An animated circle loading view


Animated Circle Loading View

Download Android Arsenal

A determiante/indetermiante loading view animation. Based on android-watch-loading-animation by Nils Banner.

How it looks




Add AnimatedCircleLoadingView to your layout and define mainColor and secondaryColor as custom attributes:


Start determinate:


Modify percent:


If percent is 100, the animation ends with success animation. On error you must call stopFailure() method, then the application ends with failure animation.


Start indeterminate:


Stop with success:


Stop with failure:


Reset loading:


Gradle dependency

Add repository to your build.gradle

repositories {
  maven {
    url ""

Add dependency to your build.gradle

compile 'com.github.jlmd:AnimatedCircleLoadingView:1.1.5@aar'

Developed by

José Luis Martín -


Copyright 2015 José Luis Martín

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  • Failed to resolve :com.github.jlmd:AnimatedCircleLoadingView:1.1.5

    Failed to resolve :com.github.jlmd:AnimatedCircleLoadingView:1.1.5

    I have Same problem , I have added it to repository but its not working.

    repositories {
        maven {
            url ""
    opened by abhishobhit 5
  • Percent text color

    Percent text color


    Is it possible to add a setter to PercentIndicatorView to get the TextView and set some colors/attrs? public void setTextColor(int color) { setTextColor(color); } ...

    And ofc a setter in AnimatedCircleLoadingView ?

    Or just a getter on percentIndicatorView ?

    Thx, Bastien.

    opened by Siddounet 4
  • Added check and failure mark tint color attrs

    Added check and failure mark tint color attrs


    • Added checkMarkTintColor and failureMarkTintColor to the attrs.xml so one can edit those directly from the xml, maybe this should also be done in code (?) .
    • Changed FinishedView to render the drawable using a LightingColorFilter with the user specified color to tint the drawable.
    • Added a null check when attempting to resetLoading to avoid a NPE being thrown if viewAnimator was not set
    opened by fcouceiro 3
  • Error: Failed to resolve: com.github.animatedcircleloadingview:1.1.5

    Error: Failed to resolve: com.github.animatedcircleloadingview:1.1.5


    All is in the title, I'm trying to use your library, so I added your library in my build.gradle and I got this error. compile 'com.github.jlmd:AnimatedCircleLoadingView:1.1.5@aar' AerWyn81

    opened by AerWyn81 1
  • Please remove android:label attribute from AndroidManifest

    Please remove android:label attribute from AndroidManifest

    Thanks for you awesome work.

    Can you remove the attribute android:label from your AndroidManifest, in fact you don't need one. When you specify this attribute it's hard to apps change their android:label in build time, as you can note in the error above:

    Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processProdDebugManifest'.

    Manifest merger failed : Attribute application@label value=(YVD) from AndroidManifest.xml:21:9-44 is also present at [com.github.jlmd:AnimatedCircleLoadingView:1.1.5] AndroidManifest.xml:13:9-41 value=(@string/app_name). Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:label"' to element at AndroidManifest.xml:18:5-143:19 to override.

    opened by filipebezerra 1
  • Gradle fail to resolve:com.github.jlmd:AnimatedCircleLoadingView:1.1

    Gradle fail to resolve:com.github.jlmd:AnimatedCircleLoadingView:1.1

    Gradle in my android studio failed to resolve AnimatedCircleLoadingView, and there is no search result for AnimatedCircleLoadingView in maven central repository .Why this happened?

    opened by huangxjian 1
  • "Tap view"

    Why are you implemented circle that represent interaction of user with watch? I think it's totally redundant. Anyway - nice work. But removing this circle will be absolutely right choice.

    opened by Apisov 1
  • Showing 8900% on finish

    Showing 8900% on finish

    I have 2 issues

    1. I am trying to use this loader multiple times in same class, the first time I have used startDeterminate() and in other functions used startIndeterminate(). I don't know whether it is the right way or not. My I have 3 HTTP calls and I want to show each progress but in the same class. By doing this it is working but not as expected, the percentage text blinks after 1st call.

    2. When progress is 100% and then it shows tick animation but after 1-2 seconds it shows 8900% text written under the tick.

    Please help, how to deal with it...


    opened by deep1931 0
  • Visibility issue

    Visibility issue

    Visibility was setted "VISIBLE" and "INVISIBLE" so it caused to taking up space it's better to be "GONE" instead of "INVISIBLE"

    opened by Tepehan 0
  • Small modifiy

    Small modifiy

    Hey, I just love your work on this project. After I see that this project is not updated till 3 year so I decided just updated the project :)

    Here what I did in short -

    1. Convert everything to AndroidX
    2. Convert java file to kotlin completely
    3. Added small changes like kotlin counrtines

    I just checked after this small update everthing working fine :)

    Thank you so much for wonderful library :+1:

    opened by SudoAjay 0
  • Is this library working?

    Is this library working?

    I tried the steps mentioned and the loader is not visible. I tried putting the methods inside onResume and onWindowAttached as well. No loader seems to be visible. What can i be missing?

    opened by apexkid 1
  • Colors not found; can not compile

    Colors not found; can not compile

    I have added the layout like in your example:


    Additionaly I added the colors to my color.xml file:

      <color name="background">#65828e</color>
      <color name="main_color">#ff9a00</color>
      <color name="secondary_color">#BDBDBD</color>

    Error: It can't find mainColor, secondaryColor and textColor.

    opened by Sub-Zero-1 5
  • onAnimationEnd never called

    onAnimationEnd never called

    Why this animation listener never called?

     circleLoadingView.setAnimationListener(new AnimatedCircleLoadingView.AnimationListener() {
            public void onAnimationEnd(boolean success) {
                if (success) {
    opened by pratikbutani 0
  • app:animCircleLoadingView_textColor doesn't work

    app:animCircleLoadingView_textColor doesn't work

    Hi, first of all thank you for this fantastic view! I'm trying to use this in my app, but when I change the attribute app:animCircleLoadingView_textColor to another color (white is by default) nothing happens. When I run the app, the text color always is white. My code:

            app:animCircleLoadingView_textColor="@android:color/black" />

    Can you help me? Thanks!

    opened by franyack 0
  • Animation circles are not visible in android versions 6 and higher

    Animation circles are not visible in android versions 6 and higher

    Everything works fine in android versions 4 and 5 but the circle indicators is not visible in android version 6 and more. I think the animation is starting and everything goes as expected but the view for two circles is completely not visible in android versions 6.0. I have tried changing colour also.

    opened by Sree1894 1
José Luis Martín
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