The easiest way to bring validation to your project



The easiest way to bring validation to EditText with TextInputLayout.

Getting Started

Add dependency to your project using JitPack

allprojects {
		repositories {
			maven { url '' }
dependencies {
		implementation 'com.github.KucherenkoIhor:RxValidationTextInputLayout:0.2.2'

Using in XML:

                app:help="at least 3 letters"
                    android:inputType="textPersonName" />

And get simple boolean result using RxJava2 in Java code:

 tilFirstName.onReady = { observable ->  
            disposable = observable.subscribe { isValid ->
                btnSignIn.isEnabled = isValid


  • Reactive approach using RxJava2:
tilFirstName.onReady = { observable ->
            disposable = observable.subscribe { isValid ->
                btnSignIn.isEnabled = isValid
  • Or if you want to observe several fields:
val textInputLayouts = arrayOf(

        RxValidationTextInputLayout.combineOnReady(*textInputLayouts) { observable ->
            disposable = observable
                   .debounce { Observable.timer(if (it) 500L else 0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) }
                   .subscribe { btnSignIn.isEnabled = it }

  • Simple regex support: app:regex="@string/regex_name"
  • You can change configuration as you need:
    • You can allow empty state of input field: app:allowEmpty="true"
    • Or disable error showing when filed is empty app:showErrorIfEmpty="true"
  • Compare input with another one app:equalEditText="@id/etPassword". It's useful for password and confirm password fields:

  • Helper text according to Material Design Guidelines

    app:help="Must be the same with password"

  • Error text appears if input text lose focus: app:error="@string/invalid_password"

  • Custom text styles for help and error states: app:errorTextAppearance="@style/TextAppearance.AppCompat.Small.Error" app:helperTextAppearance="@style/TextAppearance.AppCompat.Small.Helper"


Version: 0.2.1

  • Improved equal edit text functionality

Version: 0.1.3

  • Fixed onReady issues

Version: 0.1.2

  • Added the methods to trigger error text immediately



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