Android widgets to implement folding animation



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Android widgets to implement folding animation.

Demo video

Sample app

Get it on Google Play


Note: minimum Android SDK version is 14.

Add dependency to your build.gradle file:

compile 'com.alexvasilkov:foldable-layout:1.2.1'

Unfoldable details usage (wiki)

Foldable list usage (wiki)

API reference (wiki)

See sample app sources for complete usage example.

Basic library concepts

Read this blog post.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  • Fatal Exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

    Fatal Exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

    com.alexvasilkov.foldablelayout.FoldableItemLayout.onSizeChanged (

    When doing a heap dump and doing an HPROF I noticed that the memory is not being released on UnfoldableLayout. Eventually there is an out of memory error.

    opened by alsajoo 16
  • FoldableLayout for recyclerview

    FoldableLayout for recyclerview


    I'm getting below error while trying to adding "UnfoldableView" with recyclerview.

    java.lang.ClassCastException:$LayoutParams cannot be cast to android.widget.FrameLayout$LayoutParams at android.widget.FrameLayout.onMeasure( at com.alexvasilkov.foldablelayout.UnfoldableView$CoverHolderLayout.onMeasure( .......................................................

    In activity I'm using like thus-

        gridLayoutManager = new GridLayoutManager(this, 1);

    Thanks in Advance.

    opened by reversecoder 11
  • Issue with RecyclerView

    Issue with RecyclerView

    I get this error when I click items in my recyclerView to open the detailed view:

    java.lang.ClassCastException:$LayoutParams cannot be cast to android.widget.FrameLayout$LayoutParams

    I pass in the outer element in my recyclerView items as the coveView (it's a LinearLayout) to unfold method.

    mUnfoldableView.unfold(coverView, mDetailsLayout); //cover view is a LinearLayout

    Here is my layout:

    <FrameLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent">
       < android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent">
          < android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" />
       <View android:id="@+id/touch_interceptor_view" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" />
       <UnfoldableView android:id="@+id/unfoldable_view" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" />
    opened by hatpick 9
  • double touch has a problem

    double touch has a problem

    Thanks for your wonderful widget. I found a bug. In listview with foldable layout, Double touch( like double-click in mouse button) does not open folder and works wrong. Please check and fix it. Thank you in advance.

    opened by cypark 6
  • I encountered errors when adding some libraries.

    I encountered errors when adding some libraries.

    Hello I encountered errors when adding some libraries to the sample. So what should I do to add these libraries?

    ================================================== ==== Https:// (Https://!description)

    Error: Execution failed for task ': sample: processDebugManifest'.

    Manifest merger failed with multiple errors, this log


    ================================================== ==== Compile 'com.github.jd-alexander: LikeButton: 0.2.1' (Https://!description)

    Error: Execution failed for task ': sample: processDebugManifest'.

    Manifest merger failed: Attribute application @ label value = (FoldableLayout) from AndroidManifest.xml: 9: 9-39 Is also present at [com.github.jd-alexander: LikeButton: 0.2.1] AndroidManifest.xml: 13: 9-41 value = (@ string / app_name). Suggestion: add 'tools: replace =' android: label '' to element at AndroidManifest.xml: 6: 5-34: 19 to override.

    help wanted invalid 
    opened by sadafi 4
  • GitHub code does not run on Android 4.2.2

    GitHub code does not run on Android 4.2.2

    Hello Your Sample in Google Play runs correctly on my Android phone (Android 4.2.2) But the GitHub code does not run on Android (Foldable list works correctly But Unfoldable details , clicking on the items does not happen, and the details Layout not open) Of course, there's no problem with Android devices > 4.2.2

    I need this library. Help me please

    opened by bahmanShahveisi 4
  • How to put a ScrollView inside the details_layout

    How to put a ScrollView inside the details_layout

    I would like to put a scrollView inside the details layout.

    I have disabled the layout from folding back into the coverView, using the setGesturesEnabled(false); method, calling it once the layout is fully unfolded (when rotation == 180 && !mIsUnfolded).

    Now the layout doesn't fold back up except when I press the back button, and if I put a button inside the ScrollView, it picks up the touch. But, the ScrollView does not scroll, even when I try to scroll the ScrollView programatically without touching the screen it doesn't scroll. I did that using this code: Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        scrollView.scrollTo(0, scrollView.getBottom());

    Can you advise me on how to implement a ScrollView in the details_layout please ?

    Thank in advance.

    opened by Meeks91 4
  • Problem on gradle sync

    Problem on gradle sync

    Hi Alex,

    I added your library as submodule and then I tried to run the project and it gave this error

    I didn't make any implementation after I add your llibrary(When I delete your library from project gradle doesn't give any error on run process)

    Error:Execution failed for task ':app:dexDebug'. Failed to run command: /Users/zafer/Desktop/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20140624/sdk/build-tools/android-4.4W/dx --dex --output /Users/zafer/Desktop/AndroidStudioProjects/AydınŞehirRehberi/app/build/intermediates/dex/debug /Users/zafer/Desktop/AndroidStudioProjects/AydınŞehirRehberi/app/build/intermediates/classes/debug /Users/zafer/Desktop/AndroidStudioProjects/AydınŞehirRehberi/app/build/intermediates/dependency-cache/debug /Users/zafer/Desktop/AndroidStudioProjects/AydınŞehirRehberi/app/build/intermediates/pre-dexed/debug/classes-3bc693fe3609e71975c6fef7761714cbe58d5101.jar /Users/zafer/Desktop/AndroidStudioProjects/AydınŞehirRehberi/app/build/intermediates/pre-dexed/debug/classes-7288d1d22233c4bcdea448a282a24043050ad428.jar /Users/zafer/Desktop/AndroidStudioProjects/AydınŞehirRehberi/app/build/intermediates/pre-dexed/debug/classes-94e2aa4d781c859eb16112efbdaeb548fca351ad.jar /Users/zafer/Desktop/AndroidStudioProjects/AydınŞehirRehberi/app/build/intermediates/pre-dexed/debug/classes-c1e650034a5d9a5babc6e51c9a57d4414b0f9d11.jar /Users/zafer/Desktop/AndroidStudioProjects/AydınŞehirRehberi/app/build/intermediates/pre-dexed/debug/classes-f7765d6f23deee9d1dbac0d7190a9f04daa25cfa.jar /Users/zafer/Desktop/AndroidStudioProjects/AydınŞehirRehberi/app/build/intermediates/pre-dexed/debug/classes-fd8f32b2f91882db9822feaf3ea843998f1a3c25.jar /Users/zafer/Desktop/AndroidStudioProjects/AydınŞehirRehberi/app/build/intermediates/pre-dexed/debug/internal_impl-20.0.0-f1f474f4d8e22737dbd108a567cc5c3428b508ca.jar /Users/zafer/Desktop/AndroidStudioProjects/AydınŞehirRehberi/app/build/intermediates/pre-dexed/debug/picasso-2.2.0-b5ffb23592d350d9040a3851702ba413732c65c8.jar /Users/zafer/Desktop/AndroidStudioProjects/AydınŞehirRehberi/app/build/intermediates/pre-dexed/debug/support-annotations-20.0.0-1709d613f71cf537b6d104637edff1ca29e414ab.jar /Users/zafer/Desktop/AndroidStudioProjects/AydınŞehirRehberi/app/build/intermediates/pre-dexed/debug/volley-3ab37249e6479b1dfbb6e1a8f91ff9d7ff6b6865.jar Error Code: 2 Output: UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION: Multiple dex files define Lcom/alexvasilkov/foldablelayout/BuildConfig; at at at at at at at at at at

    opened by zcelaloglu 4
  • FoldableList onClick doesn't return the current view

    FoldableList onClick doesn't return the current view

    When using FoldableListLayout and implement onClick it doesn't return the currently view element instead it returns the next one or some other from the list. I have tested it with sample app and its not even working with that. The view returned in onClick is not what is currently displayed.

    opened by skhanzada 3
  • ScrollView after unfolding

    ScrollView after unfolding

    Great work man!

    Unfoldable details usage

    Please help me on this. After I click on a listview item, the item is expanding -> unfolding to the details layout. Until now everything is perfect.

    But I have a ScrollView in details layout.

    The problem is that I cannot scroll, because if I try to scroll, I get the folding animation -> back to the listView items.

    Please advice.

    opened by tphaseitx 2
  • Need a simpler example

    Need a simpler example

    Hi, the library is quite powerful however the sample is a bit on the complicated side... I get it you want to showcase what it is capable of but trust me, a simpler example would be far, far more helpful...

    I hope it possible for you to put together and release a simple demo source code where some pictures are displayed using arrayAdapter, just a picture collection, nothing fancy,no customized Views. I'm working on your rather complicated example now and ended up have to sift through tons of code and removing unwanted functions one by one.

    Can you please simplify it?

    Furthermore, the instructions on foldableList are way too brief, I have to pretty much figure everything out myself. I'm still trying to figure out if an arrayAdapter will work with the foldableList which takes in BaseAdapter by default? Will there be complications?

    opened by tweedledum909 2
  • ImageView


    It is a great library. But ... it seems that the ImageView must exist. (I may not know it well.) My list item has no images. Is there a way I can use without the ImageView?

    opened by part1 0
  • getting to user defined position other than 0

    getting to user defined position other than 0

    Hello, I am trying to implement this library. The list view is displayed in the android activity when the item in list view is clicked it displays the content related to the clicked list element inside the foldable layout. For that during i have to get to the list view clicked item's content and not to the first content.

    how to make the foldable layout to directly show the 10 or 24th element. Note scrolltoposition is not fit for me to use

    opened by apraveenkumar1197 2
  • loadMore


    Hi, this library is great! This is not an issue. I'm creating a library wrapper for React Native and I wanted to know how hard would it be to add a loadMore to the FoldableList, so when you reach the last item (or a threshold) you can add more items to the list. I'll be more than glad to create a PR for this if I can figure it out how to do this myself


    opened by tafelito 1
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