Kotlin DSL for HTML

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Kotlin kotlin html dsl

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A kotlinx.html library provides DSL to build HTML to Writer/Appendable or DOM at JVM and browser (or other JavaScript engine) for better Kotlin programming for Web.

Get started

See Getting started page for details how to include the library.


You can build DOM tree with JVM and JS naturally

See example for JavaScript-targeted Kotlin

    val myDiv = document.create.div("panel") {
        p { 
            +"Here is "
            a("https://kotlinlang.org") { +"official Kotlin site" }


    document.getElementById("container")!!.append {
        div {
            +"added it"
}, 1000L)


You can build HTML directly to Writer (JVM only) or Appendable (both JVM and JS)

System.out.appendHTML().html {
    body {
        div {
            a("https://kotlinlang.org") {
                target = ATarget.blank
                +"Main site"


See wiki pages


See development page for details.

  • Stop relying on jcenter & bintray

    Stop relying on jcenter & bintray

    As of yesterday jcenter & bintray are sunsetting so most of the instructions here: https://github.com/kotlin/kotlinx.html/wiki/Getting-started will not work from 1st May 2021.

    It would be good to have org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-html-jvm:0.7.2 in maven central.

    opened by Mahoney 21
  • Jcenter stopped providing the dependency

    Jcenter stopped providing the dependency

    Hi all,

    We started getting

     > Could not find org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-html-jvm:0.7.1.

    a couple of hours ago and we had to update our configuration, adding a new maven repo:

    maven { url "https://dl.bintray.com/kotlin/kotlinx" }

    I would like to update the "Getting started" documentation, but I'm a bit afraid about modifying the wiki page 😂 However I hope this issue can help others ☮️

    opened by hamen 16
  • Base WASM Support and metadata publishing (1.4.0-rc)

    Base WASM Support and metadata publishing (1.4.0-rc)

    This is essentially a #154 but from feature branch for easier management until merged

    • Version bumped to 1.4.0-rc
    • BOTH js compiler mode enabled
    • WASM target added
    • gradle metadata publishing enabled
    • granular kotlin source sets enabled
    • TagConsumer and dsl abstraction level raised to allow for custom event object specifications
    • Native targets support


    opened by mpetuska 9
  • Cannot add a namespace to html tag

    Cannot add a namespace to html tag

    When I am trying to add a namespace to an html tag I have an exception "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Tag html has invalid attribute name xmlns"

    createHTML().html {
          attributes["xmlns"] = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"

    According to w3c it is an absolutely valid scenario.

    Also it is impossible to set a namespace like this:

    createHTML().html {
          namespace = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"

    because namespace is a val and cannot be reassigned.

    Exception happens in stream.kt after attribute validation (isValidXmlAttributeName() method call). As I see, any attribute which starts with "xml" prefix is considered invalid (is there a reason for this?).

    enhancement DSL 
    opened by isitinschi 7
  • WIP: Support for JSoup

    WIP: Support for JSoup


    This PR aims to provide first-class support for the jsoup HTML parsing library, which is a mature and widely used project (particularly useful for scraping). Support for jsoup would greatly improve the versatility of this library and it's applicability across a wide range of potential use cases.


    This PR would add a new type of tag consumer specific to the DOM structure used by jsoup, allowing for HTML to be appended to the aforementioned DOM using Kotlin's type-safe builder syntax and this library's preexisting tag & attribute definitions.

    Furthermore, many extension properties and methods have been added in order to better support Kotlin-style syntax when using jsoup functionality.


    Changes have been encapsulated within a new artifact named kotlinx-html-jsoup.

    An example follows:

    val document = Document("")
    document.append {
        html {
            body {
                div {
                    +"This is a test."
    opened by apsoyka 7
  • FlowContent and PhrasingContent separation is useless

    FlowContent and PhrasingContent separation is useless

    Apparently those contents come from XSD, but in the end of the day, they are quite useless and very confusing in kotlinx.html.

    It does not help with static type check

    if I write something invalid according to XSD, like body > span > div

    body { // BODY creates FlowContent
        span { // SPAN creates PhrasingContent
            div { // DIV can only be created in _FlowContent_, not in SPAN
                // DIV is still allowed, because it is actually created in BODY, 
                // not in innermost parent SPAN

    it is still silently accepted by the compiler and even leads to obscure IllegalStateException("You can't change tag attribute because it was already passed to the downstream") if I try to change attributes.

    To me this seems like a general problem of 'fall-through' builder design.

    It breaks the abstraction

    Both functions, FlowContent.i and PhrasingContent.i are identical: they produce the same I object. But there's no common abstraction between those two functions. Which leads to the third problem.

    It prevents reusable code

    I chose to use Tag as a basis for my DSL, which seemed like a good base class. But in the end I had to write the ugliest code in a decade of my career:

    fun Tag.mdl_icon(icon: String, text: String? = null) {
        if (this is FlowContent) {
            i("material-icons") {
            if (text != null) {
                span(classes = "visuallyhidden") {
        } else if (this is PhrasingContent) {
            i("material-icons") {
            if (text != null) {
                span(classes = "visuallyhidden") {

    Both if and else part are identical, but functions i and span are different. Condition like if (this is FlowContent || this is PhrasingContent) cannot work, of course.

    opened by kosiakk 7
  • Meta charset

    Meta charset

    Hello. Is there a way to declare <meta charset="UTF-8" />? Also, why meta function accepts code block, like a container-tag? Actual signature:

    meta(name: String?, content: String?, block: kotlinx.html.META.() -> kotlin.Unit)
    opened by Miha-x64 6
  • The onSubmitFunction for a form doesn't work.

    The onSubmitFunction for a form doesn't work.

    fun restoreListValues(e: Event) {
        println("I'm here")
    fun doForm(trTag: TR) {
        trTag.td {
            form {
                name = "fmform"
                encType = FormEncType.textPlain
                action = "/server/"
                method = FormMethod.post
                onSubmitFunction = {
                    event - > restoreListValues(event)

    After executing, nothing happens to that form, I could use onSubmit, and the final form will have the onsubmit value, but the problem is that it expects a string, which means I could only refer to the final compiled javascript code which has no way to access the kotlinJS context.

    What I want is simple, just use a kotlinJS method to handle the onsubmit event of a form. How to achieve that?

    opened by Albert-Gao 6
  • Source code for kotlinx-html-jvm is missing in jCenter repo

    Source code for kotlinx-html-jvm is missing in jCenter repo

    The package kotlinx-html-jvm-0.6.1-sources.jar exists, but it contains only the jvm-specific sources like dom.kt and utilsImpl.ks.

    I guess, the main part should be in kotlinx-html-common, but this package is marked as optional in 2d518626e0b69a2c54edafc6a3bddfe4913a0885 and is actually missing in jCenter.

    opened by kosiakk 6
  • Error handling

    Error handling

    This is a proposal #21

    By default, onError will write to the underlying TagConsumer but there is a less-safe option to write to the innermost consumer using tag.consumer.

    opened by kosiakk 6
  • Enable building of jvm classes using the simple Kobalt syntax

    Enable building of jvm classes using the simple Kobalt syntax

    These few changes make it possible to compile and assemble (make jars) of kotlinx.html so that the jvm stuff can at least be built and used (maven build seems to be broken).

    If you'd like to use Kobalt, I can add the config for publishing jars to Sonatype, etc. It will also be simple.

    opened by pabl0rg 6
  • Wiki: 'Getting Started' page 404's

    Wiki: 'Getting Started' page 404's

    I visit https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.html/wiki, and I see 'Getting Started' in the TOC


    This links to https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.html/Getting-started

    However, the URL 404's

    opened by aSemy 0
  • JSDOMBuilder converts raw string contents to HTML tags

    JSDOMBuilder converts raw string contents to HTML tags

    I want to display a Map<String, String> in an HTML page.

    import kotlinx.browser.document
    import kotlinx.html.*
    import kotlinx.html.dom.*
    fun main() {
      document.body!!.append.div {
        pre {
          code {
            unsafe {
                val map: Map<String, String> = mapOf(
                  "key1" to "value1",
                  "key2" to "value2",

    The code is not display 'raw' though, and the generic parameters are converted into HTML tags <string, string=""> - very strange!

          val map: Map<string, string=""> = mapOf(
            "key1" to "value1",
            "key2" to "value2",

    The code rendered in my browser does not match the raw string.


    Expected result

    If I don't use JSDOMBBuilder, then the HTML matches the raw content:

    import kotlinx.html.*
    import kotlinx.html.dom.createHTMLDocument
    import kotlinx.html.stream.createHTML
    fun main() {
      println(createHTML(prettyPrint = true).div {
        pre {
          code {
            unsafe {
                val map: Map<String, String> = mapOf(
                  "key1" to "value1",
                  "key2" to "value2",
      <pre><code>val map: Map<String, String> = mapOf(
      "key1" to "value1",
      "key2" to "value2",

    Compose Web

    With Compose Web v1.2.2 I am also able to output raw content

    import org.jetbrains.compose.web.*
    import org.jetbrains.compose.web.css.*
    import org.jetbrains.compose.web.dom.*
    fun main() {
      renderComposable(rootElementId = "root") {
        Div {
          Pre {
            Code {
                  val map: Map<String, String> = mapOf(
                    "key1" to "value1",
                    "key2" to "value2",

    However, Compose Web escapes the angled brackets.

    val map: Map&lt;String, String&gt; = mapOf(
      "key1" to "value1",
      "key2" to "value2",

    The result matches the raw input:



    • Kotlin/JS 1.7.20
    • Kotlinx HTML 0.7.5
    opened by aSemy 0
  • There is a vulnerability in jackson-databind:2.10.1,upgrade recommended

    There is a vulnerability in jackson-databind:2.10.1,upgrade recommended


    CVE-2020-25649 CVE-2022-42004 CVE-2022-42003 CVE-2020-36518

    Recommended upgrade version:

    opened by QiAnXinCodeSafe 0
  • README needs a

    README needs a "slows down compilation considerably" warning

    We've migrated a significant number of HTML+Groovy templates over the Kotlinx.html.

    The DSL in fantastic! We're super happy developers using it... until we compile.

    As mentioned in this issue the DSL compiles very, VERY, slow. We have no way of knowing exactly how much time is spend by the compiler on each file (if anyone knows please let me know), but every time we ported a bunch of templates to Kotlinx.html, we saw a stark increase in compile times.

    If I would have know this up front, I'd have chosen a different solution. And hence I believe this project's README should warn (potential) users for this caveat.

    opened by cies 0
  • Add htmlFor parameter to label element

    Add htmlFor parameter to label element

    Currently, you have to do:

    checkBoxInput(classes = "form-check-input", name = "myName") {
        id = "myId"
        value = "myValue"
    label(classes="myclass") {
      +"Check me" 

    However, a label without for attribute is not very common. It should be a parameter, so that it is much more concise to write:

    label(classes = "myclass",  htmlFor = "myId") {
      +"Check me" 
    opened by JohannesOehm 0
  • Attribute value is not yet defined for tag input

    Attribute value is not yet defined for tag input

    Got the following error trying to get the value of an input:

    message: "Attribute value is not yet defined for tag input"


    import kotlinx.browser.document
    import kotlinx.html.div
    import kotlinx.html.dom.append
    import kotlinx.html.h2
    import kotlinx.html.id
    import kotlinx.html.input
    import kotlinx.html.js.onKeyUpFunction
    import kotlinx.html.style
    import kotlinx.html.unsafe
    import org.w3c.dom.HTMLElement
    object HtmlIds {
        const val base58Result = "base58-result"
     * Test application for the base58 library.
     * It helps test that the code works on a browser.
    fun main() {
        byId("root").append {
            h2 {
                +"Enter some text:"
            input {
                placeholder = "Text to encode to base58"
                onKeyUpFunction = { _ ->
                    byId(HtmlIds.base58Result).textContent = value
            div {
                id = HtmlIds.base58Result
                style {
                    unsafe { raw("padding: 10px; background: green; color: white") }
    private fun byId(id: String): HTMLElement {
        return (document.getElementById(id) as HTMLElement?)!!
    opened by renatoathaydes 0
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