A simple tool used to check the users you follow that do not follow you back.


instafbchecker - Instagram no life guide

Platerform Build Kotlin Version Gradle Version License

Current Release: v1.0.1 (30/08/2022)

A command line tool used to check which users dont follow you back on Instagram.

instafbchecker is mainly developed by Pseudow.

It is a pure troll even though it works!


This tool requires an Instagram account to work. You have to pass your account information such as password and username in the command line. We do not assure the security of the process since this tool uses a library to communicate with Instagram api.

Although it works, we are not responsible if your account get suspended or anything else. We let an option which can help you avoid that -interval, but we are still not responsible.


Usage: instafbchecker username password options_list
    username -> The username of the account { String }
    password -> The password of the account { String }
    --format, -f [TEXT] -> Format for output { Value should be one of [text] }
    --target, -T [] -> The target to use this command (By default if not provided it is the user itself) { String }
    --interval, -i [3] -> The interval between each request (Used to avoid being blocked by the API) { Int }
    --timeout, -t [20] -> Max timeout for each request { Int }
    --debug, -d [false] -> Turn on debug mode 
    --help, -h -> Usage info 

Only one output format is currently supported which is old plain text named as text.


See CONTRIBUTORS.md to know who they are.

Pull requests and feature requests are welcomed


Copyright (C) Nathan Ogueton (pseudow96@proton.me)

License: GNU General Public License, version 2

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