Super Heroes Kata for Android Developers in Kotlin. The main goal is to practice UI Testing.


Karumi logo KataSuperHeroes in Kotlin Build Status

  • We are here to practice UI Testing.
  • We are going to use Espresso to interact with the Application UI.
  • We are going to use Kodein to replace production code with Test Doubles.
  • We are going to practice pair programming.

Getting started

This repository contains an Android application to show Super Heroes information:


This Application is based on two Activities:

  • MainActivity showing a list of super heroes with name, photo and a special badge if is part of the Avengers Team.


  • SuperHeroDetailActivity showing detailed information about a super hero like his or her name, photo and description.


The application architecture, dependencies and configuration is ready to just start writing tests. In this project you'll find Kodein configured to be able to replace production code with test doubles easily and Espresso to be able to interact with the application user interface.


Your task as Android Developer is to write all the UI tests needed to check if the Application UI is working as expected.

This repository is ready to build the application, pass the checkstyle and your tests in Travis-CI environments.

Our recommendation for this exercise is:

  • Before starting

    1. Fork this repository.
    2. Checkout kata-super-heroes branch.
    3. Execute the application, explore it manually and make yourself familiar with the code.
    4. Execute MainActivityTest and watch the only test it contains pass.
  • To help you get started, these are some test cases for MainActivity:

    1. Setup mocked SuperHeroRepository in MainActivityTest to return a list of some Super Heroes.
    2. Test that RecyclerView is listing the correct number of elements when SuperHeroesRepository returns a list of some Super Heroes.
    3. Test that each of this elements contains the correct Super Hero name.


  • If you get stuck, master branch contains already solved tests for MainActivity and SuperHeroDetailActivity

  • You will find some utilities to help you test RecyclerViews and Toolbars easily in: app/src/androidTest/java/com/karumi/matchers and app/src/androidTest/java/com/karumi/recyclerview.

    • RecyclerViewInteraction: provides an easy way to apply an Espresso matcher to all of the RecyclerView elements

                  .check({ item, view, e -> matches(A_MATCHER).check(view, e) })
    • RecyclerViewItemsCountMatcher: a matcher that returns true if RecyclerView contains the expected number of elements.

    • ToolbarMatcher: a matcher that returns true if a Toolbar with expected title is found.

Extra Tasks

If you've covered all the application functionality using UI tests try to continue with the following tasks:

  • Add a pull to refresh mechanism to MainActivity and test it.
  • Modify SuperHeroDetailActivity to handle an error case where the name of the super hero used to start this activity does not exist and show a message if this happens.
  • Modify the project to handle connection errors and show a SnackBar to indicate something went wrong.
  • Modify SuperHeroesRepository test double to perform a Thread.sleep and use the custom idling resources you'll find in this repository to get your tests working.


There are some links which can be useful to finish these tasks:

Data provided by Marvel. © 2017 MARVEL


Copyright 2017 Karumi

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

  • Include mockito-kotlin

    Include mockito-kotlin

    The main reason being that we won't need our own on function and use mockito-kotlin's function whenever (

    enhancement help wanted good first issue 
    opened by Serchinastico 1
  • Update dependencies on kata super heroes

    Update dependencies on kata super heroes

    See #5

    Besides that:

    • I'm changing the way we are using coroutines because we were blocking the UI with the previous implementation.
    • I'm removing the custom implementation of the lifecycle subscription because it has a bug where the loading view stays forever due to an activity leak. I'm using now the lifecycle component of jetpack

    I'm porting these fixes to master as well. Hopefully we get travis back to our side with this PR :)

    opened by Serchinastico 0
  • Update dependencies on master

    Update dependencies on master

    • Update general dependencies
    • Update kotlin version
    • Update gradle and gradle plugin versions
    • Update coroutines lib version to stable
    • Fix all linting issues
    • Update travis configuration file to match the new Android SDK versions
    • Fix dex opener configuration
    • Get rid of the mockito extension on and use whenever found in mockito-kotlin instead.
    opened by Serchinastico 0
  • Create base tests

    Create base tests

    :cyclone: Git merge message

    • Create tests for the MainActivity class
    • Create tests for the SuperHeroDetailActivity class
    • Configure dependencies to run espresso acceptance tests
    opened by Serchinastico 0
  • Update Espresso version

    Update Espresso version

    During the last training some attendees found dependency management errors due to the espresso version. We should update to the latest one before the next training.

    opened by pedrovgs 1
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