Terminal game for 2 players Only-Pawns-Chess
Regular chess but all sides have only pawns
This game extend all the rules of regular chess but it has one more rule:
- If pawn of some side is on last line, then that side is winner!
Snippets of code
This class is used for count pawns on the board
enum class Pawns(val color: String, var left: Int) {
WHITE("White", 8),
BLACK("Black", 8);
fun beat() {
This snippet of code used to create board
val boldLine = " +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+"
val filesLine = " a b c d e f g h"
val files = "abcdefgh"
val regex = """[a-h][1-8][a-h][1-8]\b""".toRegex()
val blackPlayer = "| B "
val whitePlayer = "| W "
var chosenPlayer = whitePlayer
val emptySlot = "| "
val blackPlayerStartingIndex = 7
val whitePlayerStartingIndex = 2
var invalidInput = false
var whitePassant = false
var blackPassant = false
var currentCoords = ""
//chessboard initialization
val chessboard = mutableListOf(
MutableList(8) { "| " }, //8
MutableList(8) { blackPlayer },//7
MutableList(8) { "| " }, //6
MutableList(8) { "| " }, //5
MutableList(8) { "| " }, //4
MutableList(8) { "| " }, //3
MutableList(8) { whitePlayer }, //2
MutableList(8) { "| " } //1
This is start of the game
println(" Pawns-Only Chess")
println("First Player's name: ")
val player1 = readLine()!!
println("Second Player's name: ")
val player2 = readLine()!!
var currentTurn = player1
This is printing result of the game
fun ending(res: String) {
when (res) {
"P1" -> {
currentTurn = "exit"
println("White wins!")
"P2" -> {
currentTurn = "exit"
println("Black wins!")
else -> {
currentTurn = "exit"