Spring Boot Kotlin Domain Driven Design Example
Just an example project where ddd is implemented with some other great patterns and architecture from eShopOnContainers
The use case its just a simple web api who saves notes in a db and send some emails when they are created.
- Spring Boot 2.5.1
- Kotlin
- Domain driven design
- Mediator Pattern
- CQRS Pattern (Commands and Queries)
- Swagger API documentation
- Flyway Migrations
- Multiple Database Vendors (specifically sql server and postgres)
- Domain Events
- Hibernate Validation
- Keycloak JWT User Roles for Web API Validation
- Pipeline Registration
- Dockerfile to create Docker Images
- Swagger Implicit Authentication with Keycloak
Basically you need to create a database(sql server or postgres), keycloak, elasticsearch , kibana if you want data visualization and of course run the project or create and run a docker image.
You can use the Vagrantfile if you use Vagrant in your machine, its nice and easy to use for demo projects, the vm will need at least 3-4GB RAM if you intend to use kibana and elasticsearch.
Its just a demo project , not intended to use in production or following the best architecture, remember theres no silver bullet.