Mute Ad/promotions from Accuradio android



Remove ads in Accuradio

What apps are supported?

app support
Accuradio yes

Since this is built with Accuradio in mind, no other apps are supported for now, but Implementing other apps should be quite easy.


  • Ad blocker for Accuradio android is not available.
  • wanted a lightweight & non bloat app with size lessthan 1mb
  • wanted a minimal ui
    • below is the Total UI of the app.

    ad notification

How this works

This is possible because of NotificationListenerService on android. Granted, the user gave permission to this setting.

  • While music is playing, the following notification is present.

ad notification

  • I then parse the notification and stop it from playing.

Track Project Status

Built with

  • ads not muted on Spotify / Android 8

    ads not muted on Spotify / Android 8

    using a Sony Xperia X, running Android 8.0 Spotify version currently Ad-silence version 0.5.2

    Ad-silence has notification access and is enabled to mute ads. Spotify is enabled under 'select apps', and the Ad-silence notification is always visible on the notification drawer, regardless of Spotify status. battery optimisation is disabled for Ad-silence.

    when ads are playing, the Ad-silence notification displays 'listening for ads', same as when music plays, or when Spotify itself is closed.

    i also use Spotify Lite, but ads are muted every time (except for the final second), though.

    let me know if i can provide any more information. thank you for your time.

    opened by unseenlarks 19
  • new way of detecting ads in Spotify

    new way of detecting ads in Spotify

    refer #63

    Test out new ad detection for Spotify.

    On top of the existing detections, added new logic to detect ads, if the old logic does not catch the ads, the new logic is activated.

    did not remove old detection because that might cause bugs/unexpected behaviour in existing flow.

    closes #63

    opened by aghontpi 17
  • Ad blocking in Spotify (Podcasts) doesn't work

    Ad blocking in Spotify (Podcasts) doesn't work


    • Pixel 6
    • Android 12 (Build #SD1A.210817.027, if that matters)
    • Spotify v8.6.82.1113

    Tried playing a podcast on Spotify, waiting for Ads, and nothing happened. The ads play, I see "Advertisement" in the notification title, and I see the Ad Silence persistent notification (so the app was running). I had granted permission before running Spotify, and seemed to complete all the steps required to configure Ad Silence 🤔

    I can try and debug locally to get some more info in logcat - are there specific log tags/messages I can search for or filter on?

    opened by erawhctim 14
  • Support for Spotify Stations?

    Support for Spotify Stations?

    Hello, app is working great on Spotify, but would it be possible to implement into Spotify Stations? The same ads seem to run on there, I'm hoping they are all triggered the same way and it would be a (relatively) easy thing for you to do. Thanks for the consideration!

    opened by idahoprime 11
  • App was temporarily removed from google playstore due to

    App was temporarily removed from google playstore due to "policy violation"

    The reasoning mentioned was that the "app Icon" was in violation of the terms. I'm contacting policy support team regarding this issue.

    I'll update this thread on updates.


    You can still use one of the following links to get the official apks


    update 1

    App was reinstated after Changing the Icon and Submitting for review.

    update 2

    I could not get a straight answer from the support team, (I believe the old icon was not violating terms) - not pursuing this further, closed this issue.

    opened by aghontpi 10
  • Fix

    Fix "ads" not detected in spotify

    this pr fixes #29

    The issue occurs because of different language locale.

    A new file is created for "ad detection", any new words or false positives can be added or removed by changing this file.

    opened by aghontpi 9
  • Spotify ad notifications blank

    Spotify ad notifications blank

    seems like spotify might have blanked out its advertisement notifications. using I looked at the spotify notifications when ads came on and they were blank. they are also not being muted but I think this is why. signal-2022-06-30-141821

    opened by wjhrdy 6
  • Doesn't unmute on Android 5.x using Spotify Lite

    Doesn't unmute on Android 5.x using Spotify Lite

    I've tested on android 5.0.1 (x2), 5.0.2 and the ads are muted, but when the next song comes on it is still muted. I'm not able to manually unmute w/o closing the ad-silence app.

    I've tested on Android 6.0 and 7.1 and there are no issues with muting and unmuting.

    opened by wackydroid 5
  • Blocking YouTube Ads

    Blocking YouTube Ads

    Since you wrote you would be open to adding more streaming services, I was wondering if you could please also block YouTube ads? I don't use the Android app but just go through the web and I use Bromite as my browser and the Puffer app to block other ads and I still get the YouTube ads. Thanks

    opened by HonestAbe7 5
  • Support for Youtube Music?

    Support for Youtube Music?

    Hello. After watching a video on YouTube I discovered your app xd and I was wondering if you plan to support YouTube Music (the app version). Have you considered it?

    opened by XamDR 4
  • App crashes on Android 12

    App crashes on Android 12

    Logcat error:

                             E  Process: bluepie.ad_silence, PID: 32424
                             E  java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bluepie.ad_silence: Targeting S+ (version 31 and above) requires that one of FLAG_IMMUTABLE
                                or FLAG_MUTABLE be specified when creating a PendingIntent.
                             E  Strongly consider using FLAG_IMMUTABLE, only use FLAG_MUTABLE if some functionality depends on the PendingIntent being mutable,
                                e.g. if it needs to be used with inline replies or bubbles.
                             E      at
                             E      at
                             E      at
                             E      at
                             E      at e.h.c(:4)
                             E      at e.h.h(Unknown Source:0)
                             E      at bluepie.ad_silence.NotificationListener.onListenerConnected(Unknown Source:18)
                             E      at android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService$MyHandler.handleMessage(
                             E      at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
                             E      at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(
                             E      at android.os.Looper.loop(
                             E      at
                             E      at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
                             E      at$
                             E      at

    Running on a Pixel 6; I can debug/install locally from the repo if needed, just lemme know.

    opened by erawhctim 4
  • Req: ability to add a generic ad filter where you provide name of app package and text to watch.

    Req: ability to add a generic ad filter where you provide name of app package and text to watch.

    This method would allow users to add players currently not supported and once they had it working an option to submit to you could be provided simplifying the addition of additional music services.

    This is identical to the way the "ad block for spotify" app does things and I believe it's open source so the actual code may even be available.


    opened by famewolf 0
  • Spotify player stops on advertisement

    Spotify player stops on advertisement

    last few days not working with Spotify, on the advertisement and the player stops playing media, need to resume manually again to start playing. Spotify work perfectly without ad-silence app on.

    opened by anu11280 1
  • v0.5.5(Jul 15, 2022)


    • Added Italian translation, thanks to @code-a1 in (5e9c18f, 371198e)
    • Added new way of ad detection for Spotify, thanks to @citizenserious in (b25e915, cbf769a, 6bbbbe8, 58fa6f0, 0c19451)
      • for detailed infromation, refer comments in
    • Added Keywords/triggers for spotify, thanks to @unseenlarks in (47e5803, 2bc7ce6)


    • Update Gradle in (217a666, 5ed14a7)
    • Update kotlin & lib dependencies in (c8cee29)

    You can get it on google playstore & fdroid

    Get it on Google Play Get it on Fdroid

    New Contributors

    • @code-a1 made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Ad-silence-v0.5.5.apk(161.94 KB)
  • v0.5.4(Mar 30, 2022)

  • v0.5.3(Mar 9, 2022)

    Stable - requires android 5 or higher


    • add LiveOne (0687498, 13bcfcd, 695eb65) in
    • ui changes (50a9ea7, 2bfdc2d)

    You can get it on google playstore & fdroid

    Get it on Google Play Get it on Fdroid

    notes: LiveOne is not perfect, reason for this not being 0.6.0.

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Ad-silence-v0.5.3.apk(150.33 KB)
  • v0.5.2(Jan 22, 2022)

    Stable - requires android 5 or higher


    • fix: android 5.x.x unmute issue (bfbaa9a, 1751559, 89aaced) thanks to @wackydroid in #20


    • changed app Icon (790389d) because of #19

    You can get it on google playstore & fdroid

    Get it on Google Play Get it on Fdroid

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Ad-silence-v0.5.2.apk(148.24 KB)
  • v0.5.0(Jan 17, 2022)

    Stable - requires android 5 or higher


    • add support for Pandora (cdc1b00, 0b9e74e, 93ad718, cb6c2f3, 82025b9) in #14

    You can get it on ~google playstore~ & fdroid (Temporarily not available on playstore, check #19)

    Get it on fdroid

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Ad-silence-v0.5.0.apk(156.25 KB)
  • v0.4.0(Jan 9, 2022)

    Stable - requires android 5 or higher


    • add support for spotify lite (11f63ef, 476ee21, e5cf0e1, 83d4937, 87ce921) - thanks to request by @Nabokov86 in #12


    • bug: notification sound when updating notifications on some android devices. (899bd9c)

    You can also get it on google playstore & fdroid

    Get it on Google Play Get it on Google Play

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Ad-silence-v0.4.0.apk(153.49 KB)
  • v0.3.0(Dec 18, 2021)

    Stable - requires android 5 or higher


    • add: support for TIDAL (bacde47, 3f85d1e, 493cd04, a28e8eb) in

    Distributing updates via github releases are slow, You can now get it on google playstore & fdroid

    Get it on Google Play Get it on Google Play

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Ad-silence-v0.3.0.apk(152.24 KB)
  • v0.2.1(Dec 9, 2021)

    Stable - requires android 5 or higher


    • fix: block ads in Spotify-podcasts (thanks to @erawhctim in #5)

    checking for app updates via github is tedious, thus posted it to playstore. From now, updates will be posted to both google play and github. Get it on Google Play

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Ad-silence-v0.2.1.apk(150.64 KB)
  • v0.2.0(Dec 2, 2021)

    Stable - requires android 5 or higher


    • extend support to android 5 & up (previously was 9 & up) in
    • reduce build size to ~150KB


    • fix: spotify last word of ad is not muted (99a102a)
    • fix: Crash on android 12. (ec5df7e)

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Ad-silence-v0.2.0.apk(149.91 KB)
  • v0.1.1(Nov 29, 2021)

    Stable - requires android 9 or higher


    • add: spotify support(f545d83, fb777ef)
    • further reduce app size to ~160KB (fe3ef59)
    • additional ui/ux (a18afb8, 996b72a, 9e8f0cb, 3ee1975, f5f27be, 49f1de5)
    • add: access the app, through notification (a5ca656)
    • add: fastlane configuration (00b541d, 8948070)


    • update: readme (2683404, 963ca81, dd9e7dd, 48af317, 00cca54)

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Ad-silence-v0.1.1.apk(182.57 KB)
  • v0.0.1(Nov 20, 2021)

    Stable - requires android 9 or higher


    • add: exclude app from recents (361b7c9)
    • add: check accuradio is installed (df3b115)
    • add: Granting permission UI flow (a26a85d)
    • add: Enable/Disable Toggle add Preference (d95166e)
    • add: appIcon (d3db59d)
    • add: UI App status (93afe2d)
    • add: Persistent notification (0662bdd)
    • add: enum to handle differnet apps (9360d85)
    • Optimize app size, (down to 900kb) (adedaff)


    • Update (27864c4, 963ca81, ae41243)
    • cleanup (a07cf7f, b4021bd, 04617b5, e9bbf7c)
    • Update Notification Logic (257e6e8, 66ac45e)
    • Update UI to new theme (ff9b67d)

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    ad-silence-v0.0.1.apk(994.71 KB)
    ad-silence-v0.0.2.apk(152.56 KB)
  • v0.0.0-prototype(Nov 9, 2021)

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