
            <item name="tl:tl_indicator_color">@color/primary</item>

    are all build failed and messages are "Error:(2682, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'com.flyco.tablayout:tl_indicator_color'." or "Error:(2682, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'tl:tl_indicator_color'."

        compile 'com.flyco.tablayout:FlycoTabLayout_Lib:2.1.0@aar'
    opened by Andecy 4
  • 适配 androidX

    适配 androidX

    • update gradle from 2.14.1 to 5.4.1
    • update android build tool gradle from 2.2.3 to 3.4.1
    • update compileSdkVersion to 28
    • replace android support library to androidX library
    opened by geek5nan 3
  • 已解决:SegmentTabLayout segmentTab = new SegmentTabLayout(this);  on a null object reference

    已解决:SegmentTabLayout segmentTab = new SegmentTabLayout(this); on a null object reference

    SegmentTabLayout segmentTab = new SegmentTabLayout(this);

    Attempt to invoke interface method 'java.lang.String android.util.AttributeSet.getAttributeValue(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)' on a null object reference


    //get layout_height String height = attrs.getAttributeValue("", "layout_height");


    opened by beilo 3
  • 和Navigation搭配 rootFragment内放改控件,会导致内容不显示的问题

    和Navigation搭配 rootFragment内放改控件,会导致内容不显示的问题

    这是绑定Navigation的rootfragment `class CommunityRootFragment : BaseViewFragment() {

    private val mFragments = ArrayList<Fragment>()
    private val mTitles = arrayOf(
        "发现", "社区"
    override fun getSubLayoutId(): Int = R.layout.fragment_community_root
    override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
    private fun initView() {
        community_root_pager!!.offscreenPageLimit = mFragments.size
        community_root_pager.adapter = MyPagerAdapter(parentFragmentManager, mTitles, mFragments)


    opened by Lw1244204021 1
  • app:tl_textBold=


    **app:tl_textBold="SELECT"**的情况下,默认选中的第一项未加粗,这个问题是没麻烦作者修复一下。 <com.flyco.tablayout.SlidingTabLayout android:id="@+id/stl_tab" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="40dp" app:tl_divider_color="@color/transparent" app:tl_divider_padding="13dp" app:tl_divider_width="1dp" app:tl_indicator_color="@color/common_primary_color" app:tl_indicator_height="2dp" app:tl_indicator_width_equal_title="true" app:tl_tab_padding="15dp" app:tl_tab_space_equal="true" app:tl_textBold="SELECT" app:tl_textSelectColor="@color/common_text_title_color" app:tl_textUnselectColor="@color/common_text_explain_color" app:tl_textsize="15sp" app:tl_underline_color="@color/transparent" app:tl_underline_height="0dp" />

    opened by yongchao1210 3
Added support to modify text size and indicator width based on the original TabLayout.

XTabLayout——可修改选中项字体大小和指示器长度的TabLayout XTabLayout是基于design包中的TabLayout进行了功能的扩展,在保留原有功能的基础上,增加了修改选中项字体大小、修改指示器长度以及限制屏幕显示范围内显示的Tab个数。 集成步骤: 1.添加XTabLayo

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