A personal project made using Jetpack Compose, Clean-MVVM architecture and other jetpack libraries



A personal project made using Jetpack Compose, Clean-MVVM architecture and other jetpack libraries that helps you keep track of your credit and debit transactions. (CREdits + deBITS = CREBITS)

Its a revamped version of my old Crebits app.

Created using:

  • Kotlin
  • Hilt
  • Flow
  • Room
  • Coroutines
  • Material Icons
  • Jetpack Compose + Navigation
  • MVVM + Modern Android + Clean Architecture


  1. List, Add and Delete Transactions
  2. Single activity architecture using Compose-Navigation
  3. Static screens for Dashboard and Settings
  4. UDF (Uni Directional Flow) between screens and ViewModels
  5. UseCase classes containing business logic
  6. Unit Tests for the database/repository

Work in Progress:

  1. More Unit and E2E tests
  2. Dashboard screen functionality
  3. Settings (Dark Theme and Currency)
  4. Updating a transaction
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