Colorful Sliders written with Jetpack Compose that enliven default sliders


Compose Colorful Customizable Sliders

Colorful sliders that can have Solid or Gradient colors for thumb or track which can have thumb and track with varying sizes, borders with solid or gradient colors. And Sliders with emojis, or custom Composables like Icon.


Sliders that can use Color or gradient for track, thumb, or tick colors with custom thumb and track heights.

fun ColorfulSlider(
    value: Float,
    onValueChange: (Float) -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    valueRange: ClosedFloatingPointRange = 0f..1f,
    steps: Int = 0,
    onValueChangeFinished: (() -> Unit)? = null,
    trackHeight: Dp = TrackHeight,
    thumbRadius: Dp = ThumbRadius,
    colors: MaterialSliderColors = MaterialSliderDefaults.defaultColors(),
    borderStroke: BorderStroke? = null,
    drawInactiveTrack: Boolean = true,
    coerceThumbInTrack: Boolean = false

And one that returns thumb position as Offset

fun ColorfulSlider(
    value: Float,
    onValueChange: (Float, Offset) -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    valueRange: ClosedFloatingPointRange = 0f..1f,
    steps: Int = 0,
    onValueChangeFinished: (() -> Unit)? = null,
    trackHeight: Dp = TrackHeight,
    thumbRadius: Dp = ThumbRadius,
    colors: MaterialSliderColors = MaterialSliderDefaults.defaultColors(),
    borderStroke: BorderStroke? = null,
    drawInactiveTrack: Boolean = true,
    coerceThumbInTrack: Boolean = false
  • value current value of the Slider. If outside of valueRange provided, value will be coerced to this range.
  • onValueChange lambda that returns value, position of thumb as Offset, vertical center is stored in y.
  • modifier modifiers for the Slider layout
  • enabled whether or not component is enabled and can be interacted with or not
  • valueRange range of values that Slider value can take. Passed value will be coerced to this range
  • steps if greater than 0, specifies the amounts of discrete values, evenly distributed between across the whole value range. If 0, slider will behave as a continuous slider and allow to choose any value from the range specified. Must not be negative.
  • trackHeight height of the track that will be drawn on Canvas. half of trackHeight is used as stroke width.
  • thumbRadius radius of thumb of the the slider
  • colors MaterialSliderColors** that will be used to determine the color of the Slider parts in different state. See MaterialSliderDefaults.defaultColors, ** MaterialSliderDefaults.customColors** or other functions to customize.
  • borderStroke draws border around the track with given width in dp.
  • drawInactiveTrack flag to draw InActive track between active progress and track end.
  • coerceThumbInTrack when set to true track's start position is matched to thumbs left on start and thumbs right at the end of the track. Use this when trackHeight is bigger than ** thumbRadius**.


    value = progress2,
    thumbRadius = 10.dp,
    trackHeight = 10.dp,
    onValueChange = { it ->
        progress2 = it
    colors = MaterialSliderDefaults.materialColors(
        inactiveTrackColor = SliderBrushColor(color = Color.Transparent),
        activeTrackColor = SliderBrushColor(
            brush = sunriseGradient(),
    borderStroke = BorderStroke(2.dp, sunriseGradient())

SliderBrushColor is a data class which can be used to set color or brush for any color property

 * Data class that contains color or/and brush property for drawing track section of
 * [ColorfulSlider]
data class SliderBrushColor(
    val color: Color = Color.Unspecified,
    val brush: Brush? = null
) {
     * [Brush] that is not **null** [brush] property or [SolidColor] that is not nullable and
     * contains [color] property as [SolidColor.value]
    val activeBrush: Brush
        get() = brush ?: solidColor

     * [SolidColor] is a [Brush] that
     * wraps [color] property that is used for [activeBrush] if [brush] property is **null**
    val solidColor = SolidColor(color)


Sliders that can move a label above the Slider and display progress

fun SliderWithLabel(
    value: Float,
    onValueChange: (Float) -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    valueRange: ClosedFloatingPointRange = 0f..1f,
    steps: Int = 0,
    onValueChangeFinished: (() -> Unit)? = null,
    trackHeight: Dp = TrackHeight,
    thumbRadius: Dp = ThumbRadius,
    colors: MaterialSliderColors = MaterialSliderDefaults.defaultColors(),
    borderStroke: BorderStroke? = null,
    drawInactiveTrack: Boolean = true,
    coerceThumbInTrack: Boolean = false,
    labelPosition: LabelPosition = LabelPosition.Top,
    yOffset: Dp = 0.dp,
    label: @Composable () -> Unit = {}


    value = labelProgress,
    onValueChange = {
        labelProgress = it
    thumbRadius = 10.dp,
    trackHeight = 10.dp,
    valueRange = 0f..100f,
    colors = MaterialSliderDefaults.materialColors(),
    labelPosition = LabelPosition.Bottom,
    label = {
            text = "$${labelProgress.roundToInt()}",
            modifier = Modifier
                .shadow(1.dp, shape = CircleShape)
                .background(Brown400, shape = CircleShape)
            color = Color.White


Sliders that can use any Composable for thumb and use Color or gradient for track, thumb, or tick colors with custom thumb and track heights.

fun ColorfulIconSlider(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    value: Float,
    onValueChange: (Float, Offset) -> Unit,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    valueRange: ClosedFloatingPointRange = 0f..1f,
    steps: Int = 0,
    onValueChangeFinished: (() -> Unit)? = null,
    trackHeight: Dp = TrackHeight,
    colors: MaterialSliderColors = MaterialSliderDefaults.defaultColors(),
    borderStroke: BorderStroke? = null,
    drawInactiveTrack: Boolean = true,
    coerceThumbInTrack: Boolean = false,
    thumb: @Composable () -> Unit


Emojis are transparent by default in Compose, you might want to set non-transparent color for Text

    value = progress,
    onValueChange = { value, offset ->
        progress = value
    trackHeight = 14.dp,
    colors = MaterialSliderDefaults.materialColors(
        activeTrackColor = SliderBrushColor(color = Blue400),
        inactiveTrackColor = SliderBrushColor(color = Color.Transparent)
    borderStroke = BorderStroke(1.dp, Blue400)
) {
    Text(text = "👍", fontSize = 40.sp, color = Color.Black)


    value = progress,
    onValueChange = { value, offset ->
        progress = value
    trackHeight = 10.dp,
    colors = MaterialSliderDefaults.materialColors(
        inactiveTrackColor = SliderBrushColor(color = Color.Transparent),
        activeTrackColor = SliderBrushColor(
            brush = instaGradient(),
    borderStroke = BorderStroke(2.dp, instaGradient())
) {
        painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.stf),
        contentDescription = null,
        modifier = Modifier.size(40.dp)

Gradle Setup

To get a Git project into your build:

  • Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
  repositories {
      maven { url '' }
  • Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.SmartToolFactory:Compose-Colorful-Sliders:'
  • Delay on touch event

    Delay on touch event

    Would it be possible to add a delay parameter for the touch event so it doesn't instantly change the value of the slider when a touch event is registered? Would make it easier in a scrollable view to activate the scroll rather than flinging the values on the slider. The motion event lib you're using has something called delayAfterDownInMillis: Long = 0L maybe that does the trick?

    opened by makam92 5
  • License question

    License question

    As your repositories name no license, and searching did not reveal any: Could you please specify what license your libraries fall under? No license at all poses a risk to those using your libs, as it a) means "all rights reserved" and b) renders those other projects non-free. I guess this is just an oversight from your end and easily fixed – so thanks in advance!

    opened by IzzySoft 4
  • SliderWithLabel wrong initial label position

    SliderWithLabel wrong initial label position

    When labelProgress is greater than min range, initial label position is at start, but should be on top/bottom of thumb.

        value = labelProgress,
        onValueChange = {
            labelProgress = it
        thumbRadius = 10.dp,
        trackHeight = 10.dp,
        valueRange = 0f..100f,
        colors = MaterialSliderDefaults.materialColors(),
        labelPosition = LabelPosition.Bottom,
        label = {
                text = "$${labelProgress.roundToInt()}",
                modifier = Modifier
                    .shadow(1.dp, shape = CircleShape)
                    .background(Brown400, shape = CircleShape)
                color = Color.White
    opened by maciek-s 1
  • onValueChangeFinished cannot respond to clicked

    onValueChangeFinished cannot respond to clicked

    Now when Tick is clicked, onValueChangeFinished will not be triggered. If you want to listen in onValueChangeFinished, you will lose this event, but in onValueChange, you cannot deal with scenes with item animations because of frequent calls.

    opened by choristery 0
  • Animation when progress updated

    Animation when progress updated

    I am using this slider as the linear progress bar and update the progress by code. However, it does not support to use the animation which can make the updating process much more elegant. Is it possible for you to provide that functionality?

    opened by KevinnZou 1
  • Steps not working

    Steps not working

    Hi! It looks like the steps are not working. I've tried this code but the slider does not snap into the step positions as it does for the default Slider

    var sliderPosition by remember { mutableStateOf(0.5f) }
            value = sliderPosition,
            onValueChange = { it-> sliderPosition = it },
            steps = 8
    opened by aramsheroyan 1
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