link eye - kuesji koesnu - 8/8/2021 an android app to browse urls before open try to open a link, select link eye and choose always to start using. you get a dialog when any app tries to open link in external browser. you will close dialog, copy link or open link specific app on what you prefer. ( if you have multiple browser you can select to which browser will open this url ) also link eye adds an entry to share menu. you will get your share link copied to clipboard if you select link eye in here. p.s: you will see screenshots in screenshots directory and get latest apk from app/release/app-release.apk
an android app to browse urls before open
Bug: Link not opening
I been using link eye for past two days, The launching is skipped when opening links from a particular application. The issue can be fixed by opening and closing link eye.
application I am having issue with - NekogramX a telegram client
(feature request) bigger size for options
Hi, love the app. Is it possible to make the icons of available apps bigger/having more space between two apps? a setting to resize or by default , anything would do.
- a grid would be nice too , attaching the screenshots to make it clear.
- a grid would be nice too , attaching the screenshots to make it clear.
Request: Linux version.
Would it be possible you could make a Linux version of this app, preferably not using java language.
I find your Android app very useful, and would like to have an equivalent on my Linux systems.
Thank you. -
use popup instead when opening links
I recently found this app and i really like how i can copy the link. But i think the app entitely showing up on screen is little unnecessary. Maybe you can make a popup instead of opening whole app. I overall like this and looking forward to see it improve. :)
Feature request: auto update applications based on link
This is a request for auto updating the preferred application when the link in the text box changes.
current behaviour :- the applications does not change at all even though the link is changed by the user.
Intercept links opened by NFC tags
first of all thanks for the great app, I use it to prevent accidental clicks on links or if apps automatically open links.
Under "normal" circumstances this works great but when I put a NFC card with an URL on my phone it automatically opens the browser and not Link Eye, even when Link Eye is my default browser. There must be some other mechanism which directly triggers the browser and is not intercepted by Link Eye.
Would it be possible to subscribe to this NFC action and also route it through Link Eye? This would be very handy and also enhances security as right now any web page opens up without any interaction on the phone just by touching the card to the back of the phone.
Exclude shared webpage's title
Currently, when the active tab of a browser (both Chrome and Firefox, from my testing) is shared to link eye, the app receives and shows them in this format:
(webpage title) (webpage link)
This format prevents link eye from detecting the shared link and consequently from showing target apps for that link. These are prevented no matter if a title is shared or not. This doesn't work:
(empty line -- title wasn't shared) (webpage link)
but this does:
(webpage link)
While trimming empty lines is a possible solution, it only works when no webpage title was shared.
Show punycode to prevent phishing
To prevent phishing, it would be nice, when Link eye would also show punycode. So that you can see the difference between https://аррӏе.com/ (punycode version: and Also see
An example implementation you can find in FairEmail Fairemail shows both, the link and the punycode version of the link, if the link contains non-latein characters Like this screenshot shows:
Add an option that saves the default application for opening a link
This feature will be very useful. For example I use NewPipe to watch youtube video, but if I click on a youtube link, it will always open in the browser. With this app I can finally choose to open with NewPipe but it will be nice if this process can be automated.
v1.2(May 27, 2022)
- added checkbox to save or not save current url
- fixed bug at url editing. apps are updated when url changed
Source code(zip)
link_eye.apk(41.56 KB)
v1.1(Apr 14, 2022)
v1.0(Apr 3, 2022)
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