Is an All in One app for Muslims with lots of features such as Prayer Times & Adhan, Collections of Dhikr and Prayer sourced from Authentic Hadith, The Holy Qur'an, Qibla, Notes and many more!

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Is an All in One app for Muslims with lots of features such as Prayer Times & Adhan, Collections of Dhikr and Prayer sourced from Authentic Hadith, The Holy Qur'an, Qibla, Notes and many more!

Get it on Google Play


  • Setup Github Action CI

    Setup Github Action CI


    • Adding Github Action
    • Android CI Regular build Test
    • Android CI Generated APK / AAB


    opened by amirisback 2
  • Support full height share

    Support full height share

    What kind of change does this PR introduce?

    To support full height heigh share when the content overflows the view size

    What is the current behavior?

    The current behavior is done by clipping the text


    What is the new behavior?

    The full height share is achieved by wrapping the content with NestedScrollView so the full height view can be captured


    I removed the play store image here


    Additionally, I think its best to just remove the Download from Google Play since it would be annoying. Showing a logo is fine, but showing Download from Google Play looks weird.

    opened by andraantariksa 1
  • [Bug]: Main android navigation color inconsistency in dark mode

    [Bug]: Main android navigation color inconsistency in dark mode

    Contact Details

    What happened?

    Main android navigation is sometimes white and sometimes black in android dark mode with follow system theme setting.



    What android version are you seeing the problem on?

    Android 11

    Relevant screenshots and details

    Homepage (the bug is here)


    Setting page (normal)


    How to reproduce bug

    Just open the app using the main android navigation activated.

    Code of Conduct

    • [x] I agree to follow this project's Code of Conduct
    bug good first issue 
    opened by ImBIOS 1
  • Formatted prayerv2 json file

    Formatted prayerv2 json file

    What kind of change does this PR introduce?

    Formatted prayerv2 json file to make it more readable

    What is the current behavior?

    Please link any relevant issues here.

    What is the new behavior?

    Feel free to include screenshots if it includes visual changes.

    Additional context

    Add any other context or screenshots.

    opened by AnAndroidOne 0
  • Formatted prayerDatav2 json file

    Formatted prayerDatav2 json file

    What kind of change does this PR introduce?

    Formatted prayerDatav2 json file to make it more readable

    What is the current behavior?

    Please link any relevant issues here.

    What is the new behavior?

    Feel free to include screenshots if it includes visual changes.

    Additional context

    Add any other context or screenshots.

    opened by AnAndroidOne 0
  • Formatted bookv2 json file

    Formatted bookv2 json file

    What kind of change does this PR introduce?

    Formatted bookv2 json file to make it more readable

    What is the current behavior?

    Please link any relevant issues here.

    What is the new behavior?

    Feel free to include screenshots if it includes visual changes.

    Additional context

    Add any other context or screenshots.

    opened by AnAndroidOne 0
  • Formatted bahasa json file

    Formatted bahasa json file

    What kind of change does this PR introduce?

    Formatted bahasa json file to make it more readable

    What is the current behavior?

    Please link any relevant issues here.

    What is the new behavior?

    Feel free to include screenshots if it includes visual changes.

    Additional context

    Add any other context or screenshots.

    opened by AnAndroidOne 0
  • Formatted english json file

    Formatted english json file

    What kind of change does this PR introduce?

    Formatted english json file to make it more readable

    What is the current behavior?

    Json files are not formatted so hard to read

    What is the new behavior?

    Formatted english json file to make it more readable

    Additional context

    Add any other context or screenshots.

    opened by AnAndroidOne 0
  • Reformat the source code

    Reformat the source code

    Can you please reformat the source code? I saw a lot of inconsistency inside the source code. I reckon every android developer is using Android Studio and it has its own formatter (?).


    opened by andraantariksa 0
  • Ekotyoo/shareactivity


    What kind of change does this PR introduce?

    Bug Fix and Improvement

    What is the current behavior?

    Up button not working and unnecessary use of LinearLayout to create top app bar.

    What is the new behavior?

    Up button now is working and changed to Toolbar view instead of LinearLayout, this will make the styling easier and consistent in the future.

    opened by ekotyoo 0
  • DzikirQu Release 2.6.10

    DzikirQu Release 2.6.10

    What's New

    • Enhanced Jump Qur'an logic, use chapter index to jump
    • Animations when opening note folder
    • Add English version for Daily Reminder

    What's Fixed

    • Fixed crash when opening Prayer from Notes
    opened by wagyufari 0
  • Formatted json files

    Formatted json files

    What kind of change does this PR introduce?

    Formatted json files to make it more readable

    What is the current behavior?

    Current json files are in single line and are not readable

    Please link any relevant issues here.

    What is the new behavior?

    Formatted json files to make it more readable

    Feel free to include screenshots if it includes visual changes.

    Additional context

    Add any other context or screenshots.

    opened by AnAndroidOne 0
  • Quran recital

    Quran recital

    Ref #20

    What kind of change does this PR introduce?

    Adding quran recital feature.


    The Quran recital will be streamed ayah-per-ayah using MediaPlayer stream API, the player might need to be poll & prefetched in some number to avoid network lags.

    The audio stream will be played in a Service. The app will show a notification with the information about the ayah and surah it played.

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by andraantariksa 1
  • Quran Search Engine Improvement

    Quran Search Engine Improvement

    Please Describe The Problem To Be Solved It would be nice and help so many problems I am facing that when I want to search for something not specific or have some typos, I expect to get a result of something near.

    (Optional): Suggest A Solution We could implement semantic search with its AI and typo-safe. It will be expensive in server resources, but it's the only solution to solve this. We can use something like Elasticsearch from API or create a custom for it. I recommend using the API elastic search for simplicity and fast deliverability to the end-user, so we can get user feedback faster.

    If there are multiple solutions, please present each one separately. Save comparisons for the very end.)

    opened by ImBIOS 0
  • Arabic, Manual Location, and Auto Azkar Features Suggestions

    Arabic, Manual Location, and Auto Azkar Features Suggestions

    Assalam alaykom

    1- Can you add arabic language as a language to the interface

    2- Can you add a way to manually select the country and the city without need to provide location permission

    3- Can you add an option to auto azkar like this Screenshot_2022-09-05-19-55-17-108_com android vending jpg و جزاك الله خيرا 🤍

    opened by ahmed-tasaly 1
  • Attach APK to the release

    Attach APK to the release


    Since your app can't be added to F-Droid due to a lot of non-floss components/libraries, would it be possible to add a signed release APK to your releases every time you tag a new release, so that people without access to the Play Store can still download, update, and use your app?


    opened by Poussinou 1
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