Tonomy ID is the cross-platform mobile wallet (Android and iOS) for public and private EOSIO blockchains



Tonomy ID is the cross-platform mobile wallet (Android and iOS) for public and private EOSIO blockchains. This application allows you to sign transactions on the block chain, share your DID and Verifiable Credentials containing your identity with others in a consensual way and log into web2 and web3 applications. If you lose your phone several mechanisms exist to allow you to recover your account without trusting anyone with custody of your private keys.

Tonomy ID is a React Native application in typescript. Tests are written in jest.


  1. EOSIO blockchain tx signing
  2. EOSIO blockchain multi-sig signing
  3. Social recovery
  4. Hardware recovery
  5. Security question recovery
  6. Non-custodial third party recovery ("guardians in Wallet+ paper)
  7. Verifiable Credential sharing
  8. Peer-to-peer EOSIO account communication network
  9. SSO login to web2 and web3 applications
  10. Sovereign data cloud storage (client-side encrypted using a recoverable key)


  • Linux debian distribution (Ubuntu 20.0.4 LTS used)
  • Nodejs v16.4.1+ suggested installed with nvm
  • Java JDK 11+
  • Android studio v2021.2.1 follow all the instructions
    1. Install Android Studio
    2. Install the Android SDK
    3. Configure the ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variable
    • Install Watchman Open Android Studio and Preparing the Android device
    • Preparing the Android device
    • Using a virtual device

See ./scripts/ for installation of dependancies on Ubuntu 20.0.4


First start the emulator in VS code (use recommended extension Android iOS Emulator), Android Studio, XCode or via command line:

~/Android/Sdk/emulator/emulator -avd Pixel_4_API_30
#TODO iOS command

Then start the compiler

npm start
npm run android
npm run ios


npm test
  • Create staging environment infrastucture

    Create staging environment infrastucture

    Definition of done:

    • [ ] Infrastucture for the Demo app, blockchain node and ID app exists for staging environment (does not run the app yet though, only sets up the server)
    • [ ] Full documentation describing every step of how to set up from scratch
    application infrastructure 
    opened by theblockstalk 7
  • Create a usability testing plan

    Create a usability testing plan

    Definition of done

    • [x] A plan exists that will allow for external (uneducated to the project) people can test the app
    • [x] how are we going to show the use case of the identity app (i.e. that we are signing a trx on an app - not the identity app)
    • [x] there should be an agreed way to collect the feedback that it can be presented to the PO and designer
    opened by theblockstalk 4
  • Time the key generation function in nodejs to check security

    Time the key generation function in nodejs to check security

    Definition of done

    • [x] the KeyManager generate key from password function is timed with different parameters on different browsers and in nodejs
    • [x] a calculation is made based on the password length and on the length of a generic password bank list, to determine the amount of time needed for a malicious and well resourced hacker to crack it password
    • [x] based on this, a suggestion for the minimum requirements for passwords is made e.g. lenght, character variety
    opened by theblockstalk 4
  • Expo app bundles locally on any push request to test all modules compile

    Expo app bundles locally on any push request to test all modules compile

    Definition of done

    • [ ] On any pull request, a local expo Android .apk file bundle is created (eas service is not used)

    Maximum spend of 6 hours on this.

    Follow up: iOS

    opened by theblockstalk 3
  • SSO designs updated from usability testing results

    SSO designs updated from usability testing results

    Definition Of done

    • [ ] analysing the results and making a proposal to the PO for changes
    • [ ] SSO design screens updated from usability testing results
    opened by theblockstalk 3
  • SSO login website on external site when login button pressed - logic SDK

    SSO login website on external site when login button pressed - logic SDK

    Definition of done

    for execution in the external website:

    • [ ] New function exists which will create a new random key pair
    • [ ] It will then use the private key to sign a random number, the URL, and its public key, Creating a jwt
    • [ ] there will then redirect to the id website, With the jwt in the redirect URL
    opened by theblockstalk 3
  • Design prototype optimizations

    Design prototype optimizations

    Keep the prototype organized, consistent and beautiful

    Definition of done

    • [ ] Maintain the design screens in Figma
    • [ ] Maintain the prototype linking
    • [ ] add to the Design System if needed
    • [ ] Keep the frame names consistent
    • [ ] Keep a changelog document that developers can review to see what has changed

    Review points at the end

    design recurring 
    opened by theblockstalk 2
  • Create SSO flow diagram

    Create SSO flow diagram

    Definition of done

    • [ ] Flow diagram exists that shows the different flows for the single sign-on feature
    opened by theblockstalk 2
  • Website - login to Tonomy ID UI

    Website - login to Tonomy ID UI


    Definition of done

    • [ ] UI matches Figma design
    • [ ] reactive layout is used (position of elements will change depending on screen size)
    • [ ] UI uses containers/component abstractions as adequate
    • [ ] Theme is used or any non-standard component colors
    opened by theblockstalk 2
  • Menu - UI

    Menu - UI

    Screen design implemented

    Definition of done!

    • [ ] UI matches Figma design
    • [ ] reactive layout is used (position of elements will change depending on screen size)
    • [ ] UI uses containers/component abstractions as adequate
    • [ ] Theme is used or any non-standard component colors
    • [ ] settings, help and info and logout buttons are the only menu items
    • [ ] name "Jack" not shown


    • use React Native navigation component
    opened by theblockstalk 2
  • Create Apple developer account

    Create Apple developer account we need to create an Apple developer account to deploy the app with


    Definition of done:

    • [x] Apple developer account is created for the Tonomy Foundation
    • [x] See if we can get a free account, as we are a non-profit
    • [x] Account is created with
    opened by theblockstalk 2
  • Rapid onboard designs

    Rapid onboard designs

    In this task, we will identify places where we can streamline use onboarding by minimising the steps needed for the user until they are absolutely required. This will prior a designer to rethink the flows and requirements that applications wanting to sign in with Tonomy ID will take. The outcome of this task is to identify and document the new flows.

    Definition of done

    • [ ] user flow diagram is updated with flows in mind that minimise the amount of user steps needed for each activity the user takes

    Follow up:

    • Implement the designs in Figma
    opened by theblockstalk 0
  • Documentation for how to use Tonomy ID SSO

    Documentation for how to use Tonomy ID SSO

    Definition of done

    • [ ] Documentation exists that clearly explains to a developer the steps they need to take to allow users of their applications to sign in using Tonomy ID
    opened by theblockstalk 1
  • Back button behaviour logic research and proposal

    Back button behaviour logic research and proposal

    What happens when the user presses the button their phone on each screen? are they sent back to the previous screen or not, Or are they sent to a different screen. This task will find the answer to these questions. Developers can Implement the logic based on this information.

    Definition of done:

    • [ ] Document / flow diagram exists which shows what happens when the user presses the button on their phone in different screens/scenarios
    opened by theblockstalk 0
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