Display code with syntax highlighting :sparkles: in native way.


CodeView (Android)

Android Arsenal Release Build Status

CodeView helps to show code content with syntax highlighting in native way.


CodeView contains 3 core parts to implement necessary logic:

  1. CodeView & related abstract adapter to provide options & customization (see below).

  2. For highlighting it uses CodeHighlighter, it highlights your code & returns formatted content. It's based on Google Prettify and their Java implementation & fork.

  3. CodeClassifier is trying to define what language is presented in the code snippet. It's built using Naive Bayes classifier upon found open-source implementation, which I rewrote in Kotlin. There is no need to work with this class directly & you must just follow instructions below. (Experimental module, may not work properly!)


Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }

Add the dependency:

compile 'com.github.kbiakov:CodeView-Android:1.3.2'


If you want to use code classifier to auto language recognizing just add to your Application.java:

// train classifier on app start

Having done ones on app start you can classify language for different snippets even faster, because the algorithm needs time for training on sets for the presented listings of the languages which the library has.

Add view to your layout & bind as usual:

	android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
CodeView codeView = (CodeView) findViewById(R.id.code_view);

So now you can set code using implicit form:

// auto language recognition

Or explicit (see available extensions below):

// will work faster!
codeView.setCode(getString(R.string.listing_py), "py");


When you call setCode(...) the view will be prepared with the default params if the view was not initialized before. So if you want some customization, it can be done using the options and/or adapter.


You can initialize the view with options:


Or using adapter (see Adapter or example for more details):

final CustomAdapter myAdapter = new CustomAdapter(this, getString(R.string.listing_md));

Note: Each CodeView has a adapter and each adapter has options. When calling setOptions(...) or setAdapter(...) the current adapter is "flushed" with the current options. If you want to save the state and just update options saving adapter or set adapter saving options you must call updateOptions(...) or updateAdapter(...) accordingly.


Options helps to easily set necessary params, such as code & language, color theme, font, format, shortcut params (max lines, note) and code line click listener. Some params are unnecessary.

When the view is initialized (options or adapter are set) you can manipulate the options in various ways:


Color theme

There are some default themes (see full list below):


But you can build your own from a existing one:

ColorThemeData myTheme = ColorTheme.SOLARIZED_LIGHT.theme()


Or create your own from scratch (don't forget to open PR with this stuff!):

ColorThemeData customTheme = new ColorThemeData(new SyntaxColors(...), ...);


Set font for your code content:


Font.Consolas is a font preset (see the list of available below). To use your own font you can use similar method by providing Typeface or font path. Fonts are internally cached.


Manage the space that code line take. There are 3 types: Compact, ExtraCompact and Medium. Setup is similar:

// Kotlin
// Java

Also you can create custom Format by providing params such as scaleFactor, lineHeight, borderHeight (above first line and below last) and fontSize.


Sometimes you may want to take code lines under your control, and that's why you need a Adapter.

You can create your own implementation as follows:

  1. Create your model to store data, for example some MyModel class.
  2. Extend AbstractCodeAdapter<MyModel> typed by your model class.
  3. Implement necessary methods in obtained MyCodeAdapter:
// Kotlin
class MyCodeAdapter : AbstractCodeAdapter<MyModel> {
    constructor(context: Context, content: String) : super(context, content)

    override fun createFooter(context: Context, entity: MyModel, isFirst: Boolean) =
        /* init & return your view here */
// Java
public class MyCodeAdapter extends AbstractCodeAdapter<MyModel> {
    public CustomAdapter(@NotNull Context context, @NotNull String content) {
    	// @see params in AbstractCodeAdapter
        super(context, content, true, 10, context.getString(R.string.show_all), null);

    public View createFooter(@NotNull Context context, CustomModel entity, boolean isFirst) {
        return /* your initialized view here */;

  1. Set custom adapter to your code view:
final MyCodeAdapter adapter = new MyCodeAdapter(this, getString(R.string.listing_py));

  1. Init footer entities to provide mapper from your model to view:
// it will add an addition diff to code line
adapter.addFooterEntity(16, new MyModel(getString(R.string.py_addition_16), true));
// and this a deletion diff
adapter.addFooterEntity(11, new MyModel(getString(R.string.py_deletion_11), false));

  1. You can also add a multiple diff entities:
AbstractCodeAdapter<MyModel>.addFooterEntities(HashMap<Int, List<MyModel>> myEntities)

Here you must provide a map from code line numbers (started from 0) to list of line entities. It will be mapped by adapter to specified footer views.

See Github diff as example of my "best practice" implementation.

How it looks in app

See example.


List of available languages & their extensions

C/C++/Objective-C ("c", "cc", "cpp", "cxx", "cyc", "m"), C# ("cs"), Java ("java"), Bash ("bash", "bsh", "csh", "sh"), Python ("cv", "py", "python"), Perl ("perl", "pl", "pm"), Ruby ("rb", "ruby"), JavaScript ("javascript", "js"), CoffeeScript ("coffee"), Rust ("rc", "rs", "rust"), Appollo ("apollo", "agc", "aea"), Basic ("basic", "cbm"), Clojure ("clj"), Css ("css"), Dart ("dart"), Erlang ("erlang", "erl"), Go ("go"), Haskell ("hs"), Lisp ("cl", "el", "lisp", "lsp", "scm", "ss", "rkt"), Llvm ("llvm", "ll"), Lua ("lua"), Matlab ("matlab"), ML (OCaml, SML, F#, etc) ("fs", "ml"), Mumps ("mumps"), N ("n", "nemerle"), Pascal ("pascal"), R ("r", "s", "R", "S", "Splus"), Rd ("Rd", "rd"), Scala ("scala"), SQL ("sql"), Tex ("latex", "tex"), VB ("vb", "vbs"), VHDL ("vhdl", "vhd"), Tcl ("tcl"), Wiki ("wiki.meta"), XQuery ("xq", "xquery"), YAML ("yaml", "yml"), Markdown ("md", "markdown"), formats ("json", "xml", "proto"), "regex"

Didn't found yours? Please, open issue to show your interest & I'll try to add this language in next releases.

List of available themes

List of available fonts

  • Consolas
  • CourierNew
  • DejaVuSansMono
  • DroidSansMonoSlashed
  • Inconsolata
  • Monaco

Used by

List of apps on Play Store where this library used. Ping me if you want to be here too!

Icon Application
Codify - Codes On The Go
C Programming - 200+ Offline Tutorial and Examples
Awesome Android - UI Libraries
GitJourney for GitHub
Source Code - Lập Trình


  1. You can add your theme (see ColorTheme class). Try to add some classic color themes or create your own if it looks cool. You can find many of them in different open-source text editors.
  2. If you are strong in regex, add missed language as shown here. You can find existing regex for some language in different sources of libraries, which plays the same role.
  3. Various adapters also welcome.


Kirill Biakov

License MIT

Copyright (c) 2016 Kirill Biakov

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

  • when i am fetching the string of formatted code from Firebase Realtime database the code showing in a single line.

    when i am fetching the string of formatted code from Firebase Realtime database the code showing in a single line.

    ###DetailActivity.xml ``

        android:text="program name sample as login  to firebase"
        app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />
    <!-- CODEVIEW  program-->


    package com.rajendra.firebaseproject.Activity; import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.TextView; import com.rajendra.firebaseproject.R; import io.github.kbiakov.codeview.CodeView; import io.github.kbiakov.codeview.adapters.Options; import io.github.kbiakov.codeview.classifier.CodeProcessor; import io.github.kbiakov.codeview.highlight.ColorTheme; public class DetailActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    String pname,pcontent;
    TextView rvpname;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        pname = getIntent().getExtras().getString("sendPNAME");
        pcontent = getIntent().getExtras().getString("sendPCONTENT");
        rvpname =findViewById(R.id.textViewrv1);
        CodeView codeView = (CodeView) findViewById(R.id.code_view_text);
        //codeView.setCode(pcontent, "c");


    but the ans is showing like this screenshots :


    opened by mRAJENDRAKUMAR-droid 4
  • Initial tab/space is trimmed at the starting of each new line

    Initial tab/space is trimmed at the starting of each new line

    I have recently used this library to highlight the syntax. But it trimmed initial spaces and white space characters at the beginning of each new line. This has made difficult to understand the code. Please add this feature.

    opened by khokharnikunj8 4
  • Cannot compile

    Cannot compile

    Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithJarMergingForDebug'.
    > com.android.build.api.transform.TransformException: java.util.zip.ZipException: duplicate entry: org/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull.class

    After adding your lib, i get this error


    help wanted 
    opened by alorma 4
  • Customize adapter

    Customize adapter

    It will be really great if we can set something depending on lines.

    For example: at Gitskarios i'm gonna use this lib to show content, and commits diff, so sometimes i need to add comments in a line

    opened by alorma 4
  • CodeView appears in 2s and then disappear, except 1st line

    CodeView appears in 2s and then disappear, except 1st line

    I have one Activity just to show the CodeView. It appears at the first time I start the Activity. When I restart the activity, it appears like in 2s and then disappears. I have no error, no special warning, etc see more https://github.com/lilliCao/javoid I followed your instruction and only used default value.

    opened by lilliCao 3
  • code show in one line

    code show in one line

    CodeView codeView = (CodeView) findViewById(R.id.code_view);

    help wanted 
    opened by Dishant624 3
  • Update dependencies

    Update dependencies


    implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0-alpha01'
    implementation 'androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:1.1.0-alpha01'

    instead of

    compile "com.android.support:appcompat-v7:$supportLibrary"
    compile "com.android.support:recyclerview-v7:$supportLibrary"
    opened by DATL4G 1
  • Project versions out-of-date

    Project versions out-of-date

    Hello there,

    after improting this project into my IDE, it was screaming towards me the project is using various outdated dependency resources. Only after updating all of them I was able to build the project properly.

    In particular I had to update all build.gradle files as well as the gradle-wrapper.properties file in order to make the project build again in Android Studio. So before opening a pull-request straight away to fix those issues I wanted to make sure if there is not any particular reason not to update all that stuff?

    opened by Brainsucker92 1
  • How wrap code to next line?

    How wrap code to next line?

    I need to put codeview in a scrolling element, but because of this issue I can't so I'm trying to figure out a workaround by disabling clickable on the codeview, but then I can't have code that isn't visible because it's off screen.

    For me, it's okay if the code isn't clickable/scrollable/selectable. Is there a way to wrap code to the next line?

    opened by AdityaAnand1 1
  • Add newline

    Add newline "\n" in every end of line

    Is there any solution that adds "\n" in every end of a line? Or any other way that can manage pure code of any programming language without adding "\n" in every line. Thanks 👍

    opened by mostasim 1
  • Disable blink animation on refresh of codeview

    Disable blink animation on refresh of codeview

    How do I disable blink animation when a codeview is reset. programCodeView.setOptions(Options.Default.get(getContext()) .withLanguage(programLanguage) .withCode(programLines) .withTheme(ColorTheme.MONOKAI));

    This code is used to set program lines to the code view, there's a blink which happens at this point. Can it be disabled?

    opened by alokomkar 1
  • Fix recyclerview fill all items

    Fix recyclerview fill all items

    Pass MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED mode to child RecyclerView for providing a virtual 'infinite' vertical space will cause LinearLayoutManager try to 'fill' remaining space using ALL items in adapter, which may let main thread running measures for a long time. Just provide an 'infinite' horizontal space for long-line code is enough, then layout manager and touch event handle methods in RecyclerView can handle vertical scrolling perfectly. Can also fix missing velocity in code panel.

    Flame chart showing such issue: image

    Screen records (Xiaomi MIX2S, Qualcomm 845, should not appear a loading holder for just a 370+ lines log file.):


    opened by LinZong 0
  • adds 1 MB to APK size

    adds 1 MB to APK size

    When including the library, a folder assets/training-set is visible in the decompiled APK (Build>Analyze Apk) which is contributing 1 Mb to the APK size.

    opened by sriharivishnu 0
Kirill Biakov
Sr. Android developer at @tutu-ru. Passionate about mobile app architecture, Kotlin and Rx.
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