A library that enables Safe Navigation for you Composable destinations when using Jetpack Compose Navigation


Medium Blogpost

Monstar Blogpost

Compose Safe Routing

A small code generating library, inspired by SafeArgs for android, that generates helper code that can be used for Jetpack Compose Navigation Component.

Release Notes


  • Removes code duplication when describing your routes and its arguments through out the application
  • Helper functions to declare your Routes using RouteSpec interface
  • Support for Accompanist Animation/Material libraries
  • Helper functions that will allow to obtain passed arguments easily
  • Safety during navigation: RoutesActions.kt always contains arguments your destination needs
  • Mandatory & Optional parameters


in your project level build.gradle

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

And then in you app level build.gradle

dependencies { 
  // or in case you are using animation/material routes from accompanist
dependencies {
    kapt 'com.github.levinzonr.compose-safe-routing:compiler:2.3.0'
  implementation 'com.github.levinzonr.compose-safe-routing:core:2.3.0'
  // or in case you are using animation/material routes from accompanist
  implementation 'com.github.levinzonr.compose-safe-routing:accompanist-navigation:2.3.0'


Safe routing serves as a safeArgs analogue for jetpack compose navigation library. Using annotation processor it generates possible possible Paths And Actions so you don't have to hardcode argument names and names of the routes.


First apply @Route annotation on the composable that represent a screen in you application

@Route(name = "profile")
fun ProfileScreen() {
    /** your screen */


Its also possible describe the arguments for your routes using @RouteArg annotation. It takes a name and the type of the param.

Currently supported types: String, Int, Float, Long, Boolean

You can also specify whether or not the argument is optional or not. This will determine how argument will be attached to the path and if default value should be used. Note that due to Annotations limitations the default value is passed as String and then casted to the type specifed.

@Route("details", args = [
    RouteArg("id", RouteArgType.StringType, false),
    RouteArg("number", RouteArgType.IntType, true, defaultValue = "1"),
fun DetailsScreen() {
  /** sweet composable code ** /


After you build your project with these annotations applied several files will be generated for you. First one is Routes, in which you can access all routes with their corresponding paths and arguments Another one is RouteActions where you can build these paths as a valid destination with all arguments applied. With the examples above this file would look like this

Additionally, an Argument wrapper would be generated for each route, so you can easily access it from either NavBackStackEntry or from SavedStateHandle in your ViewModel

This will allow you to declare your composable inside NavHost more easilly by using NavGraphBuilder extensions like so

NavHost(startDestination = Routes.Profile.route) {
  composable(Routes.Profie) { 
   composableWithArgs(Routes.Details) { entry, args -> 
  // or in case you want to process args manually 
  composable(Routes.Details) { entry -> 


= listOf() override val argsFactory: RouteArgsFactory = EmptyArgsFactory } val details: RouteSpec = object : RouteSpec { override val route: String = "details/{id}?number={number}" override val navArgs: List = DetailsRouteArgs.navArgs override val argsFactory: RouteArgsFactory = DetailsRouteArgsFactory } ">
object Routes {
  val profile: RouteSpec = object : RouteSpec {
    override val route: String = "profile"
    override val navArgs: List<NamedNavArgument> = listOf()
    override val argsFactory: RouteArgsFactory<ProfileRouteArgs> = EmptyArgsFactory
  val details: RouteSpec = object : RouteSpec {
    override val route: String = "details/{id}?number={number}"
    override val navArgs: List<NamedNavArgument> = DetailsRouteArgs.navArgs
    override val argsFactory: RouteArgsFactory<ProfileRouteArgs> = DetailsRouteArgsFactory



object RoutesActions {
  fun toProfile(): String = "profile"
	fun toDetails(id: String, number: Int = 1): String = "details/$id?number=$number"
  fun toDetails(id: String): String = "details/$id"}

Details Route Args

data class DetailsRouteArgs(
  val id: String,
  val number: Int
) {
  companion object {
     * NamedNavArgs representation for DetailsRouteArgs
    val navArgs: List<NamedNavArgument> = listOf(
      navArgument("id") {
        type = NavType.StringType 
        nullable = false

      navArgument("number") {
        type = NavType.IntType 
        nullable = false
        defaultValue = 1

  • Omit nullable String arguments instead of converting them to

    Omit nullable String arguments instead of converting them to "null"

    When specifying a navigation argument as a String type, optional the parameter is still appended with a string "null" instead of being ommitted in the route.

    Is this expected or would this be an enhancement to work on?

    opened by ChristianOrgler 10
  • can we generate Generating Route Actions just like how Room db generates Database.

    can we generate Generating Route Actions just like how Room db generates Database.

    So the idea is RouteActionsis an abstract class which takes NavHostControlleras contructorparameter.

    The user needs to extend this classs

    AudioNavActions: RouteActions(controller: NavHostController){

    Now we must provide each root what class it belongs like

        name = "Library",
       class = AudioRouteActions::class

    Two isues with your current implementation can be solved with it.

    • Your current implementation currently genereates single implementation. which makes code messsy if you are dealing with Nested Graphs.
    • Secondly; it just generates routes not navigates to them.
    • Thirdly, I suggest insetead of overloading methods you shoud use default parameters.
    opened by prime-zs1 5
  • Route not generated for composable with a

    Route not generated for composable with a "Dp" parameter

    No route was generated for my composable when it looked like this:

    @Route(name = "profile")
    fun ProfileScreen(bottompadding: Dp) {}

    Removing the "Dp" (androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp) parameter meant that the route was correctly generated

    I ended up swapping out that parameter for a PaddingValues parameter, and that works fine

    opened by Ezard 5
  • GraphRoutes package

    GraphRoutes package

    During developing our project in couple developers we recognize that is some bug with generating {GraphName}GraphRoutes class. For different developer this class has different package location, so often we have conflict in git. Avery of us have the same versions of code. For example out main package is: com.example.app, and we Create some screen: Splash, Login, Register: com.example.app.splash.Splash com.example.app.auth.Login com.example.app.auth.Regster For all of this screens we are using @Route(name = "NAME_OF_SCREEN")

    For me, lib will create classs MainGraphRoutes in com.example.app.splash.MainGraphRoutes, but for next developer it will be com.example.app.auth.MainGraphRoutes.

    Is any way to define in which package MainGraphRoutes should be generated?

    opened by grabos 4
  • error KAPT version 2.5.2

    error KAPT version 2.5.2

    java.lang.Exception: Error while processing annotations: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: NavGraph [main] has no start route specified

    use for initialize navgraphSafeRouteNavHost

    opened by hidayat05 1
  • RouteAction for BottomSheet with argument

    RouteAction for BottomSheet with argument

    sample generated RouteActions

    object RoutesActions {
       * Builds an action to "transaction_status" route
      fun toTransaction_status(status: String): String = "transaction_status/$status"  --> should transaction_status?status={status}

    there should be a differentiator for Route bottomsheet. Thanks.

    opened by hidayat05 1
  • Automatically create NavHost

    Automatically create NavHost

    Hi, thanks for your library, this is very much missing from the official compose navigation library.

    I still quite don't understand the way the routes are set up in Navigation Compose, but it seems to me that there is still an unnecessary step when creating the NavHost composable.

    NavHost(navController = navController, startDestination = MainGraph.route) {
        navigation(LoginGraph) {
            login { LoginScreen(navController) }
        navigation(MainGraph) {
            camera { CameraScreen(navController) }
            home { HomeScreen(navController) }
            item { ItemScreen(navController) }
            profile { ProfileScreen(navController) }

    Since all Screens are already annotated with the @Route annotation providing all the information needed, isn't it possible for this library to generate the whole NavHost composable without having to add new screens to it manually every time?

    Sorry if I'm missing something.

    opened by cvb941 5
  • 2.5.3(Aug 11, 2022)

  • 2.5.2(May 29, 2022)


    Configuring SafeRoute

    If you want to customize and/or adjust the way SafeRoute works you can do so by passing arguments to the processor.

    Default Package name

    Some files, such as MainGraph, generated by SafeRoute are generated without specific relation to the package name. Their package name is based on the first element the processor encounters, which is not always ideal and can lead to unintended behaviour To fix this, you can specify the defaultPackageName where files like these will be placed

    kapt {
        arguments {
            arg("safeRoute.defaultPackageName", "cz.levinzonr.saferoute.navigation")
    ksp {
        arg("safeRoute.defaultPackageName", "cz.levinzonr.saferoute.navigation")
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  • 2.5.1(May 20, 2022)

  • 2.5.0-beta02(Apr 23, 2022)

    KSP Support

    From version 2.5.0 Safe Route now has the support for Kotlin Symbol Processing (KSP). The API is the same so the migration should be more or less painless (considering you already using 2.5.0-X version), however, the imports might change. Here is how to get started.

    This is a pre-release based on the 2.5.0-beta01, make sure to also check whats new in beta01 release here

    ⚠️ If you dont want to use KSP you can still use KAPT, KAPT support is not going anywhere :). However in order to keep the modules name aligned, compiler artifact was renamed into processor-kapt


    Add KSP Plugin (if you haven't already)


    plugins {
        id  "com.google.devtools.ksp" version '"1.6.10-1.0.3" // 


    plugins {
        id("com.google.devtools.ksp") version "1.6.10-1.0.3" // Depends on your kotlin version

    Add KSP Build Directory to your source sets (if you havent already)


    applicationVariants.all { variant ->
        kotlin.sourceSets {
            getByName(variant.name) {


    applicationVariants.all {
        kotlin.sourceSets {
            getByName(name) {

    Add Safe Route KSP Processor

    The final step would be to add a new dependency (if you've been using kapt processor you can now remove it) and build the project and fix some imports

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  • 2.5.0-beta01(Apr 10, 2022)

    Disclaimer ⚠️

    This update is quite big in terms of introducing new logic and deprecating the logic that was here since the beginning. Thus, I'd like to gather as much feedback as possible and encourage you to open issues in case you have any suggestions regarding newly introduced stuff. I'm also making this update as beta as there are things I would like to make it in full 2.5.0 and so there is somewhat of a breathing room in case of any feedback :) Thanls!

    NavGraph Support

    Version 2.5.0 introduces support to the Navigation Graphs so you can structure your routes in a more concise way. By default, all your current routes will be a part of the "Main" Graph - the default graph all route annotations have, and, since all NavGraphs need to have a starting point, you need to declare of your routes to be a "start", otherwise the build may fail

        transition = AnimatedRouteTransition.Default::class,
        navGraph = RouteNavGraph(start = true)

    Defining Custom Graphs

    If you want to define your graph you can simply set another graph name and set a starting route for it

        name = "PokemonList",
        transition = FadeInFadeOutTransition::class,
        navGraph = RouteNavGraph("pokedex", start = true)

    This will generate a new file and called PokedexGraph and PokedexGraphRoutes which you can you for navigation or declaration, like so

    navigation(PokedexGraph) {
        pokemonList {
            // Composable content()
    and navigation

    New Navigation APIs and Deprecation of the Old Ones

    RoutesActions.kt were deprecated in favor of the invoke operator that is a part of RouteSpec. We've added another navController extension navigateTo() that can be used together with it. This results in one less generated file and more straightforward usage. NavController+Routes.kt will also be deleted in the future releases

    2.4.X - Old behaviour


    2.5.0 - New behavior


    Router API

    2.5.0 Introduces new component called Router, which is basically a wrapper around your usual navController, but is specifically built to handle navigation using the newly introduced extensions. It is also an Interface, which means it would be easier to test your composables. Router can be accessed from Composition Local and used as so:

    val router = LocalRouter.current

    Deprecation of Routes.kt

    Routes.kt is now also deprecated since we've introduced the navigation graphs which allow you to structure in a similar fashion but in a more logical and flexible way. By Default, all your Routes will be a part of the MainGraphRoutes.kt so the migration should be fairly simple. Every new graph will hold its own set of Routes.

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  • 2.4.0(Feb 21, 2022)

    2.4.0 Release Notes

    Introducing RouteTransitions

    You can specify the desired transition using route builder.

    route(Routes.Details, DefaultRouteTransition) { /* content */ }

    You can also specify the desired transition right inside the @Route annotation like so. Doing so will allow you to use the generated route builder in your NavHost

    		name = "HomeScreen"
        transition = AnimatedRouteTransition.Default::class
    // then you can use the generated route builder
    NavHost {
       homeScreen {
         val viewModel = hiltViewModel()


    • name property of @Route annotation is now optional. By default it will take the name of the composable
    • Navigation Compose version upated to 2.4.1
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  • 2.3.2(Feb 18, 2022)


    • Skip generating multiple route actions for routes with optional arguments (#19)

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/levinzonr/compose-safe-routing/compare/2.3.1...2.3.2

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  • 2.3.1(Dec 7, 2021)


    • #14 - Add :at:null default value for the optional and nullable params, which can be later extracted as proper nulls instead of the "null" string text
    • Fixes an issue with providing default String values
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  • 2.3.0(Oct 31, 2021)

    New RouteArgs API

    RouteArgs are now more easily accesseble using CompositionLocal APIs. Using that approach there is no need to pass you arguments down the tree as they will be accessible for you entire Route. Plus, its way more convinient than deailing it NavBackStackEntry directly.

    // OLD 2.2.X
    composable(Routes.Details) { entry -> 
      val args = RouteDetailsArgsFactory.fromBackStackEntry(entry)
      DetailsScreen(args = args)
    // NEW 2.3.0
    composable(Routes.Details) {
      val args = LocalDetailsRouteArgs.current
      DetailsScreen(args = args)
    // Or, retrieve it elsewhere :)
    composable(Routes.Details) { DetailsScreen() }
    DetailsScreen() {
      val args = LocalDetailsRouteArgs.current
      // also available through RouteSpec extension
      val args = Routes.Details.currentArgs

    DeepLinks Support

    SafeRoute now can handle the DeepLinks for you. Simply provide the deep link param for the desired Route and thats it. Any parameters you expecting being passed through the deeplink will be handled by the RouteArgs API as well, if they have the same names

        name = "details",
        args = [ RouteArg("id", String::class, isOptional =false)],
        deepLinks = [RouteDeeplink("app://deeplink/{id}")]
    fun DetailsScreen() {
      // deeplink args will aslo be here
      val args = LocalDetatailsRouteArgs.current

    Dialogs support

    You can add use SafeRoute with dialogs.

    fun NavGraphBuilder.mainGraph() {
      dialog(Routes.Popup) { Popup() }
      composable() { HomeScreen() }

    API changes

    *withArgs extensions

    composableWithArgs and other *withArgs extensions have been deprecated in favor of CompositionLocalRouteArgs APIs

    New Annotations

    New Annotations with the same name were created inside the :core module to facilitate future development and introduce new features. Old annotations are now deprecated and will still work, however, some new features might be missing

    Migration steps

    1. Replace occurrences of cz.levinzonr.saferoute.annotations.RouteArg with cz.levinzonr.saferoute.core.annotations.RouteArg

    2. Replace occurrences of cz.levinzonr.saferoute.annotations.Route with cz.levinzonr.saferoute.core.annotations.Route

    3. Argument types are now specified using KClass<*>, list of supported types has not changed

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  • 2.2.0(Oct 20, 2021)

    NavController Extensions

    RouteActions are now available through the extensions of the navController.

    // 2.1.X
    // 2.2.0

    Dependencies Updates

    • Update Navigation Compose to 2.4.0-alpha10
    • Update Accompanist to 0.20.0
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  • 2.1.0(Aug 22, 2021)

  • 2.0.0(Aug 18, 2021)

    2.0.0 Release Notes

    NavGraphBuilder Extensions

    The library now provides multiple extension function that you can use to declare your Routes


    composable(Routes.screen.path, RouteSpec.screen.navArgs) { entry ->
       val args = ScreenArgs.fromBackStackEntry(it)


    composable(Routes.Screen) {
       val args = ScreenArgsFactory.fromBackStackEntry(it)
    // or, in case you dont want to handle arguments manually
    composableWithArgs(Routes.Screen) { _, args
       // you screen             

    Minor changes

    • Custom NavHost() that can accept the RouteSpec
    • navigation() builder

    Breaking Changes


    Annotations were moved to the different package. This can be fixed quicky by using find and replace from cz.levinzonr.router.core to cz.levinzonr.saferoute.annotations


    import cz.levinzonr.router.core.Route
    import cz.levinzonr.router.core.RouteArg
    import cz.levinzonr.router.core.RouteArgType


    import cz.levinzonr.saferoute.annotations.Route
    import cz.levinzonr.saferoute.annotations.RouteArg
    import cz.levinzonr.saferoute.annotations.RouteArgType

    Retrieveing Arguments

    Static functions of Args were replaced with arguments were replaced with ArgsFactories. fromBackStackEntry() is now an extension function




    SomeRouteArgsFactory.fromBackStackEntry(entry) -- an extension, using fromBundle() under the hood

    Generated Files

    • RouteSpec.path renamed to RouteSpec.route

    • RouteSpec.route now is always capitalised

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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