MercaDeals App
Still a work in progress.
I initially was to use the provided api from Merca but it became a bit of an issue for me because of the language barrier. I ended up using the fake store api,
There are several endpoints that I did not get to use because of time. And I would to explore when time allow it.
The Tech stack I have used,
Jetpack Compose for UI,
Jetpack Libraries
- Navigation - Flow - Coroutines
Coil for Image Caching
Dagger Hilt
Accompanist pager library
Lottie Animations
- I used an MVVM architecture, and I was able to divide the different layers to observe a clean architecture, data, domain, presentation.
I got carried away and as I might not have achieved one or two requirements because of the errors I faced along the way, I hope to finish the app with time. I really enjoyed working on the task.
User Journey
Upon Installation, you will be able to see an onboarding screen, you can continue as a guest, I had a few problems with working with the authentication bit. With internet connection, you willl be able to view the home page. Due to time, there are several partd I wasn't able to finish up on due to time.