AppRater Library for Android

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UI/UX android java rate


Due to lack of available time to thoroughly regression test improvements, other than translations no pull requests will be merged into this project.

AppRater is a library for Android designed to facilitate easy prompting of users to rate your app within the Google Play store or Amazon App Store. It won't prompt until at least 3 days or 7 uses of the app has passed and if the user chooses to rate later the count will start again.

AppRater inherits your themeing so can be used with light or dark variants as seen here;

Example Image Dark Example Image Light

To use simply add the library to your app and make one call within your onCreate method as follows;


There are several options you can also use to change the default behavior.

You can use the overriden method to specify your own day and launch count parameters. setVersionCodeCheckEnabled or setVersionNameCheckEnabled enable version checking, which will re-enable the prompt count if a new version is installed. isNoButtonVisible will disable the No Thanks button, forcing the user to either rate or prompt later. setDarkTheme and setLightTheme enable manual control over the theme the dialog uses, overriding your application default.

By default this will link to the Google Play store. You can optionally set an alternate market by using;

AppRater.setMarket(new GoogleMarket());

AppRater.setMarket(new AmazonMarket());

You can implement your own market, implementing the Market interface and parse your URI.

If you want to have a "Rate Now" menu option to go straight to your play store listing call AppRater.rateNow(this); within your menu code.

Try out the demo within this repository.


AppRater is now pushed to Maven Central as an AAR, so you just need to add the following dependency to your build.gradle.

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.codechimp-org.apprater:library:1.0.+'


If you would like to help localise this library please fork the project, create and verify your language files, then create a pull request to the translations branch.

Contributing Code

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Developed By

Andrew Jackson

Google+ profile:

Adapted from a snippet originally posted here


Copyright 2013-2017 Andrew Jackson

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  • Extra features

    Extra features

    We would like to use your code in some of our projects but we need some additional and useful features. Followings are the changes that we made in your code -Version check It did not check the version of application so whenever "No Thanks" option is chosen it did not ask again user to rate the app even if the application is updated -Time period and launch period can be changed Now developers can change the time and launch period of prompting dialog -Light or Black theme option for dialog Dialog theme can be changed by developer -Optional "No Thanks" button Developer can change the visibility of "No Thanks" button.By doing this, code guarantees that users eventually rate their applications

    We already test the application with modifications. Regards.

    opened by TTOASLAN 8
  • Show the prompt on the basis of an event count

    Show the prompt on the basis of an event count

    This PR adds in the support by defining a Event limit. Using this event limit, client application can prompt the user with a rate prompt. This would be useful in cases wherein the the logic to show the prompt is based on usage of application features rather than the launch.

    I have currently set the event limit to 5.

    opened by vishal83 3
  • some improvments

    some improvments


    • changed the interval from numbers to a day constant
    • added a constant so that it enables either the use of both the days and lunch count or whatever comes first.
    opened by rmarji 2
  • Bug  #40 fixed: No positive (Rate Now) button on android 5.0 Russian …

    Bug #40 fixed: No positive (Rate Now) button on android 5.0 Russian …

    Automatically checking AlertDialog button positions. When positive button doesn't fit - change layout to vertical.

    Before fix: screenshot_1489422093

    After fix: screenshot_1489422618

    When buttons are normally fitted - no action screenshot_1489472353

    opened by sbystrov 1
  • Prefixed the resources by apprater_ to avoid conflicts with other libraries

    Prefixed the resources by apprater_ to avoid conflicts with other libraries


    I had a conflict between the resources of AppRater and another library (namely Google VR SDK) because they both use the string "dialog_title". To avoid such conflicts, I renamed all the resources of AppRater to prefix them by apprater_.

    I hope it's fine for you!

    I also bumped version number to 1.0.31

    Thanks! Benjamin

    opened by bezineb5 1
  • Can now specify custom package name for testing

    Can now specify custom package name for testing

    When compiling a debug build of your app, it can change the package name which means testers can't properly test this feature. I made a slight modification to allow you to do this.

    // To change package name, just call...

    If no package is set, your default behaviour is used.

    opened by john-crossley 1
  • Minor code refactoring. Russian translation fixes.

    Minor code refactoring. Russian translation fixes.

    Regarding SharedPreferences.Editor.commit() vs SharedPreferences.Editor.apply():

    opened by makovkastar 1
  • Can override package for testing

    Can override package for testing

    @andrew-codechimp When compiling a debug version of your app this allows you to change the package name meaning QA can test this feature correctly.

    // To change package name, just call...

    If no package is set, your default behaviour is used.

    opened by john-crossley 0
  • Bug Fix

    Bug Fix

    when the user used the app_launched method with 3 parameters , version check and some additional features were not working properly because these features were handled in the app_launch method with only context parameter. This bug is fixed. Moreover, with the new app_launched method with 4 parameters now developers are able to customize the regular periods and periods for remind me later option without using the setter functions.It is more user friendly now.

    opened by TTOASLAN 0
  • Badge Badge

    Merge this to receive a badge indicating the number of issues in the ready column on your board at

    This was requested by a real person (user andrew-codechimp) on, we're not trying to spam you.

    opened by waffleio 0
  • improve Turkish translation

    improve Turkish translation

    Hello! We are using AppRater and our Turkish team has brought up that the current text sounds very awkward. They proposed this improved translation. Thanks for your consideration!

    opened by mmartha 0
  • New feature significative event counter

    New feature significative event counter

    Prompting can be showed after some user significant interaction.

    New counter SIGNIFICANT_EVENT and parameter in constructor.

    Function userDidSignificantEvent increase the events counter and show rate promp.

    opened by Narfss 0
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