LearningRegex - Parse links from text via RegEx


Parse links from text via RegEx

Supported types:

  • Hashtags
  • Urls
  • emails

Using in project:

import EXPHelper.parseWords

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val data = parseWords(
        "Hello, my name is Boris, i live in #Samara "+
                "you can contact me via email: bgrebennikovv@gmail.com "+
                "Or find me on Telegram: https://t.me/fck_st"+

    // It returns list of all parsed elements like urls, emails and hashtags
    println("Any: $data \n")

    // The WordModel contains a some information, for example you get data with filter
    // This example returns only hashtags
    println("Only hashtags: ${data.filter { it.type == WordType.HASHTAG }}")



Any: [

Only hashtags: [

"startIndex" and "endIndex" means position of chars in original text.

Which types we can use:

Currently it has only three types: Hashtags, Emails, and Urls

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