~~* missing clipChildren, clipPadding on viewGroup~~
~~* support API23~~
~~* Rendering outside bounds is not visible~~
~~* IsShown == false, view is rendered~~
text replace whitespace letters with something visible
~~try/catch for TextView.getExtendedPaddingBottom()
~~SupportBackStackEntryReflector#getHead() is crashing~~
~Default selection color to nonBlack~
~FragmentManagerReflector.mActive is not a List anymore~
~A8.1 notifications check, they are not visible~
~Add some JSON iface to get rid off GSON direct dependency~
~Add support for GSON, Jackson or maybe other JSON serialization libs~
~IdsHelper#toJson(android.content.res.Resources) still using Gson~
~AnUitorClientConfig support for PointerIgnore~
~Don't show groovy link on view properties if there is no groovy support~
~scroll with a view hierarchy tree to see selected item~
scroll with a view hierarchy tree to see focused item on some time
~add margin into global props~
better tree rendering spacing
~ExtractingContext - more java friendly~
~Activity,Fragment add also info about interfaces~
~ActivityExtractor use fragment extractors in it~
~Extractor avoid inheritance to be able have own injector in the middle of call chain~
Make resources browser content scrollable, xml drawables are cut
~try it during sharing to tv~