Kotlin NoSQL
Kotlin NoSQL is a reactive and type-safe DSL for working with NoSQL databases.
Under development (POC). The following NoSQL databases are supported now:
Feedback is welcome.
To use it with Maven insert the following code in your pom.xml file:
To use it with Gradle insert the following code in your build.gradle:
repositories {
maven {
url "http://repository.jetbrains.com/kotlin-nosql"
dependencies {
compile 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-nosql-mongodb:0.1-SNAPSHOT'
Getting Started
Demo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80xgl3KThvM
Define a schema
object Comments: DocumentSchema<Comment>("comments", Comment::class) {
val discussionId = id("discussion_id", Discussions)
val slug = string("slug")
val fullSlug = string("full_slug")
val posted = dateTime("posted")
val text = string("text")
val AuthorInfo = AuthorInfoColumn()
class AuthorInfoColumn() : Column<AuthorInfo, Comments>("author", AuthorInfo::class) {
val authorId = id("id", Authors)
val name = string("name")
class Comment(val discussionId: Id<String, Discussions>, val slug: String,
val fullSlug: String, posted: DateTime, text: String, authorInfo: AuthorInfo) {
val id: Id<String, Comments>? = null
class AuthorInfo(val authorId: Id<String, Authors>, val name: String)
Define a database
val db = MongoDB(database = "test", schemas = arrayOf(Comments), action = CreateDrop(onCreate = {
// ...
db.withSession {
// ...
Insert a document
Comments.insert(Comment(DiscussionId, slug, fullSlug, posted, text, AuthorInfo(author.id, author.name)))
Get a document by id
val comment = Comments.find { id.equal(commentId) }.single()
Get a list of documents by a filter expression
val comments = Comments.find { authorInfo.id.equal(authorId) }.sortBy { posted }.skip(10).take(5).toList()
Get selected fields by document id
val authorInfo = Comments.find { id.equal(commentId) }.projection { authorInfo }.single()
Get selected fields by a filter expression
Comments.find { discussionId.equal(id) }).projection { slug + fullSlug + posted + text + authorInfo }.forEach {
val (slug, fullSlug, posted, text, authorInfo) = it
Update selected fields by document id
Comments.find { id.equal(commentId) }.projection { posted }.update(newDate)
Comments.find { id.equal(commentId) }.projection { posted + text }.update(newDate, newText)
Define a base schema
open class ProductSchema<D, S : DocumentSchema<D>(javaClass: Class<V>, discriminator: String) : DocumentSchema<V>("products",
discriminator = Discriminator(string("type"), discriminator)) {
val sku = string<S>("sku")
val title = string<S>("title")
val description = string<S>("description")
val asin = string<S>("asin")
val Shipping = ShippingColumn<S>()
val Pricing = PricingColumn<S>()
inner class ShippingColumn<S : DocumentSchema<D>>() : Column<Shipping, S>("shipping", Shipping::class) {
val weight = integer<S>("weight")
val dimensions = DimensionsColumn<S>()
inner class DimensionsColumn<S : DocumentSchema<D>>() : Column<Dimensions, S>("dimensions", Dimensions::class) {
val width = integer<S>("width")
val height = integer<S>("height")
val depth = integer<S>("depth")
inner class PricingColumn<S : DocumentSchema<D>>() : Column<Pricing, S>("pricing", Pricing::class) {
val list = integer<S>("list")
val retail = integer<S>("retail")
val savings = integer<S>("savings")
val ptcSavings = integer<S>("pct_savings")
object Products : ProductSchema<Product, Products>(Product::class, "")
abstract class Product(val id: Id<String, Products>? = null, val sku: String, val title: String, val description: String,
val asin: String, val shipping: Shipping, val pricing: Pricing) {
val id: Id<String, Products>? = null
class Shipping(val weight: Int, val dimensions: Dimensions)
class Dimensions(val width: Int, val height: Int, val depth: Int)
class Pricing(val list: Int, val retail: Int, val savings: Int, val pctSavings: Int)
Define an inherited schema
object Albums : ProductSchema<Album, Albums>(Album::class, discriminator = "Audio Album") {
val details = DetailsColumn()
class DetailsColumn() : Column<Details, Albums>("details", Details::class) {
val title = string("title")
val artistId = id("artistId", Artists)
val genre = setOfString("genre")
val tracks = TracksColumn()
class TracksColumn() : ListColumn<Track, Albums>("tracks", Track::class) {
val title = string("title")
val duration = integer("duration")
class Album(sku: String, title: String, description: String, asin: String, shipping: Shipping,
pricing: Pricing, val details: Details) : Product(sku, title, description, asin, shipping, pricing)
class Details(val title: String, val artistId: Id<String, Artists>, val genre: Set<String>, val tracks: List<Track>)
Insert a document
val productId = Products.insert(Album(sku = "00e8da9b", title = "A Love Supreme", description = "by John Coltrane",
asin = "B0000A118M", shipping = Shipping(weight = 6, dimensions = Dimensions(10, 10, 1)),
pricing = Pricing(list = 1200, retail = 1100, savings = 100, pctSavings = 8),
details = Details(title = "A Love Supreme [Original Recording Reissued]",
artistId = artistId, genre = setOf("Jazz", "General"),
tracks = listOf(Track("A Love Supreme Part I: Acknowledgement", 100),
Track("A Love Supreme Part II: Resolution", 200),
Track("A Love Supreme, Part III: Pursuance", 300)))))
Access documents via an abstract schema
for (product in Products.find { id.equal(productId) }) {
if (product is Album) {
Access documents via an inherited schema
val album = Albums.find { details.artistId.equal(artistId) }.single()