Kmp4free - A Gradle Plugin that allows seamless switching between Kotlin JVM and the Kotlin Multiplatform Plugins


🆓 kmp4free

LICENSE Latest Snapshot CI

Allows you to toggle between Kotlin JVM Plugin -> Kotlin Multiplatform with a Gradle Property kmp4free=true.

This Gradle Plugin was built to support gradual adoption of Kotlin Multiplatform. It's called kmp4free because you are able to take a normal Kotlin JVM module, and with a single line change, enable or disable the Kotlin Multiplatform Plugin.

There is always a risk of adding something new, especially with a large project. The introduction of a technology that is not at a stable version yet can block the adoption of a new technology. The goal of this plugin is to reduce risk to a single line change.

Plugin Installation

Add the Snapshot Repo in your project's settings.gradle.kts

pluginManagement {
    repositories {
        // ...
        maven { url = "" }

Add the Plugin on your project's build.gradle.kts

plugins {
    id("com.handstandsam.kmp4free") version "${latest_version}"


Just replace kotlin("jvm") with id("com.handstandsam.kmp4free") in the plugins block of your module's build.gradle.kts file.

Enabling Multiplatform

You can set kmp4free=true in your or send it in as a command-line parameter to gradle with -Pkmp4free=true.

This enables property the Kotlin Multiplatform Plugin, along with the additional changes required to support seamless switching between the Kotlin JVM Plugin.

Any code in the main sourceSet needs to be commonMain compatible when multiplatform is enabled, otherwise the build will fail about not being able to resolve JVM dependencies. This isn't a bad thing though, as you will then be able to identify what you need to change to make your code multiplatform compatible.

SourceSet Mapping

  • src/main ➡️ src/commonMain
  • src/test ➡️ src/jvmTest

Configuration Mapping

  • implementation ➡️ commonMainImplementation
  • api ➡️ commonMainApi
  • testImplementation ➡️ jvmTestImplementation
  • testApi ➡️ jvmTestApi

When tests are already written with JVM Libraries like JUnit and Google's Truth library, it would be a lot of work to migrate those tests over to commonTest, so these tests will only run on the JVM with kmp4free. Additionally, this task alias means that your scripts that run Gradle Tasks do not have to update either when the plugin is enabled, since the test task will be available.

Task Aliasing

  • :module:test ➡️ :module:jvmTest

Disabling Multiplatform

This uses the Kotlin JVM Plugin, and bypasses Kotlin Multiplatform entirely.

SourceSet Mapping

  • src/commonMain ➡️ src/main
  • src/jvmMain ➡️ src/main
  • src/commonTest ➡️ src/test
  • src/jvmTest ➡️ src/test

Configuration Mapping

  • commonMainImplementation ➡️ implementation
  • commonMainApi ➡️ api
  • commonTestImplementation ➡️ testImplementation
  • commonTestApi ➡️ testApi
  • jvmTestImplementation ➡️ testImplementation
  • jvmTestApi ➡️ testApi

You can set the following properties in your

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Why do I need to use maybeCreate()?

You may typically see source sets defined like val commonMain by getting. Because with kmp4free we toggle the multiplatform plugin on/off, that Source Set will be sometimes be already there, and other times may not be. Therefore we use maybeCreate("commonMain") to avoid the error.

What Configurations are Mapped?

  • api
  • implementation
  • compileOnly
  • runtimeOnly
  • apiDependenciesMetadata
  • implementationDependenciesMetadata
  • compileOnlyDependenciesMetadata
  • runtimeOnlyDependenciesMetadata

Can I use kmp4free on an Android Library?

No. kmp4free is a step in the journey of migrating a kotlin("jvm") module to kotlin("multiplatform") with a commonMain SourceSet without adding any plugin changes when disabled.

The reason why you can't is because a kotlin("jvm") module means you cannot have resources in the res directory, an AndroidManifest.xml and not use Android APIs. You may find that your Android Library doesn't have any of those. If that's true, just convert it to a kotlin("jvm") module, and then you can use the plugin!

See Issue #6 for more discussion on this topic.

How do I configure my Source Sets?

You are able to use jvm or multiplatform style configuration. Note: will want to use the maybeCreate("commonMain") call instead of val commonMain by getting when accessing Source Sets.

That is because sometimes the configuration is there when enabled, but off when disabled. When you are ready, you can migrate away from the kmp4free plugin and start using the standard kotlin("jvm") project with just a jvm() target.

How do I configure my iOS and JS Targets?

You can only apply your configuration IF the kotlin("multiplatform") plugin has been added. That is because this plugin allows it to be on & off.

Look up the KotlinMultiplatformExtension, and if not null (Checked by the ?. operator), you can supply your configuration like this:

import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinMultiplatformExtension

project.extensions.findByType( {

You can find more information in Issue #2. I'm thinking this would be a lambda in the plugin configuration block for each target.

  • Unable to resolve plugin

    Unable to resolve plugin


    I can't seem to be able to resolve this plugin. I've included the custom maven repo as shown in the readme but I get is the following exception when adding the plugin itself to the plugins {} block.

    * Exception is:
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/gradle/configurationcache/extensions/CharSequenceExtensionsKt
    	at com.handstandsam.kmp4free.internal.Kmp4FreeSourceSetMagic.extendConfigurationsAndSourceSets(Kmp4FreeSourceSetMagic.kt:65)
    	at com.handstandsam.kmp4free.internal.Kmp4FreeMagic.enableKotlinJvm(Kmp4FreeMagic.kt:48)
    	at com.handstandsam.kmp4free.Kmp4FreePlugin.apply(Kmp4FreePlugin.kt:25)
    opened by ThanosFisherman 4
  • Java Resources not included from `jvmMain/resources`

    Java Resources not included from `jvmMain/resources`

    @jonamireh reported that if you have a proguard file in src/jvmMain/resources/proguard/, it won't be in the resulting JAR.

    We need to make sure we also map the resource directories over along with the java and kotlin directories.

    opened by handstandsam 1
  • Support JAR Resources in jvmMain

    Support JAR Resources in jvmMain

    Thank you @jonamireh for identifying the issue, and providing the reproduction case. It made it easy to figure out. Also thanks for #13 to fix this. After this fix, it worked when building with kmp4free=true, but did not work with kmp4free=false, so this diff fixes that support when it is disabled and additionally adds in a sample file so I could could test.

    You can see in the debugging lines below, but we need to add it to the javaPluginExtension as well to see the debug output: Added src/jvmMain/resources as Java resources for main where it maps correctly when kmp4free is disabled.

    Fix: We didn't have the support to include resources in the source directory of your src/jvmMain folder. This PR fixes that.


    Screen Shot 2022-09-14 at 8 06 39 AM
    Mapping SourceSet commonMain -> main
    ** SourceSets: main now includes sources from commonMain **
    Added src/commonMain/java as a Kotlin sources for main
    Added src/commonMain/kotlin as a Kotlin sources for main
    Added src/commonMain/resources as Kotlin resources for main
    Added src/commonMain/resources as Java resources for main
    ** Configurations: main extendsFrom commonMain **
    api extendsFrom commonMainApi
    implementation extendsFrom commonMainImplementation
    compileOnly extendsFrom commonMainCompileOnly
    runtimeOnly extendsFrom commonMainRuntimeOnly
    apiDependenciesMetadata extendsFrom commonMainApiDependenciesMetadata
    implementationDependenciesMetadata extendsFrom commonMainImplementationDependenciesMetadata
    compileOnlyDependenciesMetadata extendsFrom commonMainCompileOnlyDependenciesMetadata
    runtimeOnlyDependenciesMetadata extendsFrom commonMainRuntimeOnlyDependenciesMetadata
    Mapping SourceSet jvmMain -> main
    ** SourceSets: main now includes sources from jvmMain **
    Added src/jvmMain/java as a Kotlin sources for main
    Added src/jvmMain/kotlin as a Kotlin sources for main
    Added src/jvmMain/resources as Kotlin resources for main
    Added src/jvmMain/resources as Java resources for main
    ** Configurations: main extendsFrom jvmMain **
    api extendsFrom jvmMainApi
    implementation extendsFrom jvmMainImplementation
    compileOnly extendsFrom jvmMainCompileOnly
    runtimeOnly extendsFrom jvmMainRuntimeOnly
    apiDependenciesMetadata extendsFrom jvmMainApiDependenciesMetadata
    implementationDependenciesMetadata extendsFrom jvmMainImplementationDependenciesMetadata
    compileOnlyDependenciesMetadata extendsFrom jvmMainCompileOnlyDependenciesMetadata
    runtimeOnlyDependenciesMetadata extendsFrom jvmMainRuntimeOnlyDependenciesMetadata
    Mapping SourceSet commonTest -> test
    ** SourceSets: test now includes sources from commonTest **
    Added src/commonTest/java as a Kotlin sources for test
    Added src/commonTest/kotlin as a Kotlin sources for test
    Added src/commonTest/resources as Kotlin resources for test
    Added src/commonTest/resources as Java resources for test


    Screen Shot 2022-09-14 at 8 07 03 AM ``` -------- Mapping SourceSet main -> commonMain ** SourceSets: commonMain now includes sources from main ** Added src/main/java as a Kotlin sources for commonMain Added src/main/kotlin as a Kotlin sources for commonMain -------- Added src/main/resources as Kotlin resources for commonMain -------- ** Configurations: commonMain extendsFrom main ** commonMainApi extendsFrom api commonMainImplementation extendsFrom implementation commonMainCompileOnly extendsFrom compileOnly commonMainRuntimeOnly extendsFrom runtimeOnly commonMainApiDependenciesMetadata extendsFrom apiDependenciesMetadata commonMainImplementationDependenciesMetadata extendsFrom implementationDependenciesMetadata commonMainCompileOnlyDependenciesMetadata extendsFrom compileOnlyDependenciesMetadata commonMainRuntimeOnlyDependenciesMetadata extendsFrom runtimeOnlyDependenciesMetadata -------- Mapping SourceSet test -> jvmTest ** SourceSets: jvmTest now includes sources from test ** Added src/test/java as a Kotlin sources for jvmTest Added src/test/kotlin as a Kotlin sources for jvmTest -------- Added src/test/resources as Kotlin resources for jvmTest -------- ```
    opened by handstandsam 1
  • Should we use withJava() for the jvm {} multiplatform target?

    Should we use withJava() for the jvm {} multiplatform target?

    Do we need withJava() since we are already mapping sourcesets? Not sure. Creating this issue to track this thought.

    val multiplatformExtension =
    multiplatformExtension.apply {
        // Always enable JVM
        jvm {
            // Do we really need withJava()?

    For now, we'll go with just jvm() unless we can see why we'd need withJava()

    opened by handstandsam 1
  • Add resources support

    Add resources support


    This PR adds JVM resources support by configuring the resources property of each KotlinSourceSet rather than adding that to the kotlin property

    Fixes #15

    opened by jonamireh 0
  • Support resources srcDir

    Support resources srcDir

    This was an attempt to fix but wasn't exactly right. See the issue for the follow up work that fixed it.

    opened by handstandsam 0
  • Find a way to optionally apply add multiplatform config.

    Find a way to optionally apply add multiplatform config.

    Tried to figure out an elegant solution to

    It didn't make sense for kmp4free to be opinionated about what multiplatform targets you should use or support. This method allows you to have full control over that, and then it is outside the scope of this plugin.

    opened by handstandsam 0
  • 0.1.1(Sep 14, 2022)

  • 0.1.0(Jul 29, 2022)

    Initial Release. Validated and working with Kotlin 1.6.21 and 1.7.0. See the samples or for example usage.

    Artifacts on Maven Central:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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