Compose Safe Routing
A small code generating library, inspired by SafeArgs for android, that generates helper code that can be used for Jetpack Compose Navigation Component.
Release Notes
- Removes code duplication when describing your routes and its arguments through out the application
- Helper functions to declare your Routes using
interface - Support for Accompanist Animation/Material libraries
- Helper functions that will allow to obtain passed arguments easily
- Safety during navigation:
always contains arguments your destination needs - Mandatory & Optional parameters
in your project level build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
And then in you app level build.gradle
dependencies {
// or in case you are using animation/material routes from accompanist
dependencies {
kapt 'com.github.levinzonr.compose-safe-routing:compiler:2.3.0'
implementation 'com.github.levinzonr.compose-safe-routing:core:2.3.0'
// or in case you are using animation/material routes from accompanist
implementation 'com.github.levinzonr.compose-safe-routing:accompanist-navigation:2.3.0'
Safe routing serves as a safeArgs
analogue for jetpack compose navigation library. Using annotation processor it generates possible possible Paths And Actions so you don't have to hardcode argument names and names of the routes.
First apply @Route
annotation on the composable that represent a screen in you application
@Route(name = "profile")
fun ProfileScreen() {
/** your screen */
Its also possible describe the arguments for your routes using @RouteArg
annotation. It takes a name and the type of the param.
Currently supported types: String, Int, Float, Long, Boolean
You can also specify whether or not the argument is optional or not. This will determine how argument will be attached to the path and if default value should be used. Note that due to Annotations limitations the default value is passed as String and then casted to the type specifed.
@Route("details", args = [
RouteArg("id", RouteArgType.StringType, false),
RouteArg("number", RouteArgType.IntType, true, defaultValue = "1"),
fun DetailsScreen() {
/** sweet composable code ** /
After you build your project with these annotations applied several files will be generated for you. First one is Routes
, in which you can access all routes with their corresponding paths and arguments Another one is RouteActions
where you can build these paths as a valid destination with all arguments applied. With the examples above this file would look like this
Additionally, an Argument wrapper would be generated for each route, so you can easily access it from either NavBackStackEntry
or from SavedStateHandle
in your ViewModel
This will allow you to declare your composable inside NavHost
more easilly by using NavGraphBuilder
extensions like so
NavHost(startDestination = Routes.Profile.route) {
composable(Routes.Profie) {
composableWithArgs(Routes.Details) { entry, args ->
// or in case you want to process args manually
composable(Routes.Details) { entry ->
object Routes { val profile: RouteSpec = object : RouteSpec { override val route: String = "profile" override val navArgs: List<NamedNavArgument> = listOf() override val argsFactory: RouteArgsFactory<ProfileRouteArgs> = EmptyArgsFactory } val details: RouteSpec = object : RouteSpec { override val route: String = "details/{id}?number={number}" override val navArgs: List<NamedNavArgument> = DetailsRouteArgs.navArgs override val argsFactory: RouteArgsFactory<ProfileRouteArgs> = DetailsRouteArgsFactory }
object RoutesActions {
fun toProfile(): String = "profile"
fun toDetails(id: String, number: Int = 1): String = "details/$id?number=$number"
fun toDetails(id: String): String = "details/$id"}
Details Route Args
data class DetailsRouteArgs(
val id: String,
val number: Int
) {
companion object {
* NamedNavArgs representation for DetailsRouteArgs
val navArgs: List<NamedNavArgument> = listOf(
navArgument("id") {
type = NavType.StringType
nullable = false
navArgument("number") {
type = NavType.IntType
nullable = false
defaultValue = 1