ArchGuard Scanner for scan Git change history, scan source code by Chapi for Java, TypeScript, Kotlin, Go..、Java bytecode use for JVM languages, scan Jacoco test coverage.

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App scanner

Arch Scanner

CI codecov GitHub release (latest by date)

Requirements: JDK 12


  • scan_git - Git commit history scan
  • scan_jacoco - Jacoco scan
  • scan_bytecode - for JVM languages
    • known issues: Bytecode not support for API analysis.
  • scan_sourcecode - Code analysis
    • SQL Analyser
    • Http Api Analyser
    • Database Analyser
  • scan_test_badsmell - Test code badsmell
  • code_repository - share repository code for scan_bytecode and scan_sourcecode, can be for such as scan_llvm
    • ContainerRepository
    • CodeRepository
  • diff_change - diff change between commits
  • collector_ci [TBD] - collector CI/CD information


scan_bytecode inspired by

languages.json based on with MIT LICENSE.

@2020~2022 Thoughtworks. This code is distributed under the MPL license. See LICENSE in this directory.

  • Design a structured scanner:auto attach language,dynamic load libs,nested scanner

    Design a structured scanner:auto attach language,dynamic load libs,nested scanner

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. No

    Describe the solution you'd like 探针+扫描器

    Describe alternatives you've considered 探针扫描语言和项目结构,判断是否适用该扫描器 扫描器执行扫描(基于接口) 扫描器可以嵌套,例如kotlin嵌套spring嵌套jpa

    Additional context 插件化 pipeline filter模式

    opened by Anddd7 13
  • Multiple dataformat support for output

    Multiple dataformat support for output

    Describe the solution you'd like

    • [ ] output API in csv for analysis in Excel

    Describe alternatives you've considered

    • [ ] create a Data convert in other module

    Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

    opened by phodal 1
  • Look me:ArchGuard 部署搭建 —— help !!!

    Look me:ArchGuard 部署搭建 —— help !!!

    本人小白一枚,最近刚刚接触ArchGuard,在部署搭建过程中遇到一些问题,麻烦大佬们各显神通,救救小菜鸡。 以下操作按照READ.ME进行,如有理解不当,还请大家多多指教。 ArchGuard scanner - scan source code, binary data and othes, and feed to database. ArchGuard frontend - visualization results & dashboard ArchGuard backend - connect scanner and show data.

    ArchGuard scanner


    执行./gradlew :scan_git:run --args="--path=xxx(自己代码仓地址)",出现以下错误

    Starting a Gradle Daemon (subsequent builds will be faster)
    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
    * Where:
    Build file '/5g_build/5g_Main/scanner/diff_changes/build.gradle.kts' line: 1
    * What went wrong:
    Plugin [id: 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm', version: '1.6.10'] was not found in any of the following sources:
    - Gradle Core Plugins (plugin is not in 'org.gradle' namespace)
    - Plugin Repositories (could not resolve plugin artifact 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm:org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm.gradle.plugin:1.6.10')
      Searched in the following repositories:
        Gradle Central Plugin Repository
    * Try:
    > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
    > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
    > Run with --scan to get full insights.
    * Get more help at
    BUILD FAILED in 3m 8s


    执行java "-Ddburl=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/archguard?user=root&password=&useSSL=false" -jar scan_sourcecode-1.1.7-all.jar --system-id=8 --path=scan_git --language=kotlin,出现以下错误

    ssword=&useSSL=false" -jar scan_sourcecode-1.1.7-all.jar --system-id=8 --path=scan_git --language=kotlin
    Error: Unable to access jarfile scan_sourcecode-1.1.7-all.jar
    opened by xuexiansen123 1
  • Data  too long for column 'key' at row 。。。。

    Data too long for column 'key' at row 。。。。

    1、Download scan_sourcecode-1.4.3-all.jar 2、create database archguard 3、start archguard-1.5.1.jar by use java -jar to create tables 4、use java "-Ddburl=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/archguard?user=root&password=&useSSL=false" -jar scan _sourcecode-1.4.3-all.jar --system-id=6 --language=java --path=. to scan soucecode

    appear exception info at last org.jdbi.v3.core.statement.UnableToExecuteStatementException: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Data truncation: Data too long for column 'key' at row 115 [statement:"null", rewritten:"null", parsed:"null", arguments:{positional:{}, name d:{}, finder:[]}]

    opened by yixiuzhemu 1
  • refactor Rule with visitor patterns

    refactor Rule with visitor patterns

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]

    Describe the solution you'd like A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

    Describe alternatives you've considered A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

    Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

    opened by phodal 0
  • Arch as Code

    Arch as Code

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]

    Describe the solution you'd like A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

    Describe alternatives you've considered A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

    Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

    opened by phodal 0
  • Count code complexity

    Count code complexity

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Count code complexity by CLOC tools

    Describe the solution you'd like like

    good first issue 
    opened by phodal 0
  • Code Structure Style Identify

    Code Structure Style Identify

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]

    Describe the solution you'd like A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

    Describe alternatives you've considered A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

    Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

    opened by phodal 0
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