Android Play Games Services plugin for Godot Game Engine

  • uses-sdk:minSdkVersion 19 cannot be smaller than version 21

    uses-sdk:minSdkVersion 19 cannot be smaller than version 21

    Hi dears,

    Congrats for the PGSGP, the community has long been waiting for a well mainteined Google Play Games services! <3

    After update to 3.4.1 I'm getting a strange error:

    > Task :processDebugMainManifest FAILED
    /home/*****/android/build/src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml Error:
    	uses-sdk:minSdkVersion 19 cannot be smaller than version 21 declared in library [GodotPlayGamesServices.release.aar] /home/mex/.gradle/caches/transforms-3/970b45490a2361ae4cfd178ef1ac003f/transformed/jetified-GodotPlayGamesServices.release/AndroidManifest.xml as the library might be using APIs not available in 19
    	Suggestion: use a compatible library with a minSdk of at most 19,
    		or increase this project's minSdk version to at least 21,
    		or use tools:overrideLibrary="io.cgisca.godot.gpgs" to force usage (may lead to runtime failures)
    See for more information about the manifest merger.
    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    On the last version I set SDK version to 21 on android/build/config.gradle, but now I can't understand what is happening, because SDK version 21 is set on config.gradle, but Godot is erroring android/build/src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml but this file don't have any SDK version reference.

    Could you please kindly help me to solve this issue?

    opened by marcio-pessoa 6
  • token missing in signIn callback

    token missing in signIn callback

    Hi, I was hoping to use this plugin to authenticate with my backend. The documentation says that a "User token for backend use" is returned in the sign in callback. However, this attribute is missing for me.

    opened by smarwei 4
  • Stack Trace on Login on Godot 3.4.2

    Stack Trace on Login on Godot 3.4.2

    Hey! Im using this addon and everytime I try to login I get a stack trace saying its expecting an interface and got a class

    12-29 12:00:31.036 19327 19327 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
    12-29 12:00:31.037 19327 19327 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
    12-29 12:00:31.037 19327 19327 E AndroidRuntime: Process: org.finepointcgi.gspp, PID: 19327
    12-29 12:00:31.037 19327 19327 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Found class, but interface was expected (declaration of '' appears in /data/app/~~wB3kvUyirHWGIFARPNOpTQ==/org.finepointcgi.gspp-sTsf8cvrH5c50A2Gb7rwoA==/base.apk)
    12-29 12:00:31.037 19327 19327 E AndroidRuntime:        at io.cgisca.godot.gpgs.signin.SignInController.enablePopUps(SignInController.kt:104)
    12-29 12:00:31.037 19327 19327 E AndroidRuntime:        at io.cgisca.godot.gpgs.signin.SignInController.access$enablePopUps(SignInController.kt:12)
    12-29 12:00:31.037 19327 19327 E AndroidRuntime:        at io.cgisca.godot.gpgs.signin.SignInController$signIn$1.onComplete(SignInController.kt:52)
    12-29 12:00:31.037 19327 19327 E AndroidRuntime:        at Source:4)
    12-29 12:00:31.037 19327 19327 E AndroidRuntime:        at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
    12-29 12:00:31.037 19327 19327 E AndroidRuntime:        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    12-29 12:00:31.037 19327 19327 E AndroidRuntime:        at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(
    12-29 12:00:31.037 19327 19327 E AndroidRuntime:        at android.os.Looper.loop(
    12-29 12:00:31.037 19327 19327 E AndroidRuntime:        at
    12-29 12:00:31.037 19327 19327 E AndroidRuntime:        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    12-29 12:00:31.037 19327 19327 E AndroidRuntime:        at$
    12-29 12:00:31.037 19327 19327 E AndroidRuntime:        at

    I do end up getting my login in so the code itself seems to work however it always crashes on me or I get an error 10 depending on how the codes mood is.

    Im using Godot 3.4 with Java 11

    opened by finepointcgi 4
  • Link back to the original creator

    Link back to the original creator

    Hi Kristijan Draca, we noticed that you have forked Constantin Gisca's public MIT licensed repository, and removed the backlink to the original github sources.

    Let's add a backlink there, and perhaps pull your changes to the main repository?

    opened by tavurth 2
  • Game crash when signed in

    Game crash when signed in


    I moved to Godot 3.4.4.
    I built the PGSGP for this new version following the instructions:, I set the APP_ID, etc.

    My game successfully connected once as the _on_sign_in_success() was correctly triggered (I had a print for debugging), but it immediately crashed once signed in.
    I relaunched the app but the callback wasn't triggered anymore (no print in the Godot console).
    If I comment the code related to the GodotPlayGamesServices my game run correctly.

    Do you have any idea of what could it be ?

    opened by Acwok 1
  • Game save and game loading failure callbacks pop twice; can't get saving to work

    Game save and game loading failure callbacks pop twice; can't get saving to work

    Hello! Managed to get signing in to work. However, when I try to save a snapshot like this:

    var data_to_save: Dictionary = {"Name" : "Johan"}
    play_services.saveSnapshot("RoadToMarsData", to_json(data_to_save), "Road to Mars progress data.")

    It fails. Game saves are enabled in my console, and I have tried wiping Google Play Services data on all my test devices.

    I also get load/save failure callbacks twice per each attempt to save or load.

    my adb logcat -s godot:

    01-17 13:10:00.287  5645  5692 I godot   : Godot Engine v3.4.2.stable.official.45eaa2daf -
    01-17 13:10:00.326  5645  5692 I godot   : OpenGL ES 3.0 Renderer: Adreno (TM) 540
    01-17 13:10:00.336  5645  5692 I godot   : OpenGL ES Batching: ON
    01-17 13:10:00.441  5645  5692 I godot   :
    01-17 13:10:03.773  5645  5692 I godot   : Sign in called
    01-17 13:10:03.775  5645  5645 I godot   : Using new signin data
    01-17 13:10:04.646  5645  5692 I godot   : Google Play Service: login successful
    01-17 13:10:05.224  5645  5645 I godot   : Sign in data is valid
    01-17 13:10:05.262  5645  5692 I godot   : Editor, GodotYodo1Mas initialized
    01-17 13:10:05.263  5645  5692 I godot   : Initialize yodo sdk
    01-17 13:10:05.263  5645  5692 I godot   : OS.get_name()
    01-17 13:10:05.359  5645  5692 I godot   : Save failed
    01-17 13:10:05.360  5645  5692 I godot   : Save failed
    01-17 13:10:06.159  5645  5645 W godot   : GodotYodo1MasWrapper -> initialize successful
    opened by damnedpie 1
  • Fixes to Client Id problem

    Fixes to Client Id problem

    Yes im using that. This is still an issue however I figured out how to get it all to work. You need to make sure you have both web and android authentication on your app. image and make sure you have both authes in your app image


    Finally be sure to set your token in the code the read me says nothing of this but it will cause a full crash on your app causing this stack trace image  The client id is the WEB not the android one it does not specify it in the readme.

    Originally posted by @finepointcgi in

    I was having problems with SignIn, having bizarre AndroidRuntimeErrors, having some failure IDs constant 10...

    So I've done that and still get the same exact problems. Is there something else to do?

    opened by olgam4 1
  • Fatal crash when achievement info fails to load

    Fatal crash when achievement info fails to load

    Hi! First off, thank you so much for maintaining this fantastic plugin! I have been using it in my Godot game without much issue so far.

    I encountered a crash however that I think should be easily fixable:

    11-24 20:55:49.147  5480  5480 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
    11-24 20:55:49.147  5480  5480 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.pank0.usagishima, PID: 5480
    11-24 20:55:49.147  5480  5480 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid arguments count. Should be 1  but is 0
    11-24 20:55:49.147  5480  5480 E AndroidRuntime:        at org.godotengine.godot.plugin.GodotPlugin.emitSignal(
    11-24 20:55:49.147  5480  5480 E AndroidRuntime:        at org.godotengine.godot.plugin.GodotPlugin.emitSignal(
    11-24 20:55:49.147  5480  5480 E AndroidRuntime:        at io.cgisca.godot.gpgs.PlayGameServicesGodot.onAchievementInfoLoadingFailed(PlayGameServicesGodot.kt:375)
    11-24 20:55:49.147  5480  5480 E AndroidRuntime:        at io.cgisca.godot.gpgs.achievements.AchievementsController.loadAchievementInfo(AchievementsController.kt:113)
    11-24 20:55:49.147  5480  5480 E AndroidRuntime:        at io.cgisca.godot.gpgs.PlayGameServicesGodot.loadAchievementInfo$lambda-10(PlayGameServicesGodot.kt:268)
    11-24 20:55:49.147  5480  5480 E AndroidRuntime:        at io.cgisca.godot.gpgs.PlayGameServicesGodot.$r8$lambda$Lj4qxSyZ7Gf4YV_JHXpPDQ4X9pY(Unknown Source:0)
    11-24 20:55:49.147  5480  5480 E AndroidRuntime:        at io.cgisca.godot.gpgs.PlayGameServicesGodot$$ Source:4)
    11-24 20:55:49.147  5480  5480 E AndroidRuntime:        at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
    11-24 20:55:49.147  5480  5480 E AndroidRuntime:        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    11-24 20:55:49.147  5480  5480 E AndroidRuntime:        at android.os.Looper.loop(
    11-24 20:55:49.147  5480  5480 E AndroidRuntime:        at
    11-24 20:55:49.147  5480  5480 E AndroidRuntime:        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    11-24 20:55:49.147  5480  5480 E AndroidRuntime:        at$
    11-24 20:55:49.147  5480  5480 E AndroidRuntime:        at
    11-24 20:55:49.294  2947  6825 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=data_app_crash isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
    11-24 20:55:49.312  2947 10102 W ActivityTaskManager:   Force finishing activity com.pank0.usagishima/

    The cause of the crash seems to be an incorrect number of arguments passed to the _on_achievement_info_load_failed signal. It appears that the number of arguments declared for this signal is incorrect in PlayGameServicesGodot.kt. The following change seemed to fix the crashes for me:

    --- a/app/src/main/java/io/cgisca/godot/gpgs/PlayGameServicesGodot.kt
    +++ b/app/src/main/java/io/cgisca/godot/gpgs/PlayGameServicesGodot.kt
    @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class PlayGameServicesGodot(godot: Godot) : GodotPlugin(godot), AchievementsList
          val SIGNAL_ACHIEVEMENT_INFO_LOAD = SignalInfo("_on_achievement_info_loaded",
    -        val SIGNAL_ACHIEVEMENT_INFO_LOAD_FAILED = SignalInfo("_on_achievement_info_load_failed",
    +        val SIGNAL_ACHIEVEMENT_INFO_LOAD_FAILED = SignalInfo("_on_achievement_info_load_failed")
          val SIGNAL_LEADERBOARD_SCORE_SUBMITTED = SignalInfo("_on_leaderboard_score_submitted",

    If someone could confirm the fix is indeed correct, I can submit a pull request if you want.

    Thanks a lot!

    opened by flaming-toast 0
  • Exception java.lang.RuntimeException

    Exception java.lang.RuntimeException

    I get frequent crashes with this plugin. My game runs on about 1k devices and I get 1 crash every 2 days. Its not too bad but would still be nice to have this resolved. I cannot reproduce the crash on my test devices, neither emulate nor real ones. The crashes occur on Android 10 and 11.

    Stack Trace:

    Exception java.lang.RuntimeException: at ( at ( at ( at ( at ( at$H.handleMessage ( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage ( at android.os.Looper.loop ( at ( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke at$ ( at ( Caused by java.lang.RuntimeException: at ( at ( Caused by kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: at io.cgisca.godot.gpgs.PlayGameServicesGodot.onMainActivityResult (PlayGameServicesGodot.kt:158) at org.godotengine.godot.Godot.onActivityResult ( at org.godotengine.godot.FullScreenGodotApp.onActivityResult ( at ( at (

    opened by patrick-wagner-0681 1
  • [Bug] Nonexistent function 'init' in base 'JNISingleton'

    [Bug] Nonexistent function 'init' in base 'JNISingleton'

    I'm using godot 3.4.4 and testing on an Android 12 device.

    The test run returns " Nonexistent function 'init' in base 'JNISingleton' ".

    Since init is present in ths plugin:

     override fun getPluginMethods(): MutableList<String> {
            return mutableListOf(


    fun init(enablePopups: Boolean, requestEmail: Boolean, requestProfile: Boolean, requestToken: String) {
            initialize(false, enablePopups, "DefaultGame", requestEmail, requestProfile, requestToken)

    I think it's a godot version related issue? Is this plugin still being maintained?

    opened by luiscesjr 1
  • Frequent crashes on Android 12

    Frequent crashes on Android 12

    Hi! Been receiving a lot of crash reports on Google Play Console, 90% of those crashes occur on Android 12 (SDK 31-32). Got over 100 stack traces, all of them look like this:

    java.lang.RuntimeException: at ( at ( at ( at ( at ( at$H.handleMessage ( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage ( at android.os.Looper.loop ( at ( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (Native Method) at$ ( at ( Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: at ( at ( Caused by: kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: at io.cgisca.godot.gpgs.PlayGameServicesGodot.onMainActivityResult (PlayGameServicesGodot.kt:158) at org.godotengine.godot.Godot.onActivityResult ( at org.godotengine.godot.FullScreenGodotApp.onActivityResult ( at ( at (

    And it is always the io.cgisca.godot.gpgs.PlayGameServicesGodot.onMainActivityResult (PlayGameServicesGodot.kt:158)

    I use Saved Games and logging in, nothing else. Recently I have added Achievements to my game, but it had no further impact on crash rate. Android 11 and below work pretty stable, but Android 12 is misbehaving for sure.

    opened by damnedpie 0
  • [Feauture request] Is it possible to retrieve leaderboard data?

    [Feauture request] Is it possible to retrieve leaderboard data?


    I want to give the players rewards based on the players rank in a leaderboard, more specific I would need to get this info of the submitted score:

    Would this be possible to do? If it is, am I correct to leave it here as a feature request or do I have to post it somewhere else?

    The list of the other scores (players before and after the player plus maybe top ten scores) would be a nice to have too.

    opened by Tobi-La 0
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