NewsAppKt is an Android app designed for searching news using TheGuardianOpenPlatform public web service.
The app allows you to browse for news of any topics. It will display details about news articles such as the headline, release date, author, and section. A thumbnail image will be used as well to give you insight about the articles. Additionally, you can click on any item in the list to read the complete article at TheGuardian website.
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
NewsAppKt was developed using Android Studio IDE so you must install it in your computer before proceeding:
Additionally, this application requires a TheGuardianOpenPlatform API key. Therefore, in order to use NewsAppKt, you will need the get your own API key from: (follow the instructions to generate a developer TheGuardianOpenPlatform API key)
Next Steps
Now you can proceed to clone the project but DON'T START ANDROID STUDIO YET. After the project is cloned and before entering Android Studio, navigate to the project location and create in the project directory a file. You need to add your TheGuardianOpenPlatform API key to this file with the name API_KEY. Follow the example below:
API_KEY = Insert your TheGuardianOpenPlatform API key here using double quotes