Apollo Agriculture Android Take Home Assignment
Writing Apollo Agriculture App using Android Architecture Components, in 100% Kotlin, using Android Jetpack Components, and in Compose
Add a second screen to the app with weather data for the current location. Use the following initial wireframe we've made:
The output from our weather API looks like this:
"today": {
"lowTemp": 23.36,
"highTemp": 24.66,
"icon": "CLEAR_DAY",
"description": "clear sky"
"tomorrow": {
"lowTemp": 23.63,
"highTemp": 24.9,
"description": "scattered clouds"
"dayAfterTomorrow": {
"lowTemp": 22.73,
"highTemp": 25.14,
"description": "broken clouds"
Feel free to use however you think best in the app, it's also available at https://apollo-web-public.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/eng/android-takehomeassignment/weather.json
so feel free to add an API client.
- Documentation for the API is available in
in this folder. - Use any libraries for Android that you want, but we will need to be able to build your code to evaluate it.
A few hiccups
I noticed the previews are not rendering since I am injecting the viewmodel in the composables. I need to research and find a way to fix the previews. Found the issue here
I am not able to test the Room setup too, so I will ignore the implementation on the app. The reason is, I am using JUnit5 and Roboelectric doesn't support it.
Prerequisites - Unit Tests
This allows us to easily define specifications in a clear, understandable, human-readable way. This framework allows you to describe tests and expected behaviors in a more readable way.
To run tests in Android Studio you need to install Spek Framework plugin (search for Spek Framework).
The UI test run normally, either on a device or an emulator, without any special plugin or dependency.
How it's built
Technologies used
- MVVM - Model View View Model
- Github Actions
- Fastlane
I added some screenshots in the screenshots
folder, in the root directory of the project. Added some GIFs to also show end to end test on the app
Light | Dark | GIF |
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