One app for all women that covers everything from safety to health and more. 👩💪



Sampoorna is a one-in-all solution concept revolving around the women who fight one on one with various problems. With it's features encapsulating solutions for majority of the problems faced by modern day women, it is a tool one step ahead of the existing tech-based solutions to the problems.

What it does 🎯

We came up with an Android app solution named Sampoorna especially designed to help those women who are busy in their lives and tend to ignore the signs and forget to take precautions. The main motive of our Application is to spread awareness among the women and serve as the only tool they would require to ensure their safety and good health. Currently, it has two feature:

  1. SOS Feature: ensures safety.
  2. Period Tracking Calendar: If you are wondering when you last had a period or would like to know when your next one is due, you can easily find out using this feature. Sampoorna to minimize the problems of modern day women & help them to live a healthy and care-free life.

What's next for Sampoorna Android App ?

  1. We want to grow our community and make Sampoorna Application available to every woman in the world. To enhance accessibility of Sampoorna to rural women, we have planned to make the safety feature available offline too.
  2. We will be adding features of blogs and health tracking to detect existing symptoms in the updated versions.
  3. We want to promote Sampoorna to a much larger extent. Every single girl & woman should know about women safety, its precautions, and their health issues and their cures through this Application.


Hope you like it ❤️ .

  • Add Blogs Fragment

    Add Blogs Fragment

    • Add a Blogs Fragment, which is accessible by the bottom navigation currently available.
    • Create a Recycler View inside it, which for now shows dummy text, and can be later used to get fetched results from some apis.
    GSSoC22 Level3 
    opened by yellowHatpro 12
  • Improve Edit Texts error visibility in Onboarding User Info Fragment

    Improve Edit Texts error visibility in Onboarding User Info Fragment

    I want to add some toast in onboarding_user_info.xml, and also want to change the font. Please raise my issue. Also If anyone wants to contribute with me, please feel free to dm me in my Linkedin Profile. I am happy to work with you.

    Regards, Sarvesh

    GSSoC22 Level1 
    opened by sarveshpatelsp 9
  • Fixed #40: Self Care Fragment Implemented with Grid View

    Fixed #40: Self Care Fragment Implemented with Grid View

    Fixed #40

    Self-Care Fragment Implemented with Grid View Below is the screen recording of implementation:-

    GSSoC22 Level2 
    opened by MohitGupta121 7
  • Add feature to add contacts from Phone's Contact app

    Add feature to add contacts from Phone's Contact app

    As of now, we need to manually add a contact to the contacts list. Add a feature that let us choose a contact from the phone's contact app. The person should still be able to manually enter contact.

    GSSoC22 Level2 
    opened by yellowHatpro 4
  • [Bug] The two text box of fragment_tracking.xml page overlaps with each other

    [Bug] The two text box of fragment_tracking.xml page overlaps with each other

    Is there an existing issue for this?

    • [X] I have searched the existing issues.

    Describe the Bug.

    The two TextViews date_text and subheading of the fragment_tracking.xml page overlaps with each other.

    Code of Conduct

    • [X] I agree to follow this project's Code of Conduct
    opened by Rupangkan 4
  • JWT authentication completion

    JWT authentication completion

    Proposed Changes

    Added urls for the various endpoints, signin and signup are working properly

    Additional Info

    Direct authentication is not working yet


    • [x] ✅ My code follows the code style of this project.
    • [ ] 📝 My change requires a change to the documentation.
    • [ ] 🎀 I have updated the documentation accordingly.
    • [x] 👀 I have read the CONTRIBUTING document.
    • [x] 🌟 ed the repo
    • [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
    • [ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
    • [x] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to change)
    opened by ken1000minus7 3
  • Fix #55: Hide Bottom Navigation on Contact List Fragment

    Fix #55: Hide Bottom Navigation on Contact List Fragment

    Fixed #55 Debug the transition between fragments navigation using bottom navigation

    Below is the Screen Recoding of Changes:-

    GSSoC22 Level2 
    opened by MohitGupta121 3
  • [Bug] In

    [Bug] In "Add Contact" page, pressing enter creates a new paragraph instead of jumping to the next section

    In the "Add Contact" page, on pressing enter user should be directed to the next text field instead of a new paragraph. Also, in the phone no. field, only numeric digits must be allowed to type.

    bug GSSoC22 Level1 
    opened by its-me-debk007 3
  • Code Refactoring

    Code Refactoring

    • Size in layout file are defined statically , it should be imported from dimen file
    • Color to textview/ other views are defined statically , it should be imported from color xml file.
    opened by logicgupta 3
  • PR Template

    PR Template

    Creating a pull request template to ensure that the pull request contains all the information and details regarding pr so that it will be easy to review them.

    @yellowHatpro can you please assign me this ??

    GSSoC22 Level1 
    opened by Chitrakshi2531 2
  • Edit stuff in profile page added

    Edit stuff in profile page added

    Related Issue

    Resolves #66

    Proposed Changes

    • Fab for editing added in profile page
    • Username in AlertFragment obtained from room instead of SharedPreferences

    Additional Info

    None lol


    • [x] ✅ My code follows the code style of this project.
    • [ ] 📝 My change requires a change to the documentation.
    • [ ] 🎀 I have updated the documentation accordingly.
    • [x] 👀 I have read the CONTRIBUTING document.
    • [ ] 🌟 ed the repo
    • [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
    • [x] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
    • [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to change)

    Output Screenshots

    image image

    GSSoC22 Level2 
    opened by ken1000minus7 1
  • Improve Track Mensuration Feature

    Improve Track Mensuration Feature

    • Add a Calender view that shows and lets one select the last period date, and on its basis notify the user about the periods 5 days before the next expected cycle. If the user already had periods, the new date should be added to the calendar, otherwise, it should show no. of days elapsed, since the expected date.
    • Take avg cycle of 28 days.
    • Implement Notifications for notifying the user.
    • You can also work on UI improvement.
    GSSoC22 Level3 
    opened by yellowHatpro 11
  • Encrypt User Data

    Encrypt User Data

    When the user submits a mobile number for SOS service, we can encrypt that data before saving it to the database. This will ensure that their contacts/data is safe with the team.

    opened by itsnitish22 0
  • UI change

    UI change

    In the app bottom nav bar button is very light .Its hard to understand what is write I wanna work with this issue .Please assign it to me .

    opened by Masud-00 1
  • Workflow for Automated Release

    Workflow for Automated Release

    Hey, we should build a workflow for automatic release, so that whenever major changes are made to the code or a pull request is merged, that workflow can trigger and a new release is created in the repository's releases section. If this suggestion seems to be good, kindly assign this issue to me. I'll build a pipeline for the same.

    opened by itsnitish22 0
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