Helping Hands Client for android 📱


Helping Hands Client for android 📱

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parallel processing

Helping Hands is an Open Source Android application built by Jerry S Joseph. This application serves as a fully functional prototype of the social service community app. This app was built in JAVA using MVVM Architecture pattern.


  • app -> The actual application
  • HelpinghandlsCloud -> Module for handling Network/cloud requests


  • No Login/Signup. Anyone can access the free database with this app.
  • Show all services near you with Geolocation.
  • Anyone can add a new service as a contact (within one's state).
  • The probability of finding a service depends on the distance, rating, and verification status of the service provider.
  • Tailored to include mobile numbers only from India for Now.
  • Search any service provider by name, services, phone number or tags.
  • Works even when there is no internet connection.
  • Ability to vote or downvote any service provider anonymously.

Goals 🔥

  • No Login/Signup.
  • Identify device using unique ID.
  • Consume Rest API Endpoints in a easier and cleaner way.
  • Ability to work without network connections (Once the data is fetched from server, it is stored in LocalDB unless new data is available).
  • Generate matches tailored for every user by location and rating.
  • Develop a scoring system for backend which generates match nearest and most trusted to you.
  • No user data is stored in the server. User is always anonymous.
  • Add service contacts.
  • Service contact verification (By phone ).
  • Filter services by location, date, rating, etc.

Contributing to this project 👦

To contribute to this project, follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a branch: git checkout -b .
  3. Make your changes and commit them: git commit -m ' '
  4. Push to the original branch: git push origin /
  5. Create the pull request.

Alternatively see the GitHub documentation on creating a pull request.

Contributors 👦

Thanks to the following people who have contributed to this project:

Contact ☎️

Reach me at


This project uses the following license: Apache-2.0.

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