A Flutter (Android only) plugin for editing and extracting information from your music, at the moment it only works on AAC and OGG (last one only support setting and extracting tags)
Getting Started
Just call the function you need from AudioTagger class and pass the music file path and data. These are some examples of what this plugin can do:
// Write all provided Tags to an audio file
songPath: ...
tags: ...
// Extract all tags from an audio file as an [AudioTags] object
// Writes the provided artwork from path or url to the specified audio file path
// This will write either from path or url, if both are provided, path takes priority
// This also throws exception if both path or url are null
songPath: ...
artworkPath: ...
artworkUrl: ...
// Extracts the artwork from the provided audio file at full quality, returns a [Uint8List] object
// Generate a Square Cover Image from provided URL and returns a [File] object
// Crops an image to 4:3 aspect ratio and returns an [Uint8List] object