This is a open source library on kotlin for Solana protocol.


Solana + RxSolana

This is a open source library on kotlin for Solana protocol.

The objective is to create a cross platform, fully functional, highly tested and less depencies as posible.


  • Sign and send transactions.
  • Key pair generation
  • RPC configuration.
  • Few libraries requirement (Moshi, okhttp3, bitcoinj, eddsa). RxKotlin is optional.
  • Fully tested (53%)
  • Sockets

Support it

SOL: CN87nZuhnFdz74S9zn3bxCcd5ZxW55nwvgAv5C2Tz3K7

  • Expose sendRawTransaction

    Expose sendRawTransaction


    • Adding option to send raw transaction for cases where you already have fully defined transactions. Example workflow where sendRawTransaction is: 1. Request partial signed transaction from a server, 2. Sign transaction as user 3. send transaction.

    Work Completed

    • Added sendRawTransaction function
    • Refactor sendTransaction function to use sendRawTransaction to avoid code duplication
    opened by MirekR 13
  • Feature Request: Change name to work with Jitpack

    Feature Request: Change name to work with Jitpack

    Currently the library cannot be pulled from Jitpack because of the "." in Solana.kt. I've tested on my fork changing the name to SolanaKT and it fixed the issue, so I propose doing that here.

    opened by samdowd 5
  • Add @FieldOrder annotation so Rule classes are minimized

    Add @FieldOrder annotation so Rule classes are minimized

    When digging through the Borsh operation, it became clear that for serializing/deserializing the fields need to be encountered in the same order so the bytes can be read/written properly. Your most recent Rule system really helped formalize making that happen, but I realized that for many field types if we could just specify the order, that would be enough.

    Hence this PR - now you can just annotate the fields with @FieldOrder() and for many classes, no Rule class will be necessary. The rule system still works great for special cases, but hopefully this should reduce the boilerplate needed for most classes. Even the PublicKeyRule could likely be simplified/removed as a result of this annotation, though I didn't do that work for this PR.

    opened by creativedrewy 5
  • Feature request: Make Account() additionally generate mnemonic

    Feature request: Make Account() additionally generate mnemonic

    Currently Account() returns a keypair with publicKey and privateKey. There's already support for reading accounts from mnemonics, should be relatively easy to generate a mnemonic instead.

    opened by samdowd 4
  • Implement MintTo instruction

    Implement MintTo instruction


    • Implements MintTo instruction so we can mint Solana NFTs in Kotlin!
    • This implements a very basic version of MintTo so misses out on some features.
    • I opted for the most absolute bare-bones implementation, but we can add more later as optional params.


    Tests copied from JS tests here:

    Missing features from spl-token JS library

    Reference code in solana-labs/solana-program-library

    • The actual spl-token library allows for an amount ranging from 0 to 2^64 -1. We use Long here, so we only allow 0 to 2^63 -1 (negative numbers will create a valid transaction, but will fail when sent to Solana).
    • Multi-signers are not supported.
    • The program ID is always hardcoded to the SPL token program (TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA).
    opened by nickcruz 3
  • Add ability to setFeePayer, add toString methods

    Add ability to setFeePayer, add toString methods

    Currently Message.setFeePayer is not exposed to the Transaction. It's only used to automatically set the first signature in the list to FeePayer. Acording to the Solana spec, this is a good default but it should be configurable. This PR adds the ability to specify a fee payer. See below in-line github comments for places it may need to be written differently.

    I also added toString methods to all the Transaction components because they made my debugging easier.

    opened by samdowd 3
  • Artifact resolving via Jitpack does not work

    Artifact resolving via Jitpack does not work

    Adding dependency to build.gradle

        implementation "com.github.ajamaica.Solana.kt:solana:1.0.0"

    results in

          > Could not resolve com.github.ajamaica.Solana.kt:solana:1.0.0.
             > Could not get resource ''.
                > Could not GET ''. Received status code 401 from server: Unauthorized

    Is there any other way to try the library without building it locally?

    opened by antonyshchenko 3
  • Annotation Processing Tweaks

    Annotation Processing Tweaks

    I was attempting to consume the deserialization in an app and I kept getting the intentional exception even though the annotations were in the classes I was trying to parse. Basically, the code that was throwing the exception was wrong, but also I think I may have originally had the annotation setup wrong.

    Anyway, with these changes the code works great when consumed by another app.

    opened by creativedrewy 3
  • added change parameter to bip44WithChange private key generator

    added change parameter to bip44WithChange private key generator


    • closes

    Work Completed

    • added a parameter to getPrivateKeyFromSeed to allow consumers to use Bip44 with change

    API Changes

    • added a parameter to getPrivateKeyFromSeed, but provided default value so non-breaking
    opened by samdowd 2
  • sendSPLTokens throws NullPointerException

    sendSPLTokens throws NullPointerException

    I need to send SPL Token with android, so I'm researching this library.

    When I tested sendSPLTokens, it throws NullPointerException.

    I debugged the code, then sendSPLTokens -> fingSPLTokenDestinationAddress -> getAccountInfo with createProgramAddress throws the error.

    Also, I explored your Solana.Swift code, and I found that there are some commits about findSPLTokenDestinationAddress

    Is it related to this issue?

    opened by MountainNine 2
  • Feature Request: Partial Signing Transactions

    Feature Request: Partial Signing Transactions

    In line with Solana.swift, I'd like the ability to partially sign transactions. I'm trying to partially sign the transaction on the device with a remote fee payer (see my PR: then send the partially signed transaction to a JS server that will sign the transaction as the fee payer and submit it.

    opened by samdowd 2
  • Suspended functions for actions

    Suspended functions for actions


    • Suspended functions for actions

    Work Completed

    • close token
    • create token
    • get mint
    • get token wallets
    • send sol
    • send spl
    • serialize and send with fee
    opened by ajamaica 1
  • Exception: Transaction version (0) is not supported by the requesting client.

    Exception: Transaction version (0) is not supported by the requesting client.

    When we try to request block what contains new versioned transaction, client throws exception:

    Transaction version (0) is not supported by the requesting client. Please try the request again with the following configuration parameter: "maxSupportedTransactionVersion": 0 java.lang.Error: Transaction version (0) is not supported by the requesting client. Please try the request again with the following configuration parameter: "maxSupportedTransactionVersion": 0

    How to reproduce exception: In the Methods.TestGetConfirmedBlock change slot number to 169877549L

    It's related to the changes around transaction version, see description for parameter _ maxSupportedTransactionVersion_ -

    opened by MirekR 0
  • Exception while passing own moshiAdapters to NetworkingRouterConfig

    Exception while passing own moshiAdapters to NetworkingRouterConfig

    I need to pass my own JsonAdapter that implements the MoshiAdapterFactory interface to the NetworkingRouterConfig() then it throws an exception as soon as it get used.


    class UserJsonAdapter: MoshiAdapterFactory {
        private lateinit var borsh: Borsh
        override fun create(borsh: Borsh): Object {
            this.borsh = borsh
            return Object()
        fun fromJson(rawData: Any): Buffer<User> = Buffer.create(borsh = borsh, rawData = rawData, clazz =

    Solana initialization:

               router = OkHttpNetworkingRouter(
                    endpoint = RPCEndpoint.mainnetBetaSolana,
                    httpClient = get(),
                    config = NetworkingRouterConfig(rules = listOf(UserRule()), moshiAdapters = listOf(UserJsonAdapter()))

    Exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Expected at least one @ToJson or @FromJson method on java.lang.Object at com.squareup.moshi.AdapterMethodsFactory.get( at com.squareup.moshi.Moshi$Builder.add( at com.solana.networking.OkHttpNetworkingRouter$moshi$2.invoke(NetworkingRouter.kt:68) at com.solana.networking.OkHttpNetworkingRouter$moshi$2.invoke(NetworkingRouter.kt:60)

    opened by tmcyrix 1
  • sendSplToken: invalid account data for instruction

    sendSplToken: invalid account data for instruction

    While sending transaction with original solana address I get this exception, however all params are correct.

    java.lang.Exception: invalidResponse(rpcError=RPCError(code=-32002, message=Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 0: invalid account data for instruction))

    Method: solana.action.sendSPLTokens( PublicKey(tokenAddress), account.publicKey, PublicKey(address), amount.toLong(), allowUnfundedRecipient = true, account )

    opened by kambaroff 2
  • Adding other Solana programs (Mango,Raydium etc)

    Adding other Solana programs (Mango,Raydium etc)

    Hello, i would like to ask you if it is OK to add more Solana Programs in this repo, with full functionality for example of Mango exchange, Raydium exchange etc.

    opened by makarid 1
  • 2.0.0(Oct 25, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • martini/Update SYSVAR Constants to match JS repo by @Funkatronics in
    • Mnemonic Generation with tested HotAccount by @ajamaica in
    • Adding unit tests for Transaction Message compilation and fixing public key sorting issue by @MirekR in
    • Add Suspended Functions and Kotlin Serialization by @ajamaica in
    • Kotlin serializer on sockets and Removes Moshi by @ajamaica in
    • Bump sdk to 2.0 by @ajamaica in

    New Contributors

    • @Funkatronics made their first contribution in
    • @MirekR made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.2(Sep 13, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Use min sdk 16 by @ajamaica in
    • Add ability to setFeePayer, add toString methods by @samdowd in
    • Add readme by @ajamaica in
    • Allow unfunded recipient by @ajamaica in
    • Make the networking router an interface by @ajamaica in
    • Implement initializeMint instruction by @nickcruz in
    • Implement MintTo instruction by @nickcruz in
    • Adds and interface for Account and HotAccount implementation by @ajamaica in
    • Add Pr templates by @ajamaica in
    • Pass correct response type to getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2 request by @esen in
    • update readme to reflect new repo location by @nickcruz in
    • WIP: Partial Signing by @ajamaica in
    • Bump to 1.2 by @ajamaica in
    • New maven url by @ajamaica in

    New Contributors

    • @samdowd made their first contribution in
    • @nickcruz made their first contribution in
    • @esen made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.5(May 13, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix a issue that returns null when data is null on getMultipleAccounts by @ajamaica in
    • Bump tp 1.1.5 by @ajamaica in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.4(May 12, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix error in networking module when falure by @ajamaica in
    • Bump 1.1.4 by @ajamaica in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.3(May 12, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Moshi addapter factories by @ajamaica in
    • 1.1.3 by @ajamaica in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.2(May 12, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add custom rules and adapters borsh as config by @ajamaica in
    • Bump to 1.1.2 by @ajamaica in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.1(May 4, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Make getProgramAccounts configuration public by @ajamaica in
    • Bump 1.1.1 by @ajamaica in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.0(Apr 26, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Remove auth from Solana by @ajamaica in
    • Remove Donation address by @ajamaica in
    • Support getSignatureStatuses by @ajamaica in
    • Bump 1.1.0 by @ajamaica in
    • Solana version update by @ajamaica in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.0(Aug 19, 2021)

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