A simple, highly customizable compose navigation component for Android & Desktop platform.




一个简单并提供高度扩展功能的 Compose 导航组件,同时支持 Android 和 Desktop 平台。




// Android
// Desktop



class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setContent {
            ScreenContainer(this, this, this) {
                // Screen Host


fun main() = application {
    val size = DpSize(480.dp, 720.dp)
    val windowState = rememberWindowState(size = size)
        title = "Compose Screen",
        state = windowState,
        onCloseRequest = {
    ) {
        // Screen Host


Screen Host

// 创建 screen navigator
val screenNavigator = rememberScreenNavigator()

// 初始化应用页面,确定根页面
ScreenHost(screenNavigator = screenNavigator, rootScreenName = "your root screen") {
    // 注册添加你所需要展示的页面
    groupScreen(screenName = ("your root screen")) {
    groupScreen(screenName = "your YYY screen") {
    itemScreen(screenName = "your popup screen") {


// 获取 screenNavigator
val screenNavigator = LocalScreenNavigator.current

// 普通导航
screenNavigator.push(screenName = "your screen")

// 导航携带参数
val count = 1
    screenName = "your screen",
    arguments = ScreenArgs.putValue("KEY_COUNT", count)

// singleTop 栈顶复用
    screenName = "your screen",
    pushOptions = PushOptions().apply {
            removePredicate = PushOptions.SingleTopPredicate("your screen")

// singleTask 栈内复用
    screenName = "your screen",
    pushOptions = PushOptions().apply {
            removePredicate = PushOptions.SingleTaskPredicate("your screen")

// 导航同时移除当前页面
    screenName = "your screen",
    pushOptions = PushOptions().apply {
            removePredicate = PushOptions.PopItselfPredicate()

// 移除任意页面
screenNavigator.remove(screenName = "your screen")


screenNavigator.popTo(screenName = "ZZZScreen")
val onResult = LocalScreenRecord.current.result
screenNavigator.pop(popOptions = PopOptions(popStackFinalInterceptor = { backstackList, _, _ ->
    backstackList.size > 10



PopupScreen 层级高于 Screen,附属于当前绑定的 Group Screen。退出 Group Screen 时,PopupScreen 同时消失。

ScreenHost(screenNavigator = screenNavigator, rootScreenName = Manifest.MainScreen) {
    // register your popup screen
    popup(screenName = Manifest.DialogPopupScreen) {

// show th dialog


// 默认的吐司
screenNavigator.toast("Your toast.")

// 更多配置的默认的吐司
    arguments = ScreenArgs.putValue(KEY_TOAST_TIME, ARGS_TOAST_TIME_SHORT)
            .putValue(KEY_TOAST_MSG, "Your toast."))

// 显示自定义的吐司
screenNavigator.toast {
    BoxWithConstraints(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {

同一个 Group Screen 中只能存在一个 PopupWindow。退出 Screen PopupWindow 同时消失。

Column(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize().background(Color.White)) {
        PopupWindowLayout(displayContent = {
                        // the content which you want to display
                    }, clickableContent = {
                        // such as a button layout


针对 Compose 为了更好的处理在某些特殊场景下的需要,ScreenLifecycleCallback 提供了 screenLifecycleState 和 hostLifecycleState 生命周期回调。


宿主 Android/Desktop 生命周期回调

Android 是收不到 onCreate onDestroy 相应回调

Compose Screen - Host Lifecyle Android Desktop
RESUMED onResume active
PAUSED onPasuse inActive - isMinimized
onDestroy onCloseRequest

Screen 抽象后的生命周期,通常来讲业务逻辑不应该依赖与此,切换页面会导致在此触发的 OnCreate 和 OnResume。

Compose Screen - Screen Lifecycle Screen
CREATED Push the new screen record into the stack
RESUMED Check the host lifecycle - onResume
PAUSED Check the host lifecycle - onPause
PAUSED A new screen was dispalyed
DESTROYED The screen record was out of the stack
ScreenLifecycleCallback(screenRecord, screenLifecycleState = {
    println("Screen lifecycle - $countValue: ${it.name}")
    if (it == ComposeLifecycle.State.DESTROYED) {
        screenNavigator.toast("Screen lifecycle - $countValue: is destroyed")
}, hostLifecycleState = {
    println(">>> Host lifecycle: ${getPlatformName()} - ${it.name} <<<")


针对不同场景下的 ViewModel 使用, Compose Screen 提供了 viewModel,sharedViewModel,globalViewModel,androidViewModel 的扩展方法来方便使用。

Compose ViewModel
  • viewModel
// 绑定到当前 group screen 的 ViewModel,当 group screen 出栈的时候,该 ViewModel 被销毁
val viewModel = viewModel { YourViewModel() }
  • sharedViewModel
// XXX -> YYY,当 YYY 出栈的时候,sharedViewModel 将继续存在,当 XXX 也出栈的时候, sharedViewModel 才被销毁
fun XXXScreen(){
    val sharedViewModel = sharedViewModel { YourViewModel() }

fun YYYScreen(){
    val sharedViewModel = sharedViewModel { YourViewModel() }
  • globalViewModel
// 被绑定到 Screen Mananger 上的 ViewModel,全局唯一,只有 Screen Mananger 不在后才被销毁
val globalViewModel = globalViewModel { YourViewModel() }
Android ViewModel
// Android 平台独有,通过初始化时传入的 ViewModelStoreOwner,来获取或者生成 AndroidX 的 ViewModel.
val androidViewModel = androidViewModel { YourAndroidViewModel() }




    "your screen",
    pushOptions = PushOptions(
        pushTransition = ScreenTransitionRightInLeftOutPush(),
        popTransition = ScreenTransitionRightInLeftOutPop()



在 Compose Screen 初始化时,传入 OnBackPressedDispatcherOwner, 就可以响应系统返回按键。


可以通过 enableEscBack 来开启关闭 Compose Screen 响应 ESC 按键返回


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