GitHub client for Android based on the abandoned official app



ForkHub started off as a fork of the official Android app from GitHub, and has since seen lots of improvements. You can see a comprehensive list of changes in the change log.

Please see the issues section to report any bugs or feature requests and to see the list of known issues.


This project uses the GitHub Java API built on top of API v3.

It also uses many other open source libraries such as:

These are just a few of the major dependencies, the entire list of dependencies is listed in the app's Gradle file.


Please fork this repository and contribute back using pull requests.

Any contributions, large or small, major features, bug fixes, additional language translations, unit/integration tests are welcomed and appreciated but will be thoroughly reviewed and discussed.


  • Show starred repos

    Show starred repos

    Since version 0.9.1 (commit it doesn't show my starred repos anymore, and adding bookmarks seems impossible (I used the starring function for that, as Github itself describes the starring as a bookmark function). Please add an option to bookmark a repository or reverse this change.

    opened by johanw666 10
  • Not updating

    Not updating

    None of the information is updating. All the other apps do work. Even when I trigger a reload manaully it wont update. I use the latest version from f-droid on my Nexus 5.

    opened by amilopowers 9
  • Android logo instead the new program icon

    Android logo instead the new program icon

    After changing the program icon from the GitHub app to the new one the desktop screen shows the 3D-Android-logo. I would expect the new program logo as the desktop icon. Any ideas?

    opened by auge8472 7
  • Cant see pull requests

    Cant see pull requests

    I've had two pull requests open but none of them show up when I go into the project on the app to look. I see in the "news" section that people been commenting on them but I can't see them when going into pull requests

    opened by TobiasDev 7
  • Open github link in the app

    Open github link in the app

    Referencing github/android#525 ...

    If you click on a link to github, you can select github as the default application but it still opens up in the browser. Have it open up in the app which will allow you to bypass needing to authenticate again. - memphis518

    Just encountered this. Any update? I'm developing an app where I added a 'Report an issue' option that redirects the user to the GitHub issue tracker. Since I have GitHub app installed, I get both the browser and the GitHub app as options to process the link. But when I select GitHub it just opens the browser (which makes the GitHub option redundant). - ADTC

    opened by ADTC 6
  • Update iconography

    Update iconography

    This issue has several components; they can be broken into separate issues for further discussion if needed, but they're all linked, so I'm going to start by grouping them into this one issue.

    First, I think the policy of using strictly GitHub icons isn't the best. I understand it for GitHub-specific concepts, like forks, gists, and bookmarks. However, for other concepts, like "search", "add", "comment", and "save", I don't see a particular reason to favor GitHub's icons over those provided by Google. Both GitHub's and Google's icons are very similar, and using Google's would definitely help the app feel more native to Android.

    Second, all of the icons with name of the form menu_*.png are neither GitHub specific icons, or their modern Material equivalents. We should be able to update these without issue. However, most of them seem to be used only in menu items with showAsAction set to never, so the icons are never actually displayed. These should probably be removed to shrink APK size a bit.

    Third, for the GitHub octicon icons that are used throughout the app, we should update those to include xxhdpi and xxxhdpi sizes and re-render them in opaque white (or black, for the navigation drawer) so that they fit in with existing iconography better.

    opened by nwalters512 5
  • Remove duplicated dependencies

    Remove duplicated dependencies

    Seems like okhttp and support-v4 are duplicated, (see the ones in *), removing dups

    01:08:40: Executing external task 'dependencies'... Could not find ZipAlign task. Did you specify a signingConfig for the variation Release? :app:dependencies

    Project :app

    compile - Classpath for compiling the main sources. +--- | --- | --- +--- com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.5.2 +--- com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp:2.5.0 | --- com.squareup.okio:okio:1.6.0 +--- com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp-urlconnection:2.5.0 | --- com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp:2.5.0 () +--- org.roboguice:roboguice:2.0 | --- | +--- javax.inject:javax.inject:1 | +--- aopalliance:aopalliance:1.0 | --- org.sonatype.sisu.inject:cglib:2.2.1-v20090111 | --- asm:asm:3.1 +--- +--- org.eclipse.mylyn.github:org.eclipse.egit.github.core: +--- () +--- +--- com.viewpagerindicator:library:2.4.1 --- :lib:

    opened by choweiyuan 5
  • Not all search results are shown

    Not all search results are shown

    When I search through ForkHub I get incomplete search results. When I know the issue I look for I have to narrow search request. When I need to see whole results, I have to use web interface.

    opened by KOLANICH 4
  • Improved Intent to Launch Playstore to rate the aplication

    Improved Intent to Launch Playstore to rate the aplication

    When User is Propmt to Rate the Application on Playstore, the Application will launch the Playstore directly instead of letting user to choose browsers (including playstore) to open the link. If Playstore is not installed on the device then, user can choose any browser to open google play

    opened by coder3101 4
  • Disable non-material zoom buttons and enable double tap to zoom

    Disable non-material zoom buttons and enable double tap to zoom

    I removed the zoom in/out buttons, which are not material design (also requested in #214 No. 6), and enabled the wide viewport to allow double tapping to zoom. This also coincidentally fixes #231, and might also fix #67.

    opened by NBonaparte 4
  • F-Droid integration

    F-Droid integration

    Add the ability to read installed app from F-Droid and add an GitHub corresponding page in a ForkHub setting/menu for view informations like source code, problems, ecc.

    opened by ghost 4
  • App crashes when trying to display a PR review requested not from a specific user but from code owners

    App crashes when trying to display a PR review requested not from a specific user but from code owners

    In a Github project that is set to auto-request reviews for new pull requests from all code owners, the app crashes in line 172 when no other reviewer was specified.

    This is because in that case it tries to display a user name, but there is none. event.requested_reviewer.loginis null, so the app breaks.

    This is the log (shortened for clarity):

    2020-02-23 19:05:53.803 29922-29922/jp.forkhub E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
        Process: jp.forkhub, PID: 29922
        java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to read from field 'java.lang.String' on a null object reference
    opened by michpohl 0
  • Support adding attachments when creating or commenting on issues

    Support adding attachments when creating or commenting on issues

    Github seems to have some native way of attaching an image to a post. It would be nice to be able to use it instead of hosting the images manually. (And thanks for creating this great app!)

    opened by zekooooo 0
  • Give thumbs up to comments on issues

    Give thumbs up to comments on issues

    I'd really appreciate the ability to give thumbs up, hearts, smileys and other icons that you can give to other people's posts on issues on the Github website.

    Being only able to login to Github using this program due to a stupid problem, this the thing I miss the most.

    Using Forkhub 1.2.9 (latest F-Droid version) on Android 7

    opened by zekooooo 0
  • ForkHub-v1.2.9(Apr 4, 2018)


    • Add shortcuts for viewing the issue dashboard and notifications.
    • Display reactions in issue and commit comments.
    • Add logout button.
    • Remove repository image from the toolbar.


    • Improve the source viewer for many languages (CodeMirror 5.27.4).
    • Some minor improvements.


    • Improve translations: DE, PT-BR, RU, TR.
    • New translations: PT-PT.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • ForkHub-v1.2.8(Mar 22, 2017)


    • Show the 'reviewed' and 'review_dismissed' issue events.


    • Fix crash when opening the browser in some devices.


    • Improve translations: ZH-CN.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • ForkHub-v1.2.7(Mar 4, 2017)


    • Show repository projects.
    • Show the 'commit-commented' issue event.
    • Make some issue events clickable.


    • Improve zoom in the code viewer.
    • Use the default browser when available.
    • Some minor UI improvements.


    • Improve translations: DE, PT-BR.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • ForkHub-v1.2.6(Dec 22, 2016)

  • ForkHub-v1.2.5(Dec 16, 2016)


    • Show issue reactions.


    • Improve the Issue Dashboard to better reflect GitHub's behaviour.
    • Some minor bug fixes.


    • Improve translations: SV, TR.
    • New translations: PT-BR.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • ForkHub-v1.2.4(Sep 18, 2016)

  • ForkHub-v1.2.3(Aug 21, 2016)


    • Add option to open users, repos and issues in external browser.


    • Improve user and repository search.
    • Some minor bug fixes.
    • Some minor UI fixes and improvements.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • ForkHub-v1.2.2(Jun 5, 2016)


    • Add support for notifications.


    • Improve the source viewer for many languages (CodeMirror 5.15.2).
    • Some minor UI fixes and improvements.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • ForkHub-v1.2.1(Apr 24, 2016)


    • Improve how GitHub links are opened.
    • New UI for the search bar.
    • Use Material Design icons in the toolbar.
    • Add a new event to issues when someone comments the code.
    • Show who changed the assignee of an issue.
    • Some minor bug fixes.
    • Some minor UI fixes and improvements.


    • New translations: PL.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • ForkHub-v1.2.0(Mar 29, 2016)


    • New app icon in proper resolutions.
    • Show starred repositories in the home and user activities.
    • New view for organizations that shows members and teams.
    • Load issue templates for new issues when available.
    • Avatars in the issue view are now clickable.
    • Show if a pull request is mergeable or not.


    • Some minor UI fixes and improvements.
    • Update all icons (Octicons v3.5.0).
    • Private repositories of organizations are now shown.
    • Improve the source viewer for many languages (CodeMirror 5.13.0).


    • Improve translations: KO.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • ForkHub-v1.1.1(Dec 24, 2015)


    • Some code formats where not being properly colored.
    • Show release events in the news feed.
    • Update all icons (Octicons v3.2.0).
    • Don't show references to nonexistent commits in issues.
    • If an issue is closed from a commit, show the commit in the event.
    • Improve rendering of some markdown files.
    • Fix bug that hid files with same name but different case.
    • Some minor bug fixes.
    • Some minor UI fixes and improvements.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • ForkHub-v1.1.0(Nov 6, 2015)


    • Lots of visual improvements, including basic Material Design.
    • Improve information shown in Pull Requests.
    • Open Gist links containing the owner's login.
    • New button to report an issue directly to ForkHub.
    • Use OkHttp as HTTP client.


    • Properly detect all markup formats.
    • Froyo is supported again.
    • Some minor bug fixes.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • ForkHub-v1.0.0(Sep 18, 2015)

  • ForkHub-v0.9.2(Sep 16, 2015)


    • Creating or editing a comment could crash the app on old Android versions.
    • Improve the source viewer for many languages (CodeMirror 4.13.0).
    • Update all icons (Octicons v3.1.0).


    • Improve translations: KO.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • ForkHub-v0.9.1(Jul 22, 2015)

  • ForkHub-v0.9.0(May 27, 2015)


    • Fix bug that didn't allow you to see issues if you are not the maintainer of the repo.
    • You can now edit issues you've created in third party repos.
    • Improve image loading to save memory. This fixes a lot of 'Out of memory' crashes.
    • Use Gradle instead of Maven for compilation.
    • Improve how links are manage and add support for opening new types of links.
    • Improve the source viewer for many languages.
    • Fix duplicated issues when searching.
    • Update all icons.


    • Add forking support.
    • Add support for editing and deleting issue comments.
    • Add support for copying the hash of a commit.
    • Add new swipe-to-refresh animation.
    • Add event information to issues.


    • New translations: CS, IS.
    • Improve translations: DE, ES, EL, IT, IW, JA, KO, RU, SK, SV, TR.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.9.0(Apr 12, 2015)

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